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Thread: Maybe I was wrong about the Voss

  1. A Banhammer With Rainbows
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    sometimes the bots are unable to pick you up off of a ledge, its a terrible glitch and it really needs to be fixed.

    (they usually dont pick you up from the elevator shaft in nm5. try it out sometime. its awful. - on the 360, idk about pc)

    jdog_pwnd_you: I worship you.

  2. Junior Senior Member
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    I hope L4D2 dosen't have these kind of glitches. 3 months till L4D 2

  3. I've done my time
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kate View Post
    I hope L4D2 dosen't have these kind of glitches. 3 months till L4D 2
    When that day comes, the boycotters can rot in hell. Viva la L4D2!!
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    Everything that bots do annoys me.

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    I don't like bot behaviors in general, but I do wish Valve would make the bots more helpful to the player. For example, if mutliple characters are downed, the bot should always help the human character up first, since they obviously have the best judgement.

    I would also like a bot behavior switch that could allow us to tell bots how to behave. for example, we could set who the bots should get up first, when the bots should heal (green, red, yellow, after first down, or after second down), when the bots should take pills, and so on.

    these basic laws could be selected before a campaign level perhaps, or selected in the lobby before the game begins.
    When the talking ducks enslave us all, we will finally get our happy baskets of pudding.

  6. Junior Member
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    ^ that would be a nice feature.

    I sort of remember something similar that...I think it was Ghost recon??

    Where you can bring up the map and tell your bots where to go, and what to do once there. Say I wanted my bots to go to a certain point on the map, I click that section and the bots would move out, then you could tell them to attack only if attacked, defend only or to be more aggressive.. you could even expand a visual cone on the map that represents which way you want your bots to face or defend. I think that was Ghost Recon (I've played to many games over the years to remember.)

    I think that would be awesome in a game like L4D. only problem I see it it would take precious time to set that up and most of the time it is to hectic to organize like that in this game. But, in a final I think it would be very useful.

    But having something like you described where you can preset certain "rules" the bots must follow would greatly help in the long run.

  7. A Banhammer With Rainbows
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    I really like that idea!
    it would take time,
    but in the end I think the pros would outweigh the cons.
    especially if you could have bots use throwables.
    that would make single player SO much more enjoyable.

    or you could have an army of gas can carrying fools and create a sea of fire... lol

    jdog_pwnd_you: I worship you.

  8. On the way to greater things
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Pwnage View Post
    I really like that idea!
    it would take time,
    but in the end I think the pros would outweigh the cons.
    especially if you could have bots use throwables.
    that would make single player SO much more enjoyable.

    or you could have an army of gas can carrying fools and create a sea of fire... lol
    It would be so hard to program bots to weigh out decisions for throwables. If nothing else, have them pick them up and hand them off to you later. That'd be easy as hell to do and I'm sure the players would love it.

    Also I'd like to see something like a selectable menu in L4D2 for individual bots similar to


    Use medkit on survivors
    60-80, 40-59, 20-39, 1-19, after incap, after incap into black and white

    Preferred throwable
    Molotov, Pipebomb

    Preferred weapon
    Uzi, Shotgun
    Automatic Shotgun, Hunting Rifle, Assault Rifle
    Chainsaw, Frying pan, Fireaxe

    These I feel would ALL help the player tremendously and cut down on frustration a ton, and the programming for some of them would be very basic. Healing would be pretty simple, especially. Something along the lines of If character health <80 and >60, heal = yes. Bang. Done. Frustration OVAH!

    Edit: Or maybe a "give" button. Like for PC, if you need a heal you'd hit "give" 4, or for an explosive that they picked up and you need it, hit "give"... 5? I've never played PC, haha. Maybe it's 3. But I think that'd be good too.

  9. Zombie Cat
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    i like it, but most of the time i play with humans, but for the offline players its svveeeet
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  10. Community Staff
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    The only one thing that truly frustrates me to no end is teleporting. Too many times has my team incapped someone where the survivors couldn't go and rescue their team mate only to have the bot pull a rabbit out of his ass and manage to instantly appear to the downed survivors.

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