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Thread: Commander And I.. Tank Shot:)

  1. Registered TeamPlayer JimboIncinerator's Avatar
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    Commander And I.. Tank Shot:)
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    Steam ID: jimboincinerator

    Commander And I.. Tank Shot:)

    3 meg clip of me spotting a poor lonely sole on a hillside... then commander blows his ass up with a tank shell...

    Sorry for the no sound... i forgot i turned off sound capture.

    Its encoded in divx

    The one below is in xvid (same vid)

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  3. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Command And Me.. Tank Shot:)

    Long time no see buddy?

  4. Registered TeamPlayer ***COMMANDER***'s Avatar
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    Commander And I.. Tank Shot:) Commander And I.. Tank Shot:)
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    Steam ID: 76561197983313098

    Re: Command And I.. Tank Shot:)

    we had just took out a tank a Long ways off. Jimbo spotted this guy on the hill and I couldn't see him at first, so he gave me a heading,,,, Then I put the mark on it,,,, Moved the mark to the right 30 meters, and then He said, Right there,,,,, BOOM and he goes flying and the enemies were fleeing the scene in wheels, right after the shot. I think that was a SL trying to lase our Tank.

    He got some.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer ***COMMANDER***'s Avatar
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    Commander And I.. Tank Shot:) Commander And I.. Tank Shot:)
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    Steam ID: 76561197983313098

    Re: Commander And I.. Tank Shot:)

    It is Much better quality if you save the download and then view it..... You can see the mark on his head before the shot.

  6. Feet under the table
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    I'm pissed off x.X.. (Passing DLC rant)

    why am i pissed off? Well..
    I should be pissed off about the messed up servers.
    Or the fact you burn infected with fire It'll go out before they die, You burn a tank with fire (supposed to be the most FEARED and Lethal Infected in the game) And he runs around with no other option but to DIE.

    But no this rants more Legit then that.. In fact I feel a bit ripped off but I'll
    Get over it, I'd just love to know why something that was advertised to me does NOT work?

    Left 4 Dead Blog

    ~In addition, "The Passing" offers a new co-operative challenge mode of play, support for infected bot play in Versus, a new "uncommon common" zombie class (the fallen survivor), melee weapon (golf club), and firearm (M-60).

    Available for 560 Microsoft Points on Xbox 360 and free on the PC, "The Passing" takes place just after the Dead Center campaign of L4D2. Set in a small town in rural Georgia, players assume the role of the L4D2 Survivors as they meet with the L4D1 characters.~


    Going by exactly what is stated here, Why can't i play versus With BOTS on the other team? (now that I've downloaded the DLC.)
    Have i (yet again) miss-read the content discription and bought a Add-on that does'nt serve the purpose I was lead to believe it'd have?

    Secondly, WHY ISN'T bot play an option to begin with?
    (Even Before Buying DLC add-ons) as in.. a feature that came In the game.
    Offline versus 2p split screen, us zombies.. them human or vice versa
    (Not too smart, not too dumb Depends on difficulty setting.)

    Which leads me to my last and FINAL rant (for now) about the DLC / Game.
    WHY do all the game modes require a dedicated server to play?

    Truth be told l4d wouldn't keep my intrest if it wasn't for versus and realisim modes Which for some Unknown reason Require being ONLINE to play.

    So someone tell me, Why do i have to put up with the crappy Servers in order to enjoy a decent game when i can just as easily, start an offline game of the same type playing Alone??

    i was lead to believe I'd have access to after downloading the passing

    It's a bit Ridiculous to have to sit in an open lobby until human players fill slots in. If me and 3 buddies want to team up and take on bots it SHOULD be an option. And after Reading the DLC description i Was certainly Expecting It as it WAS the reason i purchased the Content to begin with.

    *Thanks for your time & consideration to Anyone who takes the time to read through this* ~the hunter On the Prowl~

  7. Chicago Ted
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    I don't know what it is you're saying but I think it means you cannot play with your friends vs bot Infected and Survivors. Its just simply saying if you don't have teammates as Infected... then bot infected fill in until another person comes in the game.

    Left 4 Dead 1, if you are on the infected side and you're the only 1, you're forced to do things by yourself with no help from other special infected. In Left 4 Dead 2, however, once you're alone, you still have bot teammates to help you out.
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
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  8. Feet under the table
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    Naw that can't be what it means because even Before purchasing the DLc i can clearly remember Bot's helping me out.

    I was lead to believe Bot play is excatly what its Meant to be, Bots to play with or against. Atleast thats the way its been for me when it comes to bot's.

    You see my Problem comes in where DLC content plays its part,
    Add on's I've purchased for any game (Which theres only 2 but anyway)
    Have been HUGE add on's.

    Most people are USED to paying 5-16$ for a few extra weapons and a new map or two.

    I however have been spoiled by the other DLC's I've purchased which contained new guns, levels, enemies etc.. in Other words. Im used to Larger DLC's that don't just add one or two small things, but Are Basically their OWN game. (Play borderlands DLC you'll know what I'm talking About afterwards)

    And Because I'm Expecting THAT much in content, I keep looking for more in Other content packs I've purchased, Therefore i make the Assumption that there is some great reason i should buy these DLC's.

    Besides.. Human Vs Bot play Is'nt all that much to ask for in DLC content anyway.. Hell as Rich as Valve Is.. i'm pretty Sure if It was a feature intended that may of got overlooked, They'll Get it fixed, and if it Was'nt I'm also pretty sure they can patch it in for little if any cost to us at all.

    ~the Hunter On the Prowl~

  9. Feet under the table
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    >.> i dunno about all that, Microsoft allows plenty of Free content just as well.
    You need stop replying to my threads is what you need to do, lol all you do is say sumn negetive or tell me how I'm so wrong & your so right.

    your on the PC you have 100% absolutely no POINT in arguing this with me.
    If your on the Consoles then you need to have a "Selling Point" oh wait you PC guys don't know what that is do ya?

    Allow me to explain.. It's a Level of intrest that gets you to ultimately decide to PAY for something.. My level of Intrest was In thinking I'd be Able to play Versus Without a team of Morons or Serious gamers on the Other side etc And in Addition Be able to play a
    Co-op game as Special infected with my Friends WITHOUT having to wait 30 minutes or more for people to join on the other side..

    See.. when you can't Find the Selling point for something, You useually don't buy it, And so I am here (in the proper part of these forums i might Add) To COMPLAIN
    (thats what we do in this part of the forum right?) About A mis-leading selling Point.
    I'm not asking for a refund, I'm just wanting to know why they have to write the description of the content Up so it Sounds Better then it actually is?

    In fact we can even temperarily "Trick" the server into letting us host a game where Everyones on the same side, (just pick the opposite side and change as game starts)
    It plays alright for a little while, (even made it through a chapter) but the server either shuts itself down or just freezes us at the safe room / where ever the survivors Die without loading the next chapter.

    It's kinda funny though, it'll get stuck like that an you'll be a zombie running around with nothing to do till the server realizes no ones on the other team and kicks off.

    The thing is i BOUGHT the DLC with the Impression That I'd no longer need to trick the servers, And It Actuallay Legitamtly Supported Bot play for Versus.
    Which Was the Main Ultimate selling point (realisim versus was just a Bonus) And From what i Hear Realisim Versus Didn't Even Exist as a game mode when the DLC first came out and was later patched in after being the most popular mutation.

    Expecting it To legitamtly support Bot play versus games (For both infected & survivor)
    Is that soo DANG hard to beleve considering the way the DLC description is written?

    This part of the forum is for Rants, and Dammit i should be allowed to rant.
    ~the hunter On the Prowl~

  10. Feet under the table
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    Again.. I don't think you Understand the bulk of this Thread.
    And i find the Response pure Bullcrap, sure Microsoft May have made valve charge but By HOW F***ING MUCH?

    My case in point is there Are Several SET point values For "Online Credits"
    400,800,1600, 2400 and So on. Yet for some unkown reason Valves DLC has to be set at an odd number value 560, Now for those of you not doing the math You'd have to buy a 800 point purchase in order to buy something That Could've EASILY sold at 400 or Hell if they Wanted to GIVE it away Free But HAD to be FORCED to charge How about Even LESS, do i Hear 250,80??..

    You have no right to even coment because like I've stated you get your crap Free, as a "paying" costumer us console players (ps3 included) have to have a Reason to buy these things.

    My reason was in a mis-leading Item description Which i'm pissed off About, Surely i'm Not the ONLY person in the damned world who Finds their Item descriptions Misleading. And as stated before i'm asking Two Very Simple questions that arn't all that hard to answer and thats ALL THIS THREAD IS ABOUT.

    Question 1- If the DLC was NOT meant to support the Bot play I had been lead to beleive would be a feature, then why Is that not clearly stated in the Item description Instead of Leading people to beleive Upon downloading the DLC they could play versus by themselves With all the other slots being filled by computer A.I.?? Hence the Wording ~In Addition the passing DLC now supports Infected Bot play for Versus.~

    Going by that exact wording one Would assume this mean't you could start a versus game against Bots and at the end of the round switch Sides Exactly like Online Play But Maybe as An OFFLINE or online dlc exclusive feature?

    And Question 2- If such a feature wasn't even considered In the development Of the DLC / game Itself, I'd Love to know why the Bloody hell not? It just makes the Most sense

    And As stated Before Going by Misleading Item description it was certainly something that I had assumed would be a "Reason" to buy the Content pack.

    In Fact I've Purchased Both DLC's being lead to believe they'll do something They Do not. I'd say at this point I have a right to be pretty damn pissed

    The DLC's arnt Bad. But at 560 Points a Peice can think of Better add on content packs, which is Sort of the reason i'm shocked to see these 2 DLC's are severally lacking in Content to have such A enormous price tag attached.

    I'm not trying to be a prick, I just hope now you can see my point.
    Personally i feel To only add So Little these DLC's Could've been much, much Cheaper. But you PC guys get these things free So i guess you don't see that reasoning.

    Just remember.. Not Everyone plays on the PC
    ~the hunter On the Prowl~

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