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Thread: people who get in the attack helo when they can't gun or fly

  1. Registered TeamPlayer saszeus's Avatar
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    people who get in the attack helo when they can't gun or fly

    Why do people insist on getting in the attack helo when they know they can't gun or fly?
    I get frustrated when people tend to think they can fly or gun in the chopper, when clearly they have no skills and should not be in the chopper to begin with.
    One of the first things i will do is try to make contact with my gunner or pilot, either join there squad or create a squad and invite them. Once in the same squad I hope that they have a mic and use it, sometimes they can here you, but they can't talk because a lack of a mic. So you think at least they can here me when i need to tell them something, and we will probably be alright.

    If they are my gunner I will ask "can you shoot the T.V. missle" they normally reply yes, and after the first shot as the pilot you know the answer to that question.
    If they are a decent or not to experienced gunner but they atleast have a mic and are trying, I'll try to be patient with them and help them with questions they might have, and give them as many pointers that i can. Remember we were all knew to the T.V. missle at one time.
    If they really are a bad gunner, and they don't hav a mic I normally take them to a flag and ask them to get out, and will go back to the gunner pool to fetch another bad one. Because everybody thinks they can shoot that t.v. missle.

    If I am the gunner in the helo, I will normally ask are you better at flying or gunning they normally reply they can do either. The next thing you know your hovering over a flag trying to cap it, while I am staring up at the gun barrel of the other chopper telling him to get us up, but by that time where toast. Everybody I'm sure has been in that situation at one time or another, "It sucks".
    The other thing that frustrate's me is if you can't communicate with your pilot and he is flying consistintly at 20 ft off the ground and very fast, and is getting upset with you because you can't hit any targets. At that point I will type to him to get me some alltitude so that I can shoot this missle or fend for yourself.

    Listen up inexperinced chopper pilots and gunners, you should never "hover over a flag when the server is full or even half full[size=12pt][/size], and do not get in the gun seat if you can't steer the T.V. missle" especially on this server. It can be very dangerous for you, because if myself or several other very good gunners are in the other chopper, that's like candy to us and you are as good as dead. Another thing if you are the pilot, Maybe you should also scan the horizon for the other chopper once and awhile, because he will be looking for you, and give your gunner a chance to hit some target's at a decent alltitude.


  2. Registered TeamPlayer JBMCW2010's Avatar
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    Re: people who get in the attack helo when they can't gun or fly

    Quote Originally Posted by saszeus
    Why do people insist on getting in the attack helo when they know they can't gun or fly?
    I get frustrated when people tend to think they can fly or gun in the chopper, when clearly they have no skills and should not be in the chopper to begin with.
    I do not think players should be disallowed from playing however they wish whether it be armor, air, heli or groundpounding. If I(an admitted groundpounder) wish to get in the gunner seat of a heli(i do not trust my Attack Chopper flying yet and know not to) I will and if you bitch at me I'll just want to do it more. ask nicely I'll possibly leave thing is how am I supposed to get better?

    All these players not just you steve. Tell us to get out of the air or out of the tank etc and tell us to get better before trying to take that asset. How are we supposed to get better? AI on your own rig is only so good... You jump into the middle of it before you better you will be knocked down a bit but you get better every time.

    Teach them let them have practice use your patience.

    If I see ranger and hobbes going for an Attack Helo I'll let them have it because I know they are going to help the team better than if I were in there. However if I see only one of them go for it, I'd have that one drive and me gun. Because you have a good pilot you will get more experience as a gunner etc.

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    Re: people who get in the attack helo when they can't gun or fly

    This, in my opinion, is a hard subject to answer Steve.

    On one hand, for the sake of the team, one wants the best pilot / gunner combo in the air, but how did those guys get to be good - by practice. I know you can practice in single player, but there gets to a point where you need to move on to live action. That's more or less where I am - I can fly / gun pretty well in single player but it is a whole diffeerenty story live on TTP when you come up against the aces. I normally will try one or two rounds live and if I suck, will relinquish my seat and go back to what I also know well - groundpounding.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer Xavsnipe's Avatar
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    Re: people who get in the attack helo when they can't gun or fly

    This is with every other explanation i´ve given...

    Inexperienced players will try to get on the gunner seat or pilot to practice and get better. This is inevitable, and they have a right to, as do experienced players. There are little tricks you can do, like let 2 noobs get the helo, get shot down quickly and then you get it with a squadmate, and stay up the whole round if you´re good enough, or stay up long enough that when you go down, no one is waiting for the helo anymore.

    That being said, I have a complaint concerning helo´s too. If you ARE an experienced player, please leave your squad, even if you are with your buddies, and join the guy you are in the helo with. There is nothing more annoying than not having comms in the helo and having to basically aim your gunner 3 feet away from every target to let him know what you´re looking at.

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    Re: people who get in the attack helo when they can't gun or fly

    I have a couple of comments here, I keep them simple and to the point.

    1. It's NON team play to disrupt a Squad already involved in Helo activity, although every piece of Equipment is fair game. It's NON team play and flat out inconsiderate to just say "to Hell with YOU'RE chopper Squad, I want to fly"; that's not teamplay. Especially when you see a Squad already working and communicating together. Disruption of that Team play is just that, disruptive to Team Play. If you're a Squad leader just sitting aorund waiting for a chopper that is already in the Air, then you're waisting team assets and strength.

    2. I'm frustrated with the players who will just SIT there at the Helo pad just waiting for a chopper to Spawn, knowing FULL and WELL that there is already a Squad working that Piece of Equipment, TOGETHER.

    I learned to fly the Attack chopper by going into single player mode first, then joining other servers that had fewer players than does TTP (or getting into TTP early or really, really late); or go to an AIR MAP server only with just a couple of players in them, those are always good places to practice. No reason why we shouldn't be able to also learn in TTP either; but we should also learn that if a Squad is Already involved with the chopper, then I should go do my part elsewhere on the battlefield; NOT disrupt this team. Perhaps next round I'll be able to get the chopper, then someone else will extend a common courtesy to me, by allow OUR Squad to manage the chopper.

    When I refer to "YOU'RE" in this post, I'm refering to the disruptive players, myself included (IMO),or whoever they may be.... I'm not pointing to anyone inparticular.

    -modified for spelling
    -modified to alter closing statement to include MYSELF

  6. Registered TeamPlayer saszeus's Avatar
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    Re: people who get in the attack helo when they can't gun or fly

    As I explained in the first post.

    If they are a decent or not to experienced gunner but they atleast have a mic and are trying, I'll try to be patient with them and help them with questions they might have, and give them as many pointers that I can.

    The key here JBM is that the communication is established, I have never asked anyone to get out of the chopper that is using teamspeak, and I will gladly be very patient with them. When initially learning to use the T.V missile, found my self on alot of other servers that only had maybe up to 15 people playing on it. That was just enough to make sure I was able to get in the chopper and have a live moving target to shoot at.

    I think everybody has the right to get in the chopper, I just get frustrated when they fire the missle and it goes straight as an arrow, or they fly the chopper and hover over a flag.

    When all said and done I probably think the thing that bothers me most is not communicating. After all a mic is only $10.00 or less to buy I think everybody should have one, it has to be one of the single most important things to have on this server.


  7. Registered TeamPlayer JBMCW2010's Avatar
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    Re: people who get in the attack helo when they can't gun or fly

    oh believe me comms are insanely important...I mean come on I play PR regularly.

    My Squad

    Mics are vital, never said nothing that they werent though I never mentioned in this thread anything about me using a mic. Just about the fact that if I want to learn I should be able to.

  8. Exiled
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    Re: people who get in the attack helo when they can't gun or fly

    Steve, I agree with you. Thing that pisses me off the most is when the gunner will shoot tanks half way across the map with the mini gun, or hover and take flags.

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    Re: people who get in the attack helo when they can't gun or fly

    Quote Originally Posted by rv2pc3d
    I have a couple of comments here, I keep them simple and to the point.

    1. It's NON team play to disrupt a Squad already involved in Helo activity, although every piece of Equipment is fair game. It's NON team play and flat out inconsiderate to just say "to Hell with YOU'RE chopper Squad, I want to fly"; that's not teamplay. Especially when you see a Squad already working and communicating together. Disruption of that Team play is just that, disruptive to Team Play. If you're a Squad leader just sitting aorund waiting for a chopper that is already in the Air, then you're waisting team assets and strength.

    2. I'm frustrated with the players who will just SIT there at the Helo pad just waiting for a chopper to Spawn, knowing FULL and WELL that there is already a Squad working that Piece of Equipment, TOGETHER.
    I wholeheartedly agree with this, and this pisses me off to no end. There are certain players on the server who do nothing the whole round but sit at the helo pad. I also hate when, say me and devo (with the same tags), are flying together and get shot down, and these people come over and try and take it. If I see people in a helo who I know are working together, I leave and do something else.

  10. Registered TeamPlayer dex71's Avatar
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    Re: people who get in the attack helo when they can't gun or fly

    Although I agree wholeheartedly that you should not interrupt a helo squad that is working together,I also HATE the whores.There are some that whore the choppers and jets map after map after map(I'm not accusing anyone here ,but we've all seen it ).Of course there are going to be better pilots and gunners,but another aspect of teamplay is becoming well rounded.You can only learn the basics of flying in SP.The air maps are nice to learn dogfighting,but until you fly or gun on a full server with multiple targets and active anti-air,your just not getting the same experience.We ALL were inexperienced at one time and the only way to get better is to practice. If you have been in a jet or chopper for the last couple of maps.....ground pound for a couple maps.It definately wont "cure" the interrupting,but it might cut down on it a bit if more people can get their "fix".Just need to remember that the equipment belongs to the team and not to a squad.

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