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Thread: Your greatest shot

  1. Zombie Cat
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    I bought a PS3 because it had the game I wanted at the time, MGS4, and I also was more interested in its exclusives (I'm not a Halo or Gears of War fan). While I don't agree with Vooodu's argument (They're greedy? Seriously, if you ran a company making cash hand over fist, why would you change your business strategy? You know damn well you'd take the customers in for all they're worth. Furthermore, they're a publicly traded company, the only people they owe anything to are the shareholders), I also don't agree with Dragonheart's claims that the PS3 is junk. I've had mine for a few years now, and pretty much get everything I want out of it (although I am somewhat disappointed that we didn't get Alan Wake, that one looked good). I bought it mainly for MGS4 when it came out, and really like a lot of the exclusives, as I favor JRPGs over FPS games on my consoles. I didn't buy an XBox simply because the exclusives weren't as appealing to me. I also like the ability to watch Blu-Rays every now and then, especially when a lot of friends are over. So I don't really care one way or another, but I don't like how this turned into a PS3 bashing thread, I'm pretty happy with my purchase.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Well we don't even know if this stuff is coming to the PS3. All I heard was that the PS3 is getting Portal 2 along with some version of steam. For all we know it could just be Portal 2 coming to the PS3 with updates and such, and not Valve's other games being released with it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Target Practice View Post
    Guys, I think there's an important lesson to be learned here:


  3. Feet under the table
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vooodu View Post
    Hell ya, me 2. PS3 is so much better then xbox, i hope XBOX finally gets the boycott it deserves...
    This forum consist (fairly) 50% xbox users, you expected some positive feedback?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonheart1991 View Post

    PC > PS3.

    Xbox 360 > PS3.
    Capitalist microsoft vs. communist sony? You can read thousands of reviews in internet where xbox360 was never a real winner and ps3 was complete failure.

    Console wars over, Nintendo (sarcastically*) won, u both lost =)


    Even Newell himself says Nintendo owns (bollocks) in his interviews:

    News: Valve: PS3 a "total disaster on so many levels" -
    "Gaze long into abyss, and the abyss will also gaze into you"

    -Friedrich Nietzsche

  4. Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vooodu View Post
    I don't even own a PS3. But the fact still remains the PS3 was always a better system and over the past few years they have been proving it...

    And WTF does my opinion about about the truth even matter about your respect for me. DO i seem like the kind of person that tells people what they wanna hear so i can get respect...Helll Nawww! I tell it how it is and don't give a damn what anyone thinks.

    FUCK xbox and mircosoft up thier stupid greedy ass. Just because I own an xbox doesn't mean im married to the freakin system. If L4D comes out on PS3 il jump ship in a heart beat.

    Bottom line is Mircosoft needs to allow game developers to do what they want to their games "FOR FREE" and allow us players to play online "FOR FREE". Theres NO need to charge anyone anything.

    They make millions of dollars off nothing and give us nothing back in return.
    They have been proving it? How, exactly? Better games? Better online network?

    If you truly didn't "give a damn" what other people think, you wouldn't be trying to defend yourself. Stop trying to look like a hardass.

    Typical underage "bawww they should spoon-feed me everything for free" response. If you had any sort of fixed income you wouldn't be whining considering how cheap it is.

    Umm yeah, yeah they do give us something in return. You get xbox live, which is what you- no wait, which is what your mommy and daddy are paying for. You get what you pay for and that is it. Nothing more.

  5. Chicago Ted
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    I too, think Microsoft is a very greedy company, all this content stuff aside.

    If its on PS3 with Steam, I'll simply just buy a PS3. I can get one for 199. Not that much. At least to me.

    Don't sell your Xbox. Keep it. Just get a job and get your new system. I wouldn't mind playing a few PS3 titles anyway so if PS3 has Steam, count me in, but I'm not gonna neglect my 360 brethren who I've enjoyed playing with all this time.

    I think it sounds like a hoax but if this turns out to be true, well, Sony, I'm coming home, buddy.
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
    KillerJay: I just realized what Creamy is to everyone; everyone loves him and nobody hates him.

  6. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crimson Phantasm View Post
    I'm not gonna neglect my 360 brethren who I've enjoyed playing with all this time.

    Why would you abandon friends who only have a 360 just because you have a shiney new PS3?

    You'll be losing friends if you sell the 360 because of the PS3. Trust me, the 360 community looks down on those who betray them.

  7. Chicago Ted
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    Met some awesome gamers in the 360 community. Keeping your 360 and getting a PS3 is a way to migrate and meet new people while keeping your old friends with you. I remember when I left Live for 4 months, I went to with everyone wondering when I'd be back for another game again. It was comforting people enjoy my presence.

    There is no way I'd just abandon them for such a stupid reason as selling my 360 to play L4D on the PS3, thats for sure, so I'm keeping my 360 and buying a PS3 if this rings true.
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
    KillerJay: I just realized what Creamy is to everyone; everyone loves him and nobody hates him.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    Console wars are always entertaining.


  9. Regular Joe Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by minczgamers View Post
    If valve does release L4D on the PS3 with mods and custom maps, I will immediately sell my 360 and get a PS3 along with L4D and The Orange Box.
    i agree with that to be honest

    would be amazing if they did release it thought

  10. Senior-Senior Member
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    Wait... PS3 with Steam...

    If I'd log in to Steam on my comp and on a friend of mine's on the PS3, I would, in theory, be able to play with myself, right?
    Quote Originally Posted by William 'Bill' Overbeck
    Shut up you goddamn birds!

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