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Thread: BF2142 worth getting into this late in the game?

  1. Senior-Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by V1ru5 View Post
    tank was useless on da5 if you camped behind the plane.. and yes playing a tank on l4d is better then l4d2
    I've had more RQ's on DA5 than ANY other map, L4D1 or 2. Although the Dark Carnival finale is very annoying to.
    "When dealing with backstabbers, there was one thing I learned. They're only powerful when you got your back turned."

  2. Senior-Senior Member
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    Anywho, I do retract my statement about hating the Charger. I now have got a better Internet connection, so I'm enjoying Chargers like normal people now xD

    But at least people did agree with me, as I felt I was going to get pounded into the ground repeatedly for my statement
    "When dealing with backstabbers, there was one thing I learned. They're only powerful when you got your back turned."

  3. Been around a bit
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    I agree all too much about the chargers annoying inability to bowl through a small bin and being stopped if he so much as grazes a wall slightly. for a SI thats meant to be all about charging like a beserker thru the survivors, it sure is stopped easily by very unrealistic things.

    and yea the tank is nowhere near as effective, the more open areas mean that the tank is too easily screwed over by molotovs and there's no consequence for setting a tank alight watsoever, so a tank set alight is doomed to die before he can make any real impact >.< melee weapons damage vs tank dont help matters either. a tank is too easily screwed over by a team who knows what they are doing regardless of how good said tank player is

  4. Hi, my name is...
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    I'm posting this before I read through, but lately I've had glitching issues w/ the Charger where he will literally hit a survivor but then glide right off of them, as if he's grazing some other object. so frustrating.
    I'm calling zombie bullshit on that

  5. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benlisted View Post
    The pressure is pretty bad yeah, especially if your team expects you to wipe out the other tea with them sitting back. Can't count the amount of times i've been pressured into running blindly into the survivors, expecting my team to help. So I stopped, and taking some flak for not rushing in is worth the damage caused by rocks and being able to rush when your team creates an adequate distraction.
    THIS! I hate being the tank. I'm not good at it to begin with, but now with the more open maps it's even harder. I can't tell you how many times I get stuck with team mates that are all "YEAH RAAR FUCK THEM UP TANK!" while they sit back and do nothing. the tank is literally useless without the other special infected to help him. he's just a giant diversion, really, who just so happens to get lucky once in a while by trapping that lone survivor who's hobbling over to a fallen team mate in a corner and pounding them to pulp, or MAYBE by tossing a garbage can or a car their way.
    I'm calling zombie bullshit on that

  6. Smoker
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    I don't trust the charger and his terrible hitbox anymore.. so whenever i'm the charger I mostly just circle the survivors and attack them dealing about 20-60 damage before dieing, but if I can charge when nothings in site then i'll do it.

    Onto the charger discussion, the charger's hitbox is so terrible i'm sure he would even be stopped by a toothpick that's into the ground.

  7. Senior-Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pillz here View Post
    I'm posting this before I read through, but lately I've had glitching issues w/ the Charger where he will literally hit a survivor but then glide right off of them, as if he's grazing some other object. so frustrating.
    Yeah, I know! Lagging or any other connection problems will totally destroy the Charger!
    "When dealing with backstabbers, there was one thing I learned. They're only powerful when you got your back turned."

  8. Junior Member
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    The Charger is broken. But not any way as bad as the boomer. Boomer is so bad he may as well be taken out of the game.

  9. Zombie Cat
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    elaborate. i feel the boomer could not be changed for the better in any way

  10. Junior Member
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    Boomer can't puke OVER anything. If its a waste high fence or bush, your hitting the bush/fence. I've exploded in the middle of the players only to hit the guy furthest away. I've flat out puke don players only to be shot. I've puked on guys and no horde at all comes. There are so many little thing wrong with the boomer, I'd rather kill myself by jumping off the map.

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