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Thread: Commander And I.. Tank Shot:)

  1. Witch
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    They did not say anything about DLCs allowing you to play versus mode against infected without humans (which is campaign) or as infected against bots. You need humans on both sides to get a game going.

    If they were to do that, which I highly doubt, then it'll be a free update, I'm sure, for everyone. Why do I say that? Because it's unfair to modify the versus modes for people who pay (which they have every right to do so if they chose to) and it would be easier to just be part of an update.

    Survivor bots are accurate. Playing against bots might be boring and frustrating, depending on how the programmers decide to make their ability to play and shoot worth.

    I don't know why you were misled. I read it several times before it came out, and they did not say anything about playing against bots as infected or survivors.

    The only thing they make you pay for are new campaigns, pretty much. I doubt they are going to charge you for a more modified versus mode if there are no maps with it. Even if they do put in a modified mode, then everyone will get it. I don't think people with different updates can play with each other, because the coding is different (but don't take my word for it, I don't know squat about programming or games)

    If I were you, I'd just forget it. There's nothing you can do about it.
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperGamecube64 View Post
    You're aware that your user name causes massive explosions of win and is the cure for AIDS and Cancer, right?

  2. Left 4 Dead
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    I like Hunter on the Prowl..

    He some how manages to boggle and annoy Kagato and, at the same time his posts makes everyone on the forum look even that much more smarter.

    Shit... i feel smarter already.
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  3. Banned
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    What is so excited about what you described?

    You want to play versus against only bot SIs? They have that it is called campaign... Yes it would be nice if the server didn't immediately shut down when the other team was empty. Maybe it would allow 2 or 3 minutes and then shut down if nobody came. Again vs against bots is campaign.

    I heard a rumor the versus co-op (campaign as the infected vs bots) was in the making and I was excited. However a few people here on that play PC have stated that the AI isn't that smart. They have trouble moving at a decent pace and some stated that they could never activate a cresendo (which the majority of levels have).

    I believe somewhere in your rambling you mentioned how playing against the AI is a challenge? If that's true then you need some serious improvement on your game. AI infected are dumb. They attack solo (usually), tanks run through a fire, smokers and such won't even find a high place but instead be in the open, chargers melée more then charge... I could go on forever.

    AI survivors are deadly accurate sometimes but when shit hits the fan they are clueless. If two survivors are being attacked at the same time they rarely ever react due to confusion.

    It seems like a cool idea but it would get too easy and become boring by the end of a single campaign.

  4. Zombie Cat
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    This is gonna be one of those rare (never before seen) occasions when I agree with kagato. Reading comprehension is fundamental, OP. Although I'd like a mode where you can be infected versus survivor bots, all alone, because I believe it would give a lot of people the chance they need to get a feel for playing infected, because there's a much steeper learning curve than survivor. I think a lot of people suck so bad at this game because most of their time is spent bouncing from lobby to lobby after being kicked for something they weren't given a chance to learn.

  5. Feet under the table
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    Alright Fine Dammit, Give me A quote, unquote "CAMPAIGN" where You play Exclusive to the infected Side Killing Human Bots Through out.
    you win if they All Die, Eh you get the Idea.

    I'm Just going to Stop posting my idea's and improvment suggestions For the future of this game because its pretty Apparent Most of you find It Flawless.

    PuH-LeaZ.. Its ANYTHING but.
    The campaigns are 2 short, Theres only 1 game mode if your Not connected to the Enternet to play, Tanks Die like little Whimps when set on fire When ALL OTHER INFECTED WILL LOSE THE EFFECT BEFORE DYING.

    The *** DAMN healing Gnome Glitches through the F***ing Floor.
    And If No one's noticed by now the game servers are going to hell so your pretty much Playing the ONE GAME MODE unless your able to put with the crap servers long enough to play a Decent mode That happens To be Better Yet Is For Some ungodly Known reason have to be connected To their Servers To Even Play. (Realisim campaign Mainly)
    This series can use A LOT of Improvement. But Hey if you all enjoy paying full game price for 2 or 3 small things in a game that can easily sell for less then 40$ BE MY ****ING GUEST.

    My point- straight and Simple, to carry a 65$ and 9 cent Price Tag..
    (I'm fairly sure Thats what It'll Be) Left 4 Dead 3 Better Do A LOT more then offer up 4 enviroments 4 short map areas long and 2 or 3 game modes.

    I've stopped playing l4d for the time being, enjoying Assassins Creed Brootherhood, And Need for speed Hot pursuit.
    Both are good games =D, But they Arn't L4D

    And oh Lordy lordy Satain Be damned The angels Say I can't ask for Improvements to a game i rather enjoy.

    The POINT IS LIKE IT OR NOT, This game could use A ton more features to live up to its once full game price.

    ah screw i'm done ranting for today, Now i need to go take my pill and get my murder on in ACB, when the servers straighten up for l4d 2.. I'll be back to eat the brains of the helpless survivors.

    It's not like any thems got any brains to begin with >.>

  6. Witch
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    If you're gonna be a jerk, then I'm gonna be a jerk. We all told you exactly what was wrong and right with it. We tried to make you understand. You won't listen. You won't budge. You won't take heed to anything we say, because it's common sense.

    1) Campaigns are fine. There are DLCs if you want more. Play the PC if you want more maps, a lot more. Campaigns in L4D1 were designed better. While Left 4 Dead 2 isn't designed as well, they're still pretty damn fun. Play expert mode if you want it to last longer. Based on what you're saying, I don't think you can last half a round, but that's just me. You could be better than me for all I know.

    Tanks Die like little Whimps when set on fire When ALL OTHER INFECTED WILL LOSE THE EFFECT BEFORE DYING.
    What does this mean? Tanks are the same offline as online. I'm sure there's a subtle difference between campaign and versus mode. If you're playing easy, of course they die fast from the fire and bullets. Expert mode, it seems like an eternity for a player who hasn't tried expert mode.

    2.B) You can play Versus mode offline if you have a second controller and a friend. Granted, it's not as fun and you can see each other's screens, but it's better than nothing. If you're not connected to the internet, that's your problem. Seems like you play online, so I don't know why you're complaining about it.

    3) Gnome mutation is over. It's all about TAAANNNKS now. I understand that the gnome passing through the elevator was annoying and caused many players to restart the round, but obviously you should have learned from your mistake the first time. If you throw it a second time, wow. That's about the only time the gnome fucks up and screws your game up.

    4) Playing as Infected against Suvivors (Computer-controlled bots) is not fun. They probably won't move along too well, get trapped, or totally just skeet you from 4 miles away right when you spawn. How else do you think they play? If you watch a computer play while dead as infected, you can see that they're aiming for you even if you're behind 6 walls. No fun at all. Like Kagato said,
    And I just thought it was kinda funny that you said I had no right to speak about this issue. You realize that I am able to play versus with 4 bots? Yes, they're buggy. Yes, they can skeet you a mile away. It's extremely boring and serves no point.
    That's more than enough evidence. Kagato has proven himself to be a respectable member of this forum to some degree, and while he has experienced it on the PC, it would have the same outcome on the 360. You haven't played the PC, have you? If you have, go download it and try it. You'll understand and will take it back. I never played it, and I don't want to play as infected against survivor bots.

    5) Left 4 Dead was worth the money. Left 4 Dead 2 was worth the money. They gave us more content since it came out. If you loved it, you bought it. If you didn't, you didn't buy it. Simple. You say it's not worth what you bought it for because you overplayed it and got bored of it. I enjoyed everything about it. The game modes, the campaigns. I wouldn't be pissed off if Left 4 Dead 3 came out and had new campaigns and the same shit as Left 4 Dead 2. It would still be a good game to play. And even if they ever come out with Left 4 Dead 3, it's obvious they'll offer more features to it. All sequels do. If they don't, then laaaaaaaaazy.

    6) It does live up to its price. Left 4 Dead = game of the year.

    7) Please quit capitalizing every word you type. It makes it harder to follow along. If you don't mind my asking, where are you from?

    8) The game does not need more features to live up to its full game price. It could use some improvements such as Tank spawning and shit like that, but hey, what can you do? It's good. Does not need more. I would rather they save the new features for Left 4 Dead 3 so that I have something to look forward to. Don't give it all away now.

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperGamecube64 View Post
    You're aware that your user name causes massive explosions of win and is the cure for AIDS and Cancer, right?

  7. Feet under the table
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    okay so Mislead DLC purchase Aside I Still have this complaint.

    and COME ON XBOX PEOPLE.. you can't tell Me you honestly LIKE sitting in a lobby For 20 to 45 minutes Before getting enough Players in the room to START THE GAME.

    1- the servers Suck and lose Connection.
    because Of said server loss players leave.

    2- you got your group of Versus ready to play But for some un-Godly known reason you
    CAN'T start the game Versus computer A.I.

    it's not like humans Versus A.I. DOESN'T exist, You have both infected A.I, and Survivor A.I.

    regardless of how They play the OBJECTIVE of this Entire feature is to ALLOW players to START the game with Bot's and while playing humans can slowly fill their slots.

    Much like it plays Now only you don't have to Sit in a lobby for 50 minutes to get players on the opposite team. And you Could play private games with buddies only

    no strange online d-bags =D.
    Regardless of how Faulty the Mechanics Are, having the option to START the game without having to wait forever which also includes about 14 failed connections.
    Would be a real nice feature Dontcha think?

  8. Feet under the table
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    PC players also have to wait ridiculous amounts of time

    AI versus = campaign

    Well damn.. allow me to repeat Myself i guess.
    Regardless of how They play the OBJECTIVE of this Entire feature is to ALLOW players to START the game with Bot's and


    Much like it plays Now only you don't have to Sit in a lobby for 50 minutes to get players on the opposite team. And you Could even play private games with buddies only as Zombies Versus A.I. survivors.
    not just strange online d-bags =D.

    Regardless of how Faulty the Mechanics Are, having the option to START the game without having to wait forever which also includes about 14 failed connections.
    Would be a real nice feature Dontcha think?*


    Please Read the Bold writting & IF there was a campaign (which there Isn't)
    that let us play as Infected (which theres Not) I Would agree with you.
    But Theres Not and it Doesn't so therefore my argument still stands.

  9. Feet under the table
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    lol, or.. eject the disk and put in some assassins creed brotherhood.

    Seriously I'd play L4D A LOT more if it didn't take so damn long to get a game going.

    Why we cant just start and Let the CPU slots fill in as we play i guess I'll never know.

    But you've gotta admit, It's pretty Annoying sitting in the lobbies 50 some odd minutes all while Thinking "damn If i can just start already those slots would Fill Up!"
    Oh and hey, about Borderlands and it's DLC's (if you liked the Game)
    do yourself a favor and buy the DLC.

    I promise you, you will NOT find better DLC in any game for the price.
    They don't just add 1 or 2 little things, They build a whole new section to the world =D. Seriously Their DLC's are so Good that the Secret Armory Is being Nominated For spike Tv's VGA (video game awards) For Best Add-on to a video game of the year. And with good reason.. The SA DLC actually made the game a lot better then it originally was LoL.

  10. Feet under the table
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    PC players also have to wait ridiculous amounts of time

    AI versus = campaign



    Though it won't change a thing you guys's arguing, I can't see a reason why we aint allowed to start game in advance.

    Well, downside is players can and will use this as an advantage and get points before any1 could even join, so meh.
    "Gaze long into abyss, and the abyss will also gaze into you"

    -Friedrich Nietzsche

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