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Thread: tips on friend or foe

  1. Just getting started
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    Quote Originally Posted by Punisher659 View Post
    You all have really great ideas & thanks for checking out my ideas by that your supporting me so thanks. Also im not like most threads & bag on you guys saying create your own you can share your opinions & help me update mine.

    The idea of creating your own character would be frickrn sweet but they probably only let you do so when you play online, unless they make a Left 4 Dead that lets you create your own character & campagins. I also wonder what it would be if they made it free roam or have iron sight. If free roam they'll have challenges whixh can have up to maybe 8 survivors & 8 infected on one map. You can work together, form teams or go rouge & if you die you'll have a choice to either respond as a survivor or an infected. Also being able to use vehicles that should make traveling easier but has a damage meter. Also you can unlock new clothes & weapons i also thought maybe they should be able to allow you to give your character perks & skills. Again this Left 4 Dead follows the concept but you create your own story. When creating a character you'll of course choose between male of female & race. Also a voice so that your character talks & you can choice dialogs. But when you talk to your teammate you'll just say "Hey" or "Hey you" since you'll pick a name for your character.

    I tried to put some of your ideas in this one so thank you guys but if you like to add more please post your ideas. Also i thought when you shoot a zobies leg off they'll crawl toward you.
    i like the idea of things like that. however i think they'd lose a lot of fans, and gain some from a different genre. making it like that would make it more of a fps/rpg hybrid. it would be totally awesome, but knowing Valve, unlikely.
    The Scorpion from outer-space.

  2. Just getting started
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    great game

    It would be nice if we can drop a pipe bomb or mollies were we like them to be and then grab another one to use. Those already on fire can's shoot them, and they will spread fire. That would be cool. It would also be sweet to give someone a health pack.

  3. I've done my time
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    i want ellis from l4d2 in it and the weapons i want in it are the mp5 and the px4 handgun ( jills bsaa handgun)

  4. Just getting started
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    here's a few ideas..

    a ninja-like zombie called a "shadow" so called because their skin mutation absorbs light giving them a slight fading feature which makes them harder to see the slower they move... they move slower as they get closer to you and they wait in ambush sometimes, almost completely invisible when standing still they could stand right in the middle of the road when it's dark out... additionally these shadows are quiet and the only way you'll know if they're nearby is the sound of a breaking twig... these guys have very low health but they deal a certain percent of your current health (between 10 to 25%) in damage and they run away each time they attack... like an assassination they sneak you from behind and hide somewhere before they're spotted... shadows never travel with groups of more than 2 special zombies because they draw attention and make the players cautious and shadows are all about stealth... they usually come out when things are calm and they are one of the few zombies that actually still use their brain

    next up is a ghoul... these zombies have a mouth in the palm of one hand and an eye in the palm of the other hand. their head is hanging back and the mouth and eyes on their head are stitched shut and it runs toward you with it's head hanging back and one hand out and the other one rises up as they get closer to you and the hand mouth slowly drains your heath and gives them twice as much health as they took from you. when it's draining your health you are defenceless so you need somebody to save you

    and I got an idea for a brutal one called the burrower... these aren't even human, they're giant worms that show up rarely, they pop out on land and you have to shoot them and blow them up and catch em on fire and stuff to scare them back away... these creatures suck up nearby stuff, be it human or zombie and then they shoot them out at people, they're weaker against explosions. sometimes the burrower throws up deadly slugs a foot to 3 feet in length that explode when you kill them with their flamable fluids going all over causing something similar to a napalm bomb

    and there's the fiends... they're huge bug things that fly around, I think they would go great with that other guy's gargoyle things and stuff, adding to the air threat... so these bugs fly around in circles till they pick their target. you can hear the bugs making screechish groans in the sky as they look for their target and then you hear a loud screech as they're swooping down and if you don't move out the way they will get you and do like hunters do, these bugs are usually in groups of 2-5 or in a nest up high and loud noises stir up the nest and make a few come out... after the first time it takes a bullet or 2 to stir up the nest again, bringing more... when you stir up the nest you hear a screech from within and right after that screech you can shoot it again and again and again until the nest falls down... sometimes you'll get a noob on your team spamming the nest but if your team has decent aim on moving targets in the sky it shouldn't be too hard

    as for weapons I can only think of one so far...

    the aggro-beacon.. it's like the pipe bomb but it doesn't explode... it just makes sound and flashing a lot longer and a lot more effective and pulls almost all zombies to it so you can just mow them down or if there's a tank in the mix they will plow through all the other ones while trying to smash the beacon..

    on the subject of why there are more dudes than girls on l4d... not many chicks are into zombie games...

  5. Just getting started
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    good game

    Don't think adding bugs into the game would be a good idea because it would be sort of like star ship troopers then.I like the shadow guy, that's cool and would we be able to be him in versus.i think adding secret serves guys in it would be sweet making the game more real, and having dead people in cars and cop cars we can get shotguns. We walk and we think this guy is dead but hes not. Then he will come to live and then run at you. It will make people shoot dead zombies thinking they will come to life but you have to shot them in the head in order to kill them. Then have a heard feeding on someone. Now that would be sweet!! Then when you kill the heard, they walk up to see what happened to that person. While they're saying help me, or he just comes to life as a zombie....thank you for making this game I love it.

  6. Just getting started
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    I just thought it would be more realistic if the mutation didn't just effect humans.... first up on the list is humans then dogs and stuff then mutation effects bugs and stuff.. the bugs don't look like starship trooper bugs they look more like the resident evil 4 mosquitos... and zombie attack dogs would be nice... a nice variety of dogs... there could be the ravager, which is small and quick and the bull which is like a ugly bulky dog that goes running till it hits something or runs out of momentum then turns and starts running at you again... they look kinda like the serian werebulls from serious sam... and to add to the bug thing they drip acid on you when they tackle you like flies have to spit their stomache acid on stuff to make it edible for them these do the same... like resident evil 4 mosquitos

  7. Junior Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dioxias View Post
    i like the idea of things like that. however i think they'd lose a lot of fans, and gain some from a different genre. making it like that would make it more of a fps/rpg hybrid. it would be totally awesome, but knowing Valve, unlikely.
    True. But could simply make a "Create own Hero", and only focus on the Cosmetic of the toon, instead of stats.. Like making your own Survivor, from a combinations of visiual looks implanted in the game. And it could be easily be syncronized to your steam account, with the current system there is.

  8. Just getting started
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buttman View Post
    True. But could simply make a "Create own Hero", and only focus on the Cosmetic of the toon, instead of stats.. Like making your own Survivor, from a combinations of visiual looks implanted in the game. And it could be easily be syncronized to your steam account, with the current system there is.
    yeah and they could make it like the wii and stuff but instead of little retarded looking people it's a customized character you can play on l4d and any other steam games that you play as human on

  9. Just getting started
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    hi guys i though of a couple of survivors, specails and weponary
    i was thinking instead of having the avrage african amarican and amricans, i was thinking putting in internationals such as 1 Aussie, 1French,1 Italian and 1 egyption

    Specails infected:
    new i thought this might work
    the charger: this name i thought that might work out the thrower now the thrower is a charger just mutated to throw the other speacils like jockeys and hunters

    i'm not to sure about this but if i could have other peoples opionions on this a flame thrower i think its a bit weak for the oposing team

  10. Just getting started
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    Quote Originally Posted by thafuture View Post
    yeah and they could make it like the wii and stuff but instead of little retarded looking people it's a customized character you can play on l4d and any other steam games that you play as human on
    love that idea would like to do that

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