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Thread: The rules of my squad

  1. Registered TeamPlayer WolverineBrother's Avatar
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    The rules of my squad The rules of my squad The rules of my squad

    The rules of my squad

    I figured, if the SL of TTP posted here about what they expect of their squadmembers, the new folks could read it and find out which squads are best suited for them. So go ahead Squadleaders. Post up.

    And since I am SL, I'll start it off.

    1. Spawn green. There is a reason it's the first one I mention. And at most you wait 15 seconds for that green dot to appear. It is an absolute requirement in my squad.

    2. Stay with the squad. Don't race a head in the fast mover and get killed at the flag. I need my squad to hit the objective at full strength. And that means with every member of the squad in the same spot.

    3. Get on the flag. We can't cap the flag from across the yard (except on Wake). I'm not Jeep, I can't rush in and kill everyone myself and cap the flag. So I stay back a little and try to stay alive while my squad caps the flag. This is much easier to accomplish with my squad on the flag, than with three guys next to me taking potshots at the enemy.

    4. On certain maps, in certain situations, I can appreciate a good jet pilot in my squad (by that I mean that he is in a jet). But most of the time, I want and demand 5 groundpounders. There is strength in numbers, and that one guy can be the difference.

    5. Follow my orders first. Then argue them later. Unless we are on a long drive and have time to discuss it en route. I will not have anyone disobey my orders because they think they know better (I'm not saying I'm always right). Tell me my mistake after and I will learn.

    6. There will be times when I give orders contradicting the first 3. Such is war.

    I guess that's it. All though I may be wrong.

    But I have a couple of promises (no, victory is not among them) to my squadmembers.

    1. I will tell you what I expect and when I expect it.
    2. If we're hitting a target and I die, I won't leave you stranded there. I'm allready on my way back...
    3. We will go for the win. Every round. No exceptions.

    In advance, I apologize for the intensity and possible rudeness. I just want to win. That's all.

    For when the One Great Scorer comes, to write against your name, he writes not that you won or lost, but how you played the Game

  2. Registered TeamPlayer w4jchosen's Avatar
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    The rules of my squad

    Re: The rules of my squad

    Ah, I remember this like it was yesterday. Just look at him now. All grown up. Great post Wolverine.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer CivilWars's Avatar
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    Steam ID: CivilWars CivilWars's Originid: CivilWars

    Re: The rules of my squad

    When and if I run a squad I have a few simple rules, most of which were already covered. Spawn green, work with the squad toward the objective, and try to keep me alive.

    The other main point is do not ask me what kit I need. I already have the kit I need, usually support with a PKM as most know. I want you to have the kit you feel most comfortable charging a flag full of red dots with and staying alive while eliminating them. If there are circumstances that require a certain kit I will let you know.

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    Re: The rules of my squad

    Salt's squad rules under normal circumstances.

    As to Kits
    1. If I tell you to come a certain kit spawn that kit even if its your worst kit.
    2. Only 1 sniper and preferably none there are more effective kits for the squad.
    3. One medic for certain in the squad preferable two. Medics keep everyone on their feet
    without wasting 15s as well as keeping me alive.
    4. AT is "extremely" useful I want 1 preferably 2 in my squad.
    5. Other kits are welcome but please choose appropriate to circumstances, I know some of
    you can do amazing things with classes I disregard if you can tell me.

    As to orders
    1. Follow orders
    2. Spawn green or the flag I say unless given permission otherwise, such as if you spot a
    lone guy about to take one of our flags and I say "alright".
    3. My orders are supreme, but don't hesitate to bring up something I might have missed.
    Just don't argue it.
    4. Initiative is encouraged so long as you tell me and I don't countermand you, say if you
    get seperated and come across an undefended flag take but let me know.
    5. I prefer a whole squad with me but on occasion I will accept jets or choppers in my
    squad so long as they do as ordered. If I say No jets or choppers
    5. For Petes sake warn us if you're about to throw a flashbang, what good is a blind

  5. Registered TeamPlayer JBMCW2010's Avatar
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    Re: The rules of my squad

    Awesome posts, will edit this once I am back in my room in say 5 minutes with my squad norms.


    All of my opinions have been stated already however these are MY squad rules so if you join up, follow em.

    1.) Communication:

    The most important thing to any one in any battle situation is intel. If I do not know where the enemy is how am I expected to kill the enemy. If you have a mic never let off of the 'b' button or what ever you have it set to. Keep everyone posted as to where you are and what you see. This will cut down on accidental TKs from distance and make squad mates aware of any threats.

    Feedback, more or less the same as above but if you disagree with me follow the order and while doing it explain how it could have been done differently so maybe next time it will be different.

    2.) Squad Formation:
    Spawn Green as a default, if I go down I will normally announce where I will respawn next and you can get the jump and spawn there. I may also choose to send you to the near by spawn point to get on the flank of the enemy we have just engaged.

    Never stray from the squad. If you are constantly more than 50-100 meters away you are not a participating member of my squad and will be reprimanded and if you do not come back to the squad you will be given the boot.

    3.) Kits
    I switch it up nearly every death. I tend to designate a squad medic and also an AT. Otherwise pick your best/use your digression on what kit to spawn. If you are not sure ask(bringing us back to the communication part).

    Snipers, please unless I ask you specifically to spawn sniper or you have asked and I grant permission do not use the sniper kit.

    4.) Armor and Air:
    I will order you to get into an vehicle we need to be in otherwise, stay out of them. If you some how got sperated or was told to go off to another location and a vehicle is available take it but not take an APC solo when a SL has spawned near by that is like driving past the little kids sitting at the bus stop in the rain.

    5.) Communication:

    Just to reiterate its importance see number one again.

    6.) Intelligence:
    Believe it or not I require you to be smart! Read the following quote and it should explain:
    Quote Originally Posted by (4)manno
    Don't shoot at anything you can't kill !!!!!!!!!! I hate transport heli gunners or jeep 50cal guys shooting at tanks or stupid crap. Tracers are visible in this game and the ping ping pong of bullets hitting a tank as I am trying to drive around it doesn't typically help the cause. All it does is aim a really big gun our way. Do as was mentioned it and leave it alone!
    Quote Originally Posted by (4)manno
    Don't shoot from your SL's concealed position! He has ran around shat to get you a close spawn point. If he is on a roof, crane or in a building right by the keep him concealed for yours, the squads and the teams benefit. Don't stick your head out the first window and blow your clip to advertise "HERE WE ARE!"...instead go out the back door and cap the flag. One more thing, SL is the most important player in the squad so don't lead enemies back to him...sacrifice yourself if you have to in order to lead enemies away from the SL. I love it when I am concealed, some Jack A$$ in the squad runs out in front of an APC then turns around and runs right back to where I am hidding bringing the APC with him !!!!!!
    Thank you again for your cooperation, by leading your squad I promise to do my best to gain victory all I ask is that you follow my rules and give it your best.

    edited--Added number 6, thanks Manno
    edited--added more wisdom of manno that I keep taking for granted.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer w4jchosen's Avatar
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    Re: The rules of my squad

    I'll add one for everybody's list.

    SPOT THOSE TARGETS! before you engage whenever possible. This allows your squad to lay down effective fire.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer WolverineBrother's Avatar
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    Re: The rules of my squad

    Quote Originally Posted by w4jchosen
    Ah, I remember this like it was yesterday. Just look at him now. All grown up. Great post Wolverine.

    And yeah, I've come a ways, thanks to all the great folks here at TTP. Always willing to learn, and you're willing to teach. It's all good.

    But a little weird reading past posts like that...

    And yeah, like I said I prolly forgot some.


    Totally underrated.

    Especially major threats like armor and air vehicles. We have some hungry pilots up there just dying to nail the tank or helo. Let them know where they are. I never say no to a little air support in a tight spot. But yeah, spot everything. In fact, when taking sniper fire, spam the hills, smokestacks etc. When you get lucky, you know where he is, and so does our snipers.

    One note on air support. I usually mean the tactical, LGM or single bomb on the armored threat. Carpetbombing the area with a trillion megatons is likely too much. Save that for a crowded enemy flag, don't blow it on a flag that my squad and one enemy squad is fighting over. Most likely you will kill me and my squad with your bombs, and unless the flag is allready ours, that means we lose...
    For when the One Great Scorer comes, to write against your name, he writes not that you won or lost, but how you played the Game

  8. Registered TeamPlayer JBMCW2010's Avatar
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    Re: The rules of my squad


  9. Registered TeamPlayer dustyCALIBER's Avatar
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    Re: The rules of my squad

    Just wanted to put some of my personal insight on this. I have only been a SL once (maybe twice) so I am looking at this from the otherside. As a squadmember..So here it is:

    - Understandably there are many people that have been playing BF2 (or your game of choice) that get use to having the usual group of people in there squads. I think that some SL's have gotten lazy about communicating what, where, and how they want there squad.

    As some of you know I have been trying to squad up with different people and get a feel for there techniques and hopfully pickup some need moves.

    I have noticed a few times that some SL's don't communicate as much maybe because they are expecting there same regulars to fall into place .

    This is just my thought but I think that all SL's should keep communicating like they have a new group under their wing to train.

    I myself have been in this situation and felt left out of the squad and had no clue where I was suppose to go or what the next move was. (Plus these Sl's are not new to the game..)

    I RESPECT any and all that are SL's. I myself am not comfortable yet to go Balls to the walls (so to speak ) and take on that responsibility.

    Bottom line .. If you are SL please keep everyone informed at least via Mics on where the next attack will be . I know it is hard to always Pin point it on the map when in the heat of battle.

    Thank you for your time and sorry if this should have been posted elsewhere.

    With the up most Respect
    ( This has no reflection on the members above )

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    Re: The rules of my squad

    (4)manno's SL rules.

    Everything they all said and one more big one>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    Don't shoot at anything you can't kill !!!!!!!!!! I hate transport heli gunners or jeep 50cal guys shooting at tanks or stupid crap. Tracers are visible in this game and the ping ping pong of bullets hitting a tank as I am trying to drive around it doesn't typically help the cause. All it does is aim a really big gun our way. Do as was mentioned it and leave it alone!

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