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Thread: People attacking main base at the beginning of the round?

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    Re: People attacking main base at the beginning of the round?

    I know its frustrating and to me it's indicative of poor sportsmanship and quit often immaturity.

    Just because something CAN be done doesn't necessarily mean it should be done and since people supposedly come to TTP to have fun , it's certainly not much fun if at the very beginning you are being harassed by the despicable spawn campers.

    Whether its a so called valid tactic or not , it must be remembered that the primary object is to have fun with winning being the icing on the cake.

    In a competitive environment sure. You are playing competitively to win so anything goes but during a pub night , I think not.

    If I come across these types of players I simply move on , find another server or leave until they do (usually at the end of a map) rather than suffer the frustrations of spawn campers.

    Its fine to say "organize your team and take them out" but that doesn't help much as you can read on all the PRM forums complaints about squads being spread all over the map and disorganized. More power to you if you can accomplish this.

    Might be one of the reasons some servers will kick for attacking UC's. They want to make sure the pubbers have a good time rather than have to endure spawn camping with wins being based on teamwork , organization and effort , not cheap shoddy "tactics"

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    Re: People attacking main base at the beginning of the round?

    If the enemy had enough time to make their way over to your uncap, wouldn't you have had enough time to make your way over to their uncap?

    It appears that the enemy chose to attack the uncap right off the bat. This would have left the cappable flags wide open. Why were these not being captured?

    Getting base raped it frusturating as hell, just remember they joy you will experience when you return the favor.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer w4jchosen's Avatar
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    People attacking main base at the beginning of the round?

    Re: People attacking main base at the beginning of the round?

    Quote Originally Posted by BeerHunter
    In a competitive environment sure. You are playing competitively to win so anything goes but during a pub night , I think not.
    This is a competitive environment and TTP takes it very seriously.

    Quote Originally Posted by BeerHunter
    I know its frustrating and to me it's indicative of poor sportsmanship and quit often immaturity.
    Your right it can be very frustrating, but it is part of the tactics and is allowed at TTP. It has nothing to do with poor sportsmanship and as far as immaturity goes you will find the maturity level at a very high level on our server.

    Just remember the battlefield is open. Adapt and overcome. It happens to all of us.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer DJ Ms. White's Avatar
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    People attacking main base at the beginning of the round? People attacking main base at the beginning of the round? People attacking main base at the beginning of the round? People attacking main base at the beginning of the round?
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    Steam ID: DJMrWhite

    Re: People attacking main base at the beginning of the round?

    Quote Originally Posted by BeerHunter
    I know its frustrating and to me it's indicative of poor sportsmanship and quit often immaturity.

    Just because something CAN be done doesn't necessarily mean it should be done and since people supposedly come to TTP to have fun , it's certainly not much fun if at the very beginning you are being harassed by the despicable spawn campers.

    Whether its a so called valid tactic or not , it must be remembered that the primary object is to have fun with winning being the icing on the cake.

    In a competitive environment sure. You are playing competitively to win so anything goes but during a pub night , I think not.

    If I come across these types of players I simply move on , find another server or leave until they do (usually at the end of a map) rather than suffer the frustrations of spawn campers.

    Its fine to say "organize your team and take them out" but that doesn't help much as you can read on all the PRM forums complaints about squads being spread all over the map and disorganized. More power to you if you can accomplish this.

    Might be one of the reasons some servers will kick for attacking UC's. They want to make sure the pubbers have a good time rather than have to endure spawn camping with wins being based on teamwork , organization and effort , not cheap shoddy "tactics"
    I play 2142, but the tactics carry over. Attacking enemy UC's can be a very smart tactic that takes extreme coordination. You're in their territory with one place to spawn (in 2142 at least due to spawn beacons) that can be taken out and is quite noticeable. The enemy can spawn as much as they want without the UC being capped for well... obvious reasons. One coordinated squad can keep the enemy pinned in their UC, keep them from having the valuable vehicles that spawn there, take out commander assets, and annoy the hell out of the enemy commander so he or she can't do their job properly.
    Last time I had one of my squads do that, we did just that (on Bridge at Remagen as EU). We were drawing 2 enemy squads to try and take out my 1 squad. We had their vehicles and used their TV missles to take out their assets. When the rest of our team had taken their 2nd to last base, we were ready to cap that last one when it unlocked.
    I've also been on the receiving end as a commander and as a normal soldier and from BigDog and Sjt (in the same squad) no less. When it happens to you, you take them out, you take out their point of access, and you push on. Pussing out isn't an option, and a well coordinated squad can take out the infiltrating squad. That means the squad uses VOIP and points out enemy Charlies and spawn points for elimination. To be quite honest, I'd rather have a fight that makes me say, "Damn, damn, damn, fucking hell," then a fight where I don't have to try. Err... unless it's Titan D, no one attacks, and we do another TTP photo shoot. That was fun.
    enf-Jesus its been like 12 minutes and you're already worried about stats?! :-P
    Sweet home Alabama you are an idiot.

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    Re: People attacking main base at the beginning of the round?

    Quote Originally Posted by w4jchosen
    This is a competitive environment and TTP takes it very seriously.
    That may be the problem because I don't.

    I simply don't have the time to become well versed in the use of all the specialty kits nor to study the maps in great detail so I know all the avenues of escape from a spawn site.I simply want to respawn , rejoin my troupe and carry on , not sit there for god only knows how long waiting to respawn all the time.

    I play PRM for the pleasure of the game and the sense of accomplishment when my squad completes an objective. Whether we win or lose is of little consequence to me. I simply want to try my best.

    To me it's not whether you win or lose but how you play the game. And no matter how you wrap it in pretty ribbons or pseudo military tactical technical terms , in a GAME , to me , it is still a cheap tactic that ruins the enjoyment of PRM

    Now I don't expect TTP to change their server rules simply to accommodate my opinion , I'm just expressing my views on spawn camping. I have no problems in leaving a game if , IMO , the spawn camping is getting out of hand , offers no tactical advantage other than to rack up easy kills or simply frustrate and annoy the opposition.

    Guess I'll have to either adapt or move on.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer DJ Ms. White's Avatar
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    People attacking main base at the beginning of the round? People attacking main base at the beginning of the round? People attacking main base at the beginning of the round? People attacking main base at the beginning of the round?
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    Steam ID: DJMrWhite

    Re: People attacking main base at the beginning of the round?

    At TTP there is a difference between Spawn Camping and attacking the enemy UC.
    Definitions and Rules on "Camping":
    It is difficult to define camping in the context of battlefield games, since the game requires complex strategies of defending and holding territory, stealth, and timing, so it will be judged on a case by case basis. Camping, by definition, is remaining in a specific area only to take enemies by surprise, however offering no strategic advantage to the team, other than to increase your score or pad your personal KD. And, as said above.....KD's don't win games. Flags win games.

    Some examples of camping would include:

    - Being in a position to take a flag, especially when if it is not taken your team will lose, and NOT taking it, simply because you are worried about being seen, or dying. Even worse would be if it is a multi-person flag capture point, and you are in a position to assist other players asking for your help, but do not. Worrying about LOSING should come BEFORE worrying about dying.

    - Remaining in an area of the map that provides you with great cover and fire zones, but provides NO strategic benefit to your team (such as your spawn). Unless a flag is in your immediate fire zone, and you are justifiably protecting it, you know damn well that sitting in the backfield isn't helping anyone but your KD. Find a similar place, with great cover and fire zones, but that ALSO provides your team with a strategic advantage, and you are in the clear as far as the rules go.

    Camping is NOT simply sitting in one place for a long time. That is a definition for simpleton games like Unreal and Quake. It's an outdated definition that does NOT apply here. If you are able to hold your tank, gun-emplacement, or sniping position for an extended time period because you have teammates guarding your flanks, offering you ammo, and keeping you supported, then you go ahead and give the enemy hell. So long as you are not directly disobeying your commander's wishes, you and your team's coordinated efforts are shutting out the enemy's ability to advance and take territory, which thus corresponds to your team's ability to hold territory and win.

    Typically, if you are camping in a manner that does not benefit your team, you will know by the complaints and insults hurdled your way by your squad, squad leader, or commander. If you know something that your team/squad/commander doesn't, such as WHY you feel you are JUSTIFIED in holding that position, all you have to do is speak up, calmly, and explain yourself. Your team, if they are true teammates, have a responsibility to listen to your goals and ideas just as much as you do to theirs. Teamwork is a two way street, so be sure to communicate, and do so often, especially if you think you may be considered a camper. If you are communicating and justifying your actions to your team, then you are immune from punishment from the admin. If the team feels that you are wrong, and a majority of them agree, and most especially if you are disobeying your squad leader and/or commander.......then you will will be dealt with accordingly. The admin is about making the server happy. Not individual players like you. Keep that in mind.

    In addition, if you are consistently camping, promoting camping, and losing while camping, expect the admin to take notice and become involved. The admin will become involved immediately when outbreaks of unjustified camping occur, and will do what admins do by issuing warnings, slapping, slaying, and perhaps including kicks or bans. Though we are reluctant to punish any one player for doing as his team does, we will identify and persecute the chief campers quickly, and move down the ladder from there.

    Get out there and play. Take those flags, get on the offensive, or hold your ground. Call out desperately for reinforcements, set up your defenses, and win. Above all things, win.

    A note on the definiton of "SPAWN CAMPING":

    As has been highly discussed in our admin circles, it may be found that some definitions of camping that are legal, such as controlling choke points and suppressing the enemy's ability to move freely, could be stretched or construed to mean that the server and admins encourage spawn camping/suppression. This may or may not be true, but it is irrelevant. The server encourages winning. If a spawn is penetrable, and thus camp-able, it is that team's responsibility to ensure that it is protected. It is NOT the enemy's moral, ethical, or honorable responsibility to NOT attack it, even if it is uncapturable. If it is left exposed, and winds up with enemy MG's, vehicles, or snipers cutting down everyone that is spawning......yes, it's horrible. Oh, the agony. Oh, the suffering and gnashing of teeth. Yes, you are going to lose.

    But before you cry out spawn camping, spawn raping, and asking the admin to save you.......think about what you are asking:

    "Admin, kick these spawn campers!" in reality means, "Admin, please help me survive by slaying my enemies, so I can fight back, take enemy territory, and win."

    This is something an admin can not do. It is not our job to help either side win or lose, or to perpetuate a game indefinitely by punishing the winning team and releasing the losing team from it's clutches.

    If a player(s) is exploiting bugs and hacks, that is a different story, and the admins will punish these players before you probably even notice it is happening. Stacking players to climb fences and being creative in your negotiation of obstacles blocking a spawn entrance is NOT an exploit. It's a sign that the developers should have made a higher fence, since the developers are WELL AWARE of player abilities to jump, climb, and stack on one another. Don't blame the admins. Blame the map and game designers.
    Full text on rules and policies for PR server is below and is pretty much the same for the other games I believe.
    enf-Jesus its been like 12 minutes and you're already worried about stats?! :-P
    Sweet home Alabama you are an idiot.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer w4jchosen's Avatar
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    People attacking main base at the beginning of the round?

    Re: People attacking main base at the beginning of the round?

    Beerhunter no one is asking you to leave. We are glad you are here. V.7 made the game more difficult with no ability to spawn on your SL. The only hope you have is a rally point so "yes" you can be 1000 miles away from your squad. This has made it more frustrating and more challenging.

    We are here to help. Find a good SL and to it TTP style. See you on the field.

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    Re: People attacking main base at the beginning of the round?

    Quote Originally Posted by w4jchosen
    See you on the field.
    No you won't cause I'll be the one cowering behind that big rock waiting for you to stumble into my sights..

    Seriously though , I haven't really run into the "spawn camping" problem on a PRM server yet other than having a RP attacked and of course we have to be taken out before the RP can be destroyed.

    As I said , if I'm getting overly frustrated by any aspect of the game , whether it be spawn camping , having a bad night and dying a lot or whatever , I simply rack it up to experience , log off and go do something else for a while.

    Good PRM servers are hard to find a TTP is one of the few , so I'm not really going anywhere.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer asianator365's Avatar
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    People attacking main base at the beginning of the round? People attacking main base at the beginning of the round?

    Re: People attacking main base at the beginning of the round?

    It's war, and war is hell. Lock and load, shoot to kill, take no prisoners. When the war gets nasty, give it back to them. The wonderful thing about PR is that it allows for different strategies. What you should have realized is that the jets on that map aren't really essential to win the game. Same thing with the attack helicopter. That map is won by ground-pounding and the creative use of armor and rally points to capture flags. By continuing to spawn on the airfield and attempt to use the air assets you are only helping the enemy win the game because every time you die, that is one less ticket for your team. Sometimes you have to let go of the air assets.

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    Re: People attacking main base at the beginning of the round?

    Quote Originally Posted by elkhartadam
    If the enemy had enough time to make their way over to your uncap, wouldn't you have had enough time to make your way over to their uncap?
    You would think so but no. The Chinese jet, J-10, makes you wait about 20 seconds before you can taxi, where as the Eurofighter can start taxiing as soon as you get in, and thus takes off earlier....

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