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Thread: Need Advice on Dealing with Single member Squads

  1. On the way to greater things
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    I have a few horrible bot stories. Bill seems to be the worst bot to play with, He sucks so bad and always gets me in trouble.

    I was trying to get the acheivment of sneaking past all witches in the suger mill, i got down the elevator, and was almost to the safe room, when the dummies Nick, Rochelle and Coach decide to squeeze there way into the little cabin, the witch was right in front of it, and fight over pills and disturbed the last witch. They couldn't just grab the pills and leave, nooo, they had to hover around her like they were having a sezure and didn't know where to go.

    I was playing Crash Course on Expert and stupid bill startled the witch. I once was hanging from the building near the crane, and needed to be helped up, and stupid zoey, louis and bill were trying to jump through the window in order to get me, instead of just moving to the side of the building. They couldn't get up the window and I fell. Rochelle once got boomed on, and instead of just staying there, or going in a corner, she actually started running to FIND ZOMBIES to shoot! lol. there were none around, and i guess she wanted a fight.

  2. On the way to greater things
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmonger256 View Post
    BH2, before the cresendo event. I was leading the group when I heard a smoker behind us and stopped. I stood guard looking for the smoker when I looked behind me and find the bots racing for the peels in a medicine cabinet in the room with the cresendo door. The smoker made his move and pulled me. I thought "well there's no horde or anything to distract these retards so I guess they'll just run up here and rescue me" but they didn't. In fact, they were too preoccupied with the peels :cc: that they just stood there and Louis with the 50hp ate the pills. He even closed the door behind him (where a great view of me being facepwnd by a smoker can be seen) and began saying, "We ready?". I got incapped and for a bit I can see Zoey running backwards to my direction and meleed the smoker off me. OF course, I was down and grabbing my autoshotgun, blasted shots at Louis until he's dead. 2 dumb bots are better than three i suppose.

    ROFL, omg that's hysterical. No offense.

  3. Feet under the table
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    More like 'what's an AI bot's human player horror story'?

    Louis: There was me, Zoey and Francis at the Rooftop Finale on No Mercy playing with a human player called Dallow. We were on normal setting and doing pretty bad. I got incapped but Zoey revived me and gave me some peelz. By the time the rescue vehicle arrived, we were all in the red, except Dallow who was still green and already in the chopper. Just as we climbed the stairs to the helipad, dodging tanks and so forth, Dallow throws a molotov setting all three of us on fire. We died and Dallow was the only survivor.

    I can still hear him laughing now as the chopper took off. If it was up to me I'd never play with that sonofabitch again.
    Exorcising demons with a creative touch

  4. Zombie Cat
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    I have got a few:
    1.It was L4D2(they are dummer than the originals) and part of it was my fault. The second tank came and I thought it was the one that comes when the rescue vehicle does, and I threw boomer boul hoping to distract the regular infected and the tank.Anyways the tank incapped two bots and rochele tried picking them up. While that was happening a jockey tried making a baby with my face(I tried telling him I was a dude and that my face was definately the wrong place but he didnt listen) and rochele made no atempt to protect me from becoming a rape victim. And earlier during the concert they made no attempt to heal, and normaly they cant wait to use a health pack or pillz.

    2.In L4D1 Death Toll, Louis for some reason got stuck on the edge of the bridge floating in mid air, and he got smokker 3 times during all of that. Then once the other bots and I got to the under ground room under the tunnel I notice Louis'es life dropping dramatically. So I go where his he. I cant find his blue outline anywhere, then I see the other two going back and I think Louis I am gong to kill yo ass.

    3. IN survival mode the bots mke no attempt ot heal what so ever. I end up be ing the last thing left alive then get smokered.

    Tell me if you thought the jockey baby thing was funny.

  5. On the way to greater things
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    My fave was while playing a campaign with a friend, Death Toll, in the town. The director spawned a witch on the roof of one of the buildings, a place where only SI's spawn. We laughed, walked on then 2 seconds later "Zoey disturbed the witch". She some how got up on the roof and got mauled. The other bot tried in vain to come to her rescue. I could nearly hear him saying, "how did she get up there?!!". What is it with Zoey and the witch? Its always her, even when its impossible!

  6. Banned
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    The Parish Finale on Expert. Almost off the bridge. Steered off by Jockey. Nick and Coach (Rochelle is dead) rush up to me and 360 spin off the bridge. Takes me another 4 hours to do it.

  7. Junior Member
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    Played on expert by myself on no mercy cuz im retarded after starting up the generator and opening the shutter we ran upstairs n i ran into a witch scared her and she attacked i ran backwards out the door thinking they would help but my last bit of eyesight saw them all meleeing an open door. i killed them all when i spawned and shut my xbox off muttering i would never play it l4d again cuz of the stupid ai to come back an hour later and start it up again

  8. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by JCLFJanet View Post

    So, cheer me up, people! Tell me YOUR bot horror story!
    No Mercy chapter 2, the subway station. I was playing on my own with three bots and I had just gone through the train to the bit where you sometimes get weapons on the table and you go left up the stairs. Well I got Hunter'd on the tracks, and what happened? The three AI that I was playing with simply ran around and over me, repeatedly until I was dead. I've seen it happn quite a few times. Let's just say I wasn't happy. I wish I could kick the three AI bots. Lol.
    [s]L4D - PC & Xbox 360[/s]
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  9. Just getting started
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    no one loves bill

    i was bill playing on dead air the 1st chapter as i got throught the greenhouse i wa walking across that little wooden bridge and a smoker pullded me of the side and hanged on , not only did they not shoot the smoker in plain sight but they stayed faceing straight meleeing the air , when they finally moved to melle the tongue not shoot the walked of the biuldingand died ,, now as you can tell i was pissed of by now by these dumb bot retards

  10. On the way to greater things
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    When I was playing Left4Dead's "No Mercy" campain, I was playing on Easy and got on top of a truck. Of course, expecting the bots to follow, I wait until a Hunter suddenly jumps on me. Instead of the bots attempting to save me from a horrible death, they were more worried about how to get onto the truck... i died. :/

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