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  1. Registered TeamPlayer texdirect6's Avatar
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    BF2 +

    Alright BF2 Regulars

    If you like teamplaying and intense battles then you got to check out this

    *(puts hypnotic spell on BF2 regulars)*
    If you dont have this yet its time for you to go get it and join in the new sensation of BF2 action!!

    Hurry It starts tonight!!!!

    GET SOME!!!!!!

  2. Registered TeamPlayer BlueMaxox's Avatar
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    Re: BF2 +

    Please put me down


    I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was!

  3. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    Problem members?

    Right, I've spent most of today reading more posts than any human being should reasonably have to, and it appears that the atmosphere here amongst the members isn't all that great.

    There's a little bit of an 'us and them' mentality between a small core of users with regard to the staff here, and that's something I'd like to stamp on right away - it's not all one side, there's things for both sides to work on, but I'll address that in another thread at another time.

    Also, there seem to be several members who seem to be frequently involved in skirmishes with others and generally not actually contributing an awful lot to the forum outside the off-topic forum. I've got a list of those members, but I'd like you guys to fill me in on the ones YOU think aren't exactly contributing much.

    I'd like to stress that this WON'T be mentioned outside this forum and I won't be taking any specific action against any members based on what is said in this thread.
    I'm just trying to get a feel of how accurate my first impressions have been, and which members need watching closely, because the single fastest way this forum will die is if we start letting the lunatics run the asylum - it's not a problem just yet, but it does need to be identified and stamped out before it becomes a problem.

  4. The Subjugator
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    Ooh, my favourite topic!

    Lava of Lolcano - You have only just seen this kiddie, but he has the potential to be a right little gnat. Saw him cause quite a bit of trouble but he seems to have calmed down since he received a warning. Still, I think it'd be worth keeping an eye on him seeing he's 'returned'

    Parlock & Kayli - Not particularly a pair of problem members, as in causing massive flame wars or stuff of that ilk, but they have an extremely annoying tendancy to divert a topic off of its course and start up their own little conversation, spraying the thread with post after post of a derailed stench.

    PMS Betty B - I just don't know what to say about this member, a bad influence on the others.

    Voodu - I don't know whether he starts fights or not, but he has a talent for being pulled into them. Voodu's probably just easily antagonised or maybe he does it 'fur teh lulz', unfortunately it also brands him as one of the people keeping the flame going.

    lusence - I've wanted to make a move and warn this guy off, but I thought it'd be better to wait for everyone else's opinion first. While he's not doing any harm and his stories seem to be keeping with the zombie theme at the moment, he's still posting some weird music videos in his thread. Whatcha' want done with 'im, baws?
    Whilst playing Penumbra...

    Parlock: I CAN HEAR IT.
    Dead Prodigy: HIDE.
    Parlock: I AM.

  5. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    For the time being we'll leave Lusence. I agree we don't really want people just posting random youtube videos (I seem to remember having a run-in with him about this when I was a mod), the problem is that everyone else is doing it right now, including some members of the staff. We can't really discipline him for it without doing it to others, or its victimisation, and if we were doing it to everyone that did it right now, we'd probably end up having to warn half the userbase.

    It's something I'd like to look at, because I'm not a fan of just posting a link to an unrelated youtube video and nothing else, but we need to tackle it on a wider basis first.

  6. Banned
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    I don't really consider any members to be a "problem". The "problem" is we've been lax in how we enforce the rules.

    If you want to steer the members to behave and post in a certain way then we'll have to start having some consistency in how we enforce the rules. I can go through the off topic forum and find multiple threads/posts that break the letter of the law. There is a pretty big one in there discussing drugs that I participated in for example.

    What I'd do it this: Figure out what kinds of behaviors we want to change, post a nice thread announcing that we're going to start enforcing rules A, B, C, and D more strictly and that all long standing members will be given some time to adjust (warnings instead of infractions for the first week or so basically) and let them sort themselves out. If certain members become "problem members" after that week start sending them infractions.

    I will admit that I've been pretty lax on everyone over the last year. It was a combination of things but it mainly came from the fact that I didn't have anyone to set an example for me. I didn't know how strict I needed to be so I just became the chill mod that banned spam bots and only stepped in to clean something up if it got really bad. Over the last year I can't think of too many situations that I would consider "really bad", for the most part people have been getting a long even if they blow off steam and yell at each other every now and again.

    I can be strict, I just don't like to be. I prefer to talk to something via PM before I even consider sending an infraction. I've sent one infraction out that I can remember in the last year, and that was to Parlock. The only reason he got an infraction was due to the fact that someone posted to say a family member had died, and Parlock thought it would be funny to point out a spelling error in the guys post. I lost two friends to a drug overdose a few days before so my heart was bleeding for the member already, then I see that post which is not funny and outright rude. So I sent the infraction...

    Next thing I know I'm getting PMs from Parlock playing dumb. I responded with something like: "You seriously don't know what you earned that infraction for?" I got pissed off, got drunk, and continued on with my week of attending wakes, funerals, and visiting the hospital (a third friend overdosed the same night as the other two and died a few weeks later).

    I've still got two PMs sitting in my inbox unread from that infraction. I'm not too concerned about it and don't feel like wasting my time explaining that infraction when he obviously knows which post earned it.

    So yea, I don't send many of those out. I can start sending them out for every little thing but it just ends up enforcing the "us vs. them" mentality in the members.

  7. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    Eylof, you just posted pretty much exactly my thinking on several matters. I'll be going into more detail on this later tonight (hopefully - I'm at work, so if we get busy I might not get chance.), but consistency (and openness) is something I REALLY want us to be big on in the next few months.

  8. A Banhammer With Rainbows
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    where to

    there are dozens.

    ...but SERIOUSLY.

    We banned him ages ago, and hes a little turd....turd sammich....yep.

    p.s. BOOO..DP...You stink

    jdog_pwnd_you: I worship you.

  9. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    I was actually thinking earlier tonight how Joe doesn't seem to have been so bad recently. A little liable to hijack threads with Kayli, but the out and out trolling seems to be less prevalent than it was.
    The same could be said for Abyss, who was a real pain in the ass when I was moderating, but actually seems to have grown up a bit since then.

    Still, I've been wrong before. I'm trying not to let past experiences have any effect on my views on users now, to look at the place from a neutral point of view, and so far, those two haven't really caught my eye as needing any real attention.

  10. A Banhammer With Rainbows
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    Yeah, im trying to not let my personal opinions of that little clique get in the way of my moderating decisions...
    trying... :|

    However, he has had some very flamey posts (fairly) recently, that ive ignored... But meh, i have a feeling he'll try something again and youll step in (:

    jdog_pwnd_you: I worship you.

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