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Thread: Fire Discipline - learn it or get punished.

  1. Registered TeamPlayer Xavsnipe's Avatar
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    Re: Fire Discipline - learn it or get punished.

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueMaxox
    What gets my goat is when the game is decided and all is left is the time it takes for it to end....the score is 150 to 20, the enemy is at one flag praying for the game to end, ground pounders are moving in to finish them off and then out of the blue here comes a friendly jet who already has a 5 to 1 KDR in the game and drops bombs that take out friendlies.

    Forgive me....but 1) That is not team work, 2)It is an example of a person more interested in his stats than what is happening in the game.

    I have been killed more at the end of a game by jets and helos racking up points on a defeated team than any other time in the game and to be quite honest...It pisses me off!

    This server preaches team work and it's why we all play here, it's why I play here.....I personally see no difference when a jet or helo pilot is racking up team kills at the end of a game that is decided than someone who team kills for a jet or helo or any other piece of equipment. I do not see this type of team killing as an accident....I see it as on purpose and to me it deserves fact in my deserved much more.

    I watch the ticket count religiously when I am playing. I am always telling my squad members.."look at the ticket count!" The purpose is to stay focused on the goal. I do not believe that jet pilots and helo pilots do not recognize when the game is decided. If you attack an enemy that is surrounded and ground pounders are moving in and the game is decided and you STILL drop your bombs or shoot your cannon, the you have violated the very essences of the team spirit that is preached here by killing members of your team.

    When the game is decided.....practice your flying.....join the grunts on the battle field....go get a beer.....make love to your wife......JUST don't bomb or shoot your team!!!
    Blue...of course you'll get pissed off, but what you're describing is simply careless jets or helo's firing indiscriminately...i've seen this too...If im not on the ground, i'm almost always a Pilot on a jet or a helo...I always tell my gunner, " too many friendlies there, lets go somewhere else" ALWAYS... I'm talking for myself and for my usual squadmates because I know they do the same and most of the people here know who they are. Yes we get a few teamkills during the round sometimes...everyone does...its alot harder to assess a situation going 1300 mph than running up to a flag and clearly seeing what is happening on the ground....this being said....the ground troops NEED the airpower as much as the airpower needs the groundtroops... Unfortunately sometimes we have inexperienced people or simply careless people flying, and this is when the teamkillings happen.

    But as the saying goes: If you wanna make an omelet........ :10
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  2. Registered TeamPlayer BlueMaxox's Avatar
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    Fire Discipline - learn it or get punished. Fire Discipline - learn it or get punished.

    Re: Fire Discipline - learn it or get punished.

    Guys I know that not all of you are guilty of this and I did not mean to imply that you were....however last Saturday three times in a row on one map and three games in a row, at the end of the game I was team killed by jets in particular when there was no doubt our team had won the game.

    To me that is the difference between bombing and killing friendlies during a game when it is in doubt and killing friendlies when the game is not in doubt. Remember to me that is the key. Any pilot of any air vehicle that backs off when he can obviously see that there are a lot of friendlies is doing the team work thing here. But to many times I have seen and felt the bombing by asshats just to boost there stats.....and when the game is not in doubt.....that is all they are doing.

    Now this thread is about punishing or not if you fly in and bomb or shoot a defeated enemy when the ground pounders are moving in to finish them off and you team kill, then in my mind you are not playing as a team.

    I have never seen the ground pounders hold off from moving in on a defeated enemy....they go in with tanks, APCs, fatties, blackhawks and foot soldiers with the purpose of taking that flag and finishing them off. If you bomb that last are taking a chance.

    I do not blame any pilot that wants to be in on the action of taking out the last flag....but dang it.....get out of the freaken jet or helo and join us.....then there will not be any indiscriminate team killing by air vehicles.

    I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was!

  3. Registered TeamPlayer TheJeep1's Avatar
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    Re: Fire Discipline - learn it or get punished.

    Quote Originally Posted by triggerhappy2005
    Jeep thinks it's a Civil War re-enactment, that's why he walks everywhere.
    Jeep thinks if I stay outta of vehicle then Trigger won't bomb me 3 seconds later. It may take me a extra 60 seconds to get to a flag but when I arrive I'm their with all six of us and the defenders stand little chance.

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    Every time I start a Left 4 Dead 1 game, someone jumps off the top of the first level apartment on No Mercy, then dies. They either jump and hit the ground or get assaulted by zombies.

    Right after they die, they quit.

    Are people really this dumb? Who the hell would jump off a building, die and then quit? What did the guy do after he quit playing the game? Walk blindly into the middle of traffic while he was at it?

  5. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by 17271 View Post
    Every time I start a Left 4 Dead 1 game, someone jumps off the top of the first level apartment on No Mercy, then dies. They either jump and hit the ground or get assaulted by zombies.

    Right after they die, they quit.

    Are people really this dumb? Who the hell would jump off a building, die and then quit? What did the guy do after he quit playing the game? Walk blindly into the middle of traffic while he was at it?
    I am guessing you never heard of griefers. Probably just suicided to fuck up your game.
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  6. Zombie Cat
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    If I join a lobby and the host launches it with either a splitscreener or a no-mic on my team, or without 4 people on each team, you can bet I'm hurling my ass off the roof and quitting that game.

  7. Smoker
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    Quote Originally Posted by bolandjf View Post
    If I join a lobby and the host launches it with either a splitscreener or a no-mic on my team, or without 4 people on each team, you can bet I'm hurling my ass off the roof and quitting that game.
    Why don't you just quit and let them continue playing without a man down? You don't have to make others suffer cuz the game doesn't suit your preferences.

  8. Witch
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    Quote Originally Posted by muddeprived View Post
    Why don't you just quit and let them continue playing without a man down? You don't have to make others suffer cuz the game doesn't suit your needs.
    Muddeprived poses a very strong point.
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperGamecube64 View Post
    You're aware that your user name causes massive explosions of win and is the cure for AIDS and Cancer, right?

  9. Junior Member
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    Well, If I'm correct or not, some people jump off the side to attempt landing on this uh....vent looking thing to skip going through the house and just be outside, and they could be failing and hitting the ground. If not, IDK WTF THERE PROBLEM IS D<

  10. Witch
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tacokittyz View Post
    Well, If I'm correct or not, some people jump off the side to attempt landing on this uh....vent looking thing to skip going through the house and just be outside, and they could be failing and hitting the ground. If not, IDK WTF THERE PROBLEM IS D<
    That's true, but I don't know if they patched that or not... I wouldn't know anymore because I don't have the game anymore. But if it's not patched, then they shouldn't be missing.
    But if it's patched, then they obviously don't know. But if they're being buttholes about it, then they're being buttholes about it.
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperGamecube64 View Post
    You're aware that your user name causes massive explosions of win and is the cure for AIDS and Cancer, right?

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