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Thread: Help Me Understand

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Help Me Understand

    For a long time I have been wondering what some players are thinking on maps like Wake. How many times do you see a guy who hasn't even squaded up run for a jet that he tries to stay in for the whole round? There should be some basic rules pertaining to jets in the early rounds of certain maps. Jets go to squad leading bailers ONLY. Can I get an AMEN from anyone?

  2. Registered TeamPlayer Ranger10's Avatar
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    Re: Help Me Understand

    I think jets should be used on maps like Wake for quick insertions. Once the infantry has a foothold, then the pilots can take over.

    That's something that should be coordinated with the commander so everyone is on the same page in the beginning.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer Kelderos's Avatar
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    Re: Help Me Understand

    If you don't jet bail on wake your team almost never gets to land on this server, and if they do its the north places and we don't even wanna talk about how bad those flags suck to have. You lose more tickets when you take one over than you do sitting on the carrier.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer Sly's Avatar
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    Re: Help Me Understand

    I'm with you Manno. It's not a bad idea on wake to not squad up until you see who gets the jet. Pilot creates squad, then members join and hold thier spawn until sl is ready. If you have same squad round after round like you do coordinate this and who ever gets jet is sl.
    Glad to see you here on a regular basis. You are an excellent teammate and I always look forward to squading up with you.
    The artist formerly known as SlytherN

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    Re: Help Me Understand


    I've been preaching this for years if not months, pray tell, whatever made you think of that?

  6. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Help Me Understand

    Since this is the most Team Player oriented server I have played should almost be a rule. "Don't hog jet time on Wake". We should even expand it on the American side to the American second heli pad right away on Dalian Plant of for the center heli spawn point on Zatar Wetlands. I can't tell you how many times I see choppers or planes go right past these critical bases to get some ridiculously useless spawn point.

    I hope this helps some players think about the team concept a little. I think I have squaded up with everyone who has posted on this subject already...there is a reason why.

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    Re: Help Me Understand


  8. Registered TeamPlayer w4jchosen's Avatar
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    Re: Help Me Understand

    Not that I contributed to Manno's idea, but we worked this plan on Wake yesterday while I was commanding and obviously it is not a new idea. It didn't work, but almost did. It definately is a viable tactic. While I don't think it is something that is enforceable, it is something that proficient commanders can suggest at the beginning of the round and something that the team can type out in team chat to do.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Help Me Understand

    Is quite a nice tactic, the first time i saw someone doin this, was Chaney, back in october last year, since that day, that has been one of my favories tactis when squad leading on wake (USMC side)
    And until now is one of the best ways to move out and gain enemy territory at the beggining of the round in almost every map, but there are still some people that think that taking a jet just to bail out is stupid, but they are wrong, I remember once playing on wake and begging for the jet to use it as transport and this guy said "are u stupid? why would u take the jet just to bail off" the funny thing is that he was a 3 stars general,
    those kinda people just dont get the point of team playing tactics.

  10. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Help Me Understand

    I agree that jet bailing is a good tactic, but to some extent is now inhibited by the longer spawn time, which I believe was specically introduced to stop early, unfair gains by fast spawning players. So, while it is still viable on Wake, for example, if the Chinese organize their defences properly, it will be less successful than the early days, when the spawn time was shorter.

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