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Thread: tips on friend or foe

  1. On the way to greater things
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    Hey L4D Community i hope you enjoyed my ideas for a DC Campagin. I wanted to do a theme for Colorado but i came up with Alaska. The idea of Alaska was because i like the Mountains & i never seen L4D in winter season. Rain is great but i like to see snow. I came up with Survivors & how they might look but im still working on the campagin ideas & scenarios. Ill go into detail later but here are the Survivors for the Alaskan Theme L4D.

    Cole: Fisherman
    David: Plumber
    Niko: Dock Worker
    Alice: Journalist

    These are our Survivors in Alaska's zombie apocylpse.

  2. Just getting started
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    I would personally like character creation/customization so each player could be unique. I just think it would be cool if you could feel like YOU were a survivor instead of playing as a specific character. Don't get me wrong, I do think that there should be specific characters to go with the story line, but I also think that you should have the ability to create your own.

  3. Junior Member
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    I'd like to see it progress into the Midwest, and if there's a Left 4 Dead 4, it could be on the West Coast. I liked the idea of weather effects in Hard Rain, so they could mess with that idea a little more in the 3rd game (like having a crazy snow storm on one campaign). I also personally think that the Infected "adapt" to the area they're in, which might explain why the Infected in L4D2 aren't horribly pale like they are in the first game (though this could also have something to do with the mutation itself). Otherwise, new survivors would be cool, but I'd like the option to make a team with the currently existing ones as well, so you could have, say, Louis, Nick, and two new characters, or whatever you'd like. I'd miss Bill though. :C

    Also, I don't know why, but I would LOVE the option to play as an Infected in Single Player. Maybe they could even include back stories for them! XD As for new infected... I wouldn't add too many more, but something that popped out of the ground or out of the water that tried to drag you under would be awesome. Plus I'd like to see how they vary the Infected in the game too. A Smoker in a cowboy hat would be hilarious.
    Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.

  4. Just getting started
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    My biggest issue is Valve didn't add hats to L4D1 or 2. Imagine Louis with a top hat, or bill with a sombrero. Even Nick with a football helmet. It may not be realistic, but it sure is awesome.

    They should also balance melee and pistols better. I liked the pistols in L4D1, but they sucked in L4D2. Melee is pretty overpowering. In the first, pistols could be your primary (using anything, but mostly the hunting rifle and shotguns). In the second one, you can practically use a melee weapon the whole way. Another good feature would be ability to use dual pistols and a melee weapon (using pistols to shoot from afar, and melee to BEAT EM UP WITH A BASEBALL BAT! when up close.

    Also, maybe a way to play infected in single-player, or you and your friend on the infected with bot survivors. I know there's mods for this, but some people just don't like online play. Others don't have a PC.

    Another thing would be more rifles. They don't have to even have scopes. Imagine you're walking around shooting zombies with a pistol you have. You enter a house and find someones old level action Winchester 1886 and decide this is your kind of weapon.

    A small thing would be ability to pick things up (I know there might be problems with this with, lets say, a smoker. However, let's say you're holding a barrel, and a charger hits you, you take extra damage.)

    This is all I've thought of at the moment, but when I think of more, I'll update my post.:cc:

    EDIT: Something really cool would be ability to create a survivor. Clothes, face (not super detailed, but enough to be unique), and hats. Even favorite type of gun(s).

    EDIT2: I think characters should be somewhat limited to the weapons they have, as well as more/less stamina/speed/strength. For example, (referring to L4D2) Ro would have more speed, but less damage per hit (melee), as well as she would have a little bit of more shaky screen shooting certain guns (such as a shotgun or a sniper). Coach on the other hard, would have more power, slightly less speed, and would be better at shooting the guns Ro fails at. However, I would think it would need to be more than what I said, because then people wouldn't want to play a certain character. It would give players a reason to play certain characters to fit there game play style. (Picking the guy who's an average Joe to be a man with a rifle/assault rifle would be my personal preference.)

  5. On the way to greater things
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    Dude, great Ideas!

    Just Great.
    but i dont understand why is it always more male characters than female characters?

    i am male --- just saying......
    why not make it equal or try opposite way for the next game? 3 girls one guy
    or 2 girls 2 guys :P

    Just noticing the obvious

  6. Smoker
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    Guitar should be acoustic and it would break after couple of hits.

  7. Feet under the table
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fzer0x View Post
    why not make it equal or try opposite way for the next game? 3 girls one guy
    Don't know if it was in this thread but I do believe I said something similar.

    Can't remember what I said exactly but it was something like this:

    A haggard fat old strip club owner called Bob, two strippers (one blonde, one brunette) called Della and Trixie, and Trixie's twelve year old daughter Alyssa. Let's have a cool gun totin' kid in there for a change.

    And yes, I'm male too.

    Has a weird potential. Could mix up some hilarious gags in the dialogue.
    Exorcising demons with a creative touch

  8. Just getting started
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dallow View Post
    Don't know if it was in this thread but I do believe I said something similar.

    Can't remember what I said exactly but it was something like this:

    A haggard fat old strip club owner called Bob, two strippers (one blonde, one brunette) called Della and Trixie, and Trixie's twelve year old daughter Alyssa. Let's have a cool gun totin' kid in there for a change.

    And yes, I'm male too.

    Has a weird potential. Could mix up some hilarious gags in the dialogue.
    Doesn't sound like a bad idea, but I think the ESRB would go ape shit over the idea of a child possibly dying.
    The Scorpion from outer-space.

  9. On the way to greater things
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    You all have really great ideas & thanks for checking out my ideas by that your supporting me so thanks. Also im not like most threads & bag on you guys saying create your own you can share your opinions & help me update mine.

    The idea of creating your own character would be frickrn sweet but they probably only let you do so when you play online, unless they make a Left 4 Dead that lets you create your own character & campagins. I also wonder what it would be if they made it free roam or have iron sight. If free roam they'll have challenges whixh can have up to maybe 8 survivors & 8 infected on one map. You can work together, form teams or go rouge & if you die you'll have a choice to either respond as a survivor or an infected. Also being able to use vehicles that should make traveling easier but has a damage meter. Also you can unlock new clothes & weapons i also thought maybe they should be able to allow you to give your character perks & skills. Again this Left 4 Dead follows the concept but you create your own story. When creating a character you'll of course choose between male of female & race. Also a voice so that your character talks & you can choice dialogs. But when you talk to your teammate you'll just say "Hey" or "Hey you" since you'll pick a name for your character.

    I tried to put some of your ideas in this one so thank you guys but if you like to add more please post your ideas. Also i thought when you shoot a zobies leg off they'll crawl toward you.

  10. Just getting started
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    Talking couple of infected i thought up

    A couple of special infected that I thought up of in my free time...

    @@1.The screamer : Basically he would look like the cut screamer from l4d1. He walks pretty slowly and twitches and makes weird yelping sounds as he struggles to walk. When he goes up to a group of survivors. He takes in a deep breath and lets out a huge scream that creates a visible sonic wave. Depending on which direction the survivors are facing, the following things will occur :
    1.If looking directly at screamer : high damage dealt, rapidly shaking screen, deaf for 10 seconds, unable to aim or see properly.
    2.If indirectly looking at screamer : moderate damage, but with all the above effects.
    3. screamer is off-screen, but is still in front of the players character:
    moderate damage, without the aiming disability.
    4. if back-facing the screamer : low damage, with all the above effects except for aiming disability.

    Basically the screamer would split the survivors focus as they face different directions to avoid the screamers effects, it opens up chances for other infected to attack. Also, when inhaling to execute the scream, survivors can kill the screamer before it attacks.

    @@2. The Guardian
    Big, muscular frame, rock-like tough skin, huge bone plates on most parts of its body. Has four arms, is bald, and has no pupils.
    its right click is a regular infected scratch, but holding right-click, it would be able assume its "defensive stance" where it folds its 4 heavily plated arms around itself. it can still move around at its original (slow) speed, and it takes no damage from the front while doing so. It will only take damage when hit/shot in the back (unarmored). when it uses primary fire, it grabs a survivor by the shoulders and does a head-to-head again and again. While doing this attack, the guardian is immobile but can turn around. Again, while doing this attack, it can only take damage when shot in the back, but is able to be shoved out of the attack. While doing it grab attack, the user may use primary fire again to throw the survivor onto the ground. The survivor will need some time to recover when thrown onto the ground, but takes no damage from it.

    Basically, the guardian provies cover for some more "fragile" infected like boomer/spitter/smoker, so that they can get close enough to do their thing. At the same time, the guardian can buy time for the infected team or create a distraction amongst the survivors.

    3.@@ The Raven/Gargoyle/Vulture
    A disfigured and hunch-backed infected with large webbings formed from its arms to its legs, making it able to glide like a flying-squirrel. Lets out high-pitched shrieks. It can jump to great heights, and able to do a power swoop down towards the survivors as an attack. You have to hold down the spacebar to build up its stamina (which takes a while) to take off the ground or flap, which will make flying need some time to get used to. when in contact with a wall, the raven can cling onto it by holding down alt fire. It will be able to regain stamina to take off again, but is immobile. When it executes a power-swoop, it knocks down the survivors that it hits when it swoops. It does extremely minor damage, but the survivors will need time to recover.

    Basically, the raven/vulture/gargoyle make the survivors not only need to look around them, but look above them for threats as well. Creates confusion for survivors when being attacked by other infected while trying to look at the sky to shoot down/locate the raven, as the constant knockdown from the hit-and-run raven can be rather annoying, or if used at the right-time, can be fatal.

    @@4. The Trapper
    Body looks like a regular human (infected :P) but its head is split right open into a flower-shaped mouth, being able to open and close at will. Makes noisy panting sounds and drools all over the ground, drool does not disappear for awhile. When uses primary fire, it opens up its flower-mouth and fire a spike-projectile with a pod/egg on it. If the projectile is fired at the ground/wall, it will get stuck on the surface. When a survivor comes into range of the projectile, it splits open into a gooey web and entangles the survivor. Does no damage, but the survivor is completely immobile, equivalent to an instant-incap. When projectile is fired upon a survivor and comes into direct contact with the survivor before hitting any other surface, the projectile instantly activates and has a push-away effect like the chargers ram, splits open into a web and brings the survivor serveral yards away with the web. When the survivor lands on the ground, he is still put into the "trapped" position, but still receives no damage. If the survivor hits a wall, the survivor is still put into the "trapped" position, but still receives no damage. And all the web effects require another active survivor the hold e at the trapped survivor to untangle the web.the trapped survivor CAN receive damage when trapped, but CANNOT be pounced on/charged/smoker by other infected. But can be puked on. Acid damage is reduced when done on trapped survivor, but damage is still high.

    Well, the trapper can be easily spotted and heard, but has really good effects. Its traps can instantly render a survivor helpless, which makes teammates try to protect the survivor/let other infected attack etc etc. The direct projectile hit of the trapper, when used at the right angle, can intantly throw a survivor off a building. Think of the possibilities! When a last survivor is hit by a web, it is equivalent of an insta-incap, and the infected win the game.
    But Note:: The trappers projectile works like the spitters spit, and takes time to master its way of aiming. Failed traps can be rather miserable :\

    That's all for now but...I have a couple more that i have yet to post here.

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