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Thread: BF2142 worth getting into this late in the game?

  1. Senior-Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vooodu View Post
    Its already hard enough being a tank in L4D2. Its easy enough as it is to jump over a tanks punch. Personally i would like the tank to get a major speed boost or when he punches the ground make the nearby survivors stumble and slow down for a few seconds. Hes to slow, add bullets being fired at him and hes even slower.

    Just the last game i played my whole team had like 20 life each and we where all doging the tank like the joke he is and killed him in seconds. We didn't heal because we didn't need it. Silly tank, run away and throw rocks because thats all your really good for.

    Seriously wish valve would get their head out of their ass and fix the tank already.

    If i could fix the tank i would.

    -Make him fire proof
    -Make him as fast as a healthy survivor (Bullets do slow the tank down)
    -Give him the abilty to pound the ground and make nearby players stumble.
    -Give him waaaaaaaaay more health.

    The tank should be more than just a rock throwing sissy. If myself and 3 other players with no health just jumped and dodged a few punches and killed him in 3 seconds then theres something wrong with the tank. Might as well just make the tank a common special infected now...
    yes the tank is way to weak all my team ever does is have him chase one person then he gets meleed in the back liek 5 times and dead. should also lower melee dmg to the tank does way to much dmg
    For the brave men who stare death in the eyes, victory comes to those who are strong, as the weak fall by the wayside

  2. Zombie Cat
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    ^ lulz i see what you did there. I see you trollin'...

  3. Senior-Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckg0928 View Post
    ^ lulz i see what you did there. I see you trollin'...
    my name is boxxy im not trollin
    For the brave men who stare death in the eyes, victory comes to those who are strong, as the weak fall by the wayside

  4. Been around a bit
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    Personally I find the tank more effective here than in L4D1? Maybe its that the MM is better so I get less lag though lol.

    When playing tank myself, I positively enjoy sitting away from the survivors, popping out and lobbing rocks, seeing that occasional 25 dmg when one hits. This lets your team make a move so much more easily, and ofc if everyone gets boomed and a few pinned you can easily charge in headlong and do some serious damage, even without hittables.

    As for your changes, I think making the tank that fast could make it incredibly hard to beat a good tank. I know its meant to be hard, but if you cannot outrun, nigh on impossible. I think bullets should not slow him as much, and fire should also not slow him down, though he should not be immune to it. Pounding the nearby ground might be very interesting. Make dodging him a lot harder, and I think it could work. You'd have to make it only a small stumble to prevent the other SIs taking huge advantage though. More health I would not object to either.

    He can be a complete monster, you just have to coordinate with your team well. Bad tanks who charge headlong into a shotgun while 3 guys with melee weapons hit him from behind, while his teammates are dead, are the reason tanks seem so weak so often imo.

    ...How did we get here from the charger is broken?? lol

  5. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benlisted View Post
    He can be a complete monster, you just have to coordinate with your team well. Bad tanks who charge headlong into a shotgun while 3 guys with melee weapons hit him from behind, while his teammates are dead, are the reason tanks seem so weak so often imo.

    I find him weak because alls you have to do is move into a open area where all the SI become useless and just shoot the hell out of him everytime he throws a rock. Until his rage meter runs out or he tries to come in.

    The rocks are easy to dodge, and if he does come in he's dead in seconds..

    Theres only certain spots where the tank is really nasty.
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  6. Been around a bit
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vooodu View Post
    I find him weak because alls you have to do is move into a open area where all the SI become useless and just shoot the hell out of him everytime he throws a rock. Until his rage meter runs out or he tries to come in.

    The rocks are easy to dodge, and if he does come in he's dead in seconds..

    Theres only certain spots where the tank is really nasty.
    That is true, but in most cases there is enough cover for the tank to be reasonably effective at least, and hold the survivors up. Moving into them is often hard enough. Dark Carnival finale you can literally not do anything as tank unless your team is doing an amazing job, but off the top of my head I've not really experienced any other areas like this. That finale does need some fixing though...

    The rage meter won't run out if you keep trying to throw rocks at the survivors, at least it didn't for me when I made and effort to, even if I missed. True, they are easy to dodge, but throw them over objects and when the survivors are unawares or distracted and it's much easier to make them useful.

    As for there only being certain spots where the tank is really nasty, I'd say the opposite too, that there are only certain spots where the tank is next to useless. And perhaps that there are only certain situations where it is deadly, like with people boomed and with hittables. Though what you said would apply too, I just don't think its useless in all but a few select spots.

  7. Zombie Cat
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    i think that the tank is weak if the enemy team has melee weapons. Seriously. 1/10th of the tank's health per swing. I was playing the tank, and i got a good two or three hits off before they completely destroyed me. 2 or 3 hits. I dont think that the tank needs a buff, i think that melee weapons need a nerf. And a major one.

  8. Senior-Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckg0928 View Post
    i think that the tank is weak if the enemy team has melee weapons. Seriously. 1/10th of the tank's health per swing. I was playing the tank, and i got a good two or three hits off before they completely destroyed me. 2 or 3 hits. I dont think that the tank needs a buff, i think that melee weapons need a nerf. And a major one.
    Yeah, the melee weapons are waay over powered. Now we all know: If zombies take over the world, grap a frying pan and you'll survive
    "When dealing with backstabbers, there was one thing I learned. They're only powerful when you got your back turned."

  9. Hi, my name is...
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    I agree that melee weapons are overpowered. Other than reducing overall damage there are two things that could be done to help IMO.

    1. Melee fatigue after a few hits.
    2. Make them breakable, I mean how many times can you hit something with a Guitar or Frying pan before it breaks?

  10. Been around a bit
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckg0928 View Post
    i think that the tank is weak if the enemy team has melee weapons. Seriously. 1/10th of the tank's health per swing. I was playing the tank, and i got a good two or three hits off before they completely destroyed me. 2 or 3 hits. I dont think that the tank needs a buff, i think that melee weapons need a nerf. And a major one.
    I do understand what you mean, but honestly, If you're a reasonably good tank and they only pull out melee weapons and attack you, they're going to fail epically. You can move about as fast as them, especially as they aren't shooting, so if you avoid their swings you can easily scatter them ready for your team to pin, even taking a few hits.

    The problem is when anything else is affecting the tank. Fire slows him down so much he can barely time punches on the dancing, meleeing survivors, and being surrounded by CIs if they bile you has much the same effect. Lack of help from your team can also screw you over, as can the terrain. But most of all, the slowdown from being shot will screw you over, as if the team has a few members shoot while the others go melee then your job becomes much harder.

    I believe that's why the tank is easier to kill in many situations, as so many things make melee far less risky than running up to a tank normally is, and more efficient than shooting.

    Still, making it 20 melee hits to kill him couldn't hurt.

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