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Thread: Best commander nominations!

  1. Junior Member
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    For the most part I use an Adrenaline shot when I'm playing a finale, because somehow I always screw up the very last part when all my teammates (bots) are down/being to retarded to run towards the rescue vehicle. Because I know that if I stop to do anything I'll never make it. And I don't care about the bots that much since it's the finale of the campaign.

    Otherwise pain pills are good, but not at a rolling cresendo either.

    My opinion is; When you really need to run, Adrenaline is better. When you feel like taking a few more hits would probably kill you, pills are better.

  2. Regular Joe Member
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  3. On the way to greater things
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    Since L4D2 came out I've scarcely picked up pills. I honestly don't remember the last time I picked them up.
    I forgot how good they are, but adrenaline's speed boosting effects help when running for it when everyone's died in versus mode or getting to the alarms in time, so I usually pick them. Need to stop doing that though.

    Also I hardly ever take pistols now either, it's all about the melee weapons. It's a shame how obsolescence works sometimes

  4. Hi, my name is...
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    It's not even a fair argument, as both items are used differently. Pain Pills are strictly for their health boost; they have no other use.

    Adrenaline gives you an itty bitty health boost, but makes running through a horde super easy, and makes all actions much much faster.

    It's what ever the situation calls for at the time.

  5. Been around a bit
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndyMatronic View Post
    Since L4D2 came out I've scarcely picked up pills. I honestly don't remember the last time I picked them up.
    I forgot how good they are, but adrenaline's speed boosting effects help when running for it when everyone's died in versus mode or getting to the alarms in time, so I usually pick them. Need to stop doing that though.

    Also I hardly ever take pistols now either, it's all about the melee weapons. It's a shame how obsolescence works sometimes
    I agree about the pistols >.< they just arn't what they used to be really (magnum exempt from this, the magnum is great)

    And yea i think its just depends on the situation. i mean a long slog in the swamp or any long section might be good idea for pain pills, to keep u up without resorting to ur kit. whereas adrenaline is a very sound idea for the gauntlet cruciendo's and when ur team all goes down and require a kick start

  6. On the way to greater things
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    I blame the lack of Louis :P

  7. Junior Member
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    Its case by case, for me. Pills are "things are getting bad, lets ply our final strategy" tools. Adreneline is for "shit is WHACK! Lets show it we're mde of the same thing!"

    Last resort logic, verses panicked self preservation, in my book.

  8. Smoker
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    Adrenaline beats pills. Pills just give you extra health that wears off, big deal. You can still DIE very easily with pills. Adrenaline gives you health boost PLUS GOD-LIKE ability. You can escape the horde to reload and help teammates with adrenaline but you can't do that with pills.

    I've had situations where i was the last man standing and pills do absolutely SHI$ to help me. Yeah it gave me extra health but I was surrounded by hordes of zombies with no way of escaping so I usually die. When I pop an adrenaline, I can escape the zombies, reload and still have another chance to survive longer. Plus you can outrun the tank.

  9. Hi, my name is...
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    personally, I prefer pain pills. adrenaline only comes in handy for me during the bridge finale & the first alarm event in The Parish. I know it's SUPPOSED to help you run through hordes faster, but I don't see that big of a difference honestly.
    I'm calling zombie bullshit on that

  10. Feet under the table
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    I say Adrenaline because it gives you enough health to live and it lets you do things faster and you can move faster when your limping.

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