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    Yeah, I kinda figured, but, I also couldn't resist the temptation. lol :9

  2. Registered TeamPlayer RooGaRoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaBell37
    As God is my witness, if you are in an attack chopper and I am commanding, you had better find SOME way to do what I say. If I have another round like the last two, by God, I will start writing the names of the Squad Leaders down and posting them in here for not following orders. I don't give flying upside down monkey if you were the squad leader and the guy was in your squad not listening to you, FIND SOME WAY TO GET THROUGH TO HIM.

    At the same time, if you are leading a squad, GET A HEADSET WITH MIC! If you can't even communicate with me effectively, what good are you to your squad or the team as a whole?!?

    I know you can get a lot of kills with the chopper, but if I'm commanding and I say "Go to the enemy chopper pad and camp 'em" then, by God, DO IT!!! I really don't give a purple elephant with yellow polka dots on Sunday whether it's boring, or whether you want more kills. It is a STRATEGIC DECISION BY ME! PERIOD.

    Otherwise, find YOUR name in here!

    This is TexasTeamPlayers, NOT FREAKIN BURGER KING! You're supposed to follow the orders of the leaders above you on THESE servers. If my talking to you, yelling at you, cursing at you will not motivate you, then maybe its time to embarrass you.

    PS, and before you ask, I really don't give a rats fourth-point-of-contact who it is doing it, Santa Claus, the President, the Pope or God himself, I WILL call you out for it.
    And i thought i was passionate about this miserable game

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    Quote Originally Posted by MaBell37
    Do me a favor. When you figure out what your point is, let us know. Paragraphs 2 and 3 suggest that you have a gripe. Are you airing a bitch, gripe or complaint? Or just talkin' out your ass? All the things you mentioned in there DO have a certain amount of truth to them. However, like everything else, specific orders are necessary, regardless of how ridiculous they seem at the time. It all depends on the intent of the leader (commander/squad leader) at the time. Sometimes, ridiculous orders are given to draw attention away from a main push that's about to happen, or to open another front for the enemy to worry about and thus divert attention and resources away from something more critical.

    Ya gotta remember, it's all about what resources are where at what time. Then, you gotta use those resources effectively, even if it seems to be a waste to everyone else. A good leader (especially the commander) has a keen situational awareness and is aware of things all over the battlefield. As a squad leader, I tend to keep a close eye on what is happening all across the battlefield and usually rely on my squad members to work out the finer details of how to assault a flag, while I try to stay back away to act as an FSP. But then, sometimes, I charge the flag with my squad (especially if the commander has given me the all clear) because the more bodies on site, the faster the flag turns. I change it up so that I'm predictably unpredictable.
    I guess my point was too subtle, I was trying to be diplomatic. I've been in your squad twice - on Zatar - and didn't have a green spawnpoint at least half the time. I kept getting separated because I was still alive and you were dead, respawning somewhere else. This is not part of my normal experience, usually I join Kel's squads, or GMG's when he was here, and they are alive like friggin Methuselah, they never die.

    I've yet to experience your command style when I'm an SL, but I look forward to it. JUST WIN BABY!

    My exact point? Respect must be earned, primarily by leading through example, not shouting and screaming.

    I think you are a good teamplayer Ma, generally on the "plus" side of the equation, but take it easy on some of the other guys. NME are (were) good guys.

    Kelderos - he's a weenie that tries to knife me too often so I noob tube him every chance I get. Got him a couple times yesterday. Roogaroo - generally pretty low key. Needs to kick it up a notch. BLAM!

    And really, I don't remember the last time I spawned on a carrier other than Dalian plant to grab a boat and cap South or Reactor.

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    Well, apparently, I wasn't blunt enough.

    These are YOUR words, not mine...

    Quote Originally Posted by _get_some_budday
    I'm not sure exactly what my point is, but if someone ordered me to sit in a boat for five minutes, I might actually do it. I would follow the order and type in all chat repreatedly that that person is a fucktard and should be banned, but I would probably do it.
    Quote Originally Posted by _get_some_budday
    I guess my point was too subtle, I was trying to be diplomatic. I've been in your squad twice - on Zatar - and didn't have a green spawnpoint at least half the time. I kept getting separated because I was still alive and you were dead, respawning somewhere else. This is not part of my normal experience, usually I join Kel's squads, or GMG's when he was here, and they are alive like friggin Methuselah, they never die.

    I've yet to experience your command style when I'm an SL, but I look forward to it. JUST WIN BABY!

    My exact point? Respect must be earned, primarily by leading through example, not shouting and screaming.

    I think you are a good teamplayer Ma, generally on the "plus" side of the equation, but take it easy on some of the other guys. NME are (were) good guys.

    Kelderos - he's a weenie that tries to knife me too often so I noob tube him every chance I get. Got him a couple times yesterday. Roogaroo - generally pretty low key. Needs to kick it up a notch. BLAM!

    And really, I don't remember the last time I spawned on a carrier other than Dalian plant to grab a boat and cap South or Reactor.
    Apparently, you don't know me very well. So, lemme educate you a little bit about myself.

    I am blunt, tactless and an asshole. I don't pull punches, and I don't beat around the bush. I call it as I see it and I tell it the way it is.

    If ya got something to say, fuck the bullshit, politically correct ass-kissing and out with it. I can't stand people who try to be slick. Right now, that's you. Pissed? Well, lemme clarify your position for you....

    I'm not sure exactly what my point is
    I guess my point was too subtle, I was trying to be diplomatic.
    My exact point? Respect must be earned, primarily by leading through example, not shouting and screaming.
    So, as I understand it, you had a point, but you were too much of a chickenshit to just say it. Instead, you pussyfoot around, making inuendos and trying to kiss ass at the same time so that people won't get too upset at what you have to say. Am I being blunt enough now?

    As for...

    Respect must be earned, primarily by leading through example, not shouting and screaming.
    Lets remember something, Mr. "I-registered-here-at-TTP"

    YOUR Registration: Date Registered: 28 April 2008, 17:45:49

    MY Registration: Date Registered: 20 March 2007, 20:46:53

    So, when you start talkin' shit about earning something, why don't you take your own advice. I paid my dues here, and I continue to pay my dues here. Don't fucking tell me about earning shit, because, being a 100% disable MILITARY VETERAN, I think I MORE than paid my fucking dues.

    All these people who post replies telling everyone else what they think of me, the polls voting for who the best commander, or squad leader, or whatever...are not just people's crazy fingers running away with them. These people were not asleep when they posted these things, they had forethought and firm opinions about things and expressed them for other people to read.

    I agree. Earning respect is important.

    HOWEVER, that doesn't mean I need to baby you through what YOU need to do when under my command. That means that the best way I can serve YOU is to do MY job, not kiss your ass and make you feel important. That's what the forums are for, the server is for getting the job done.

    Yeah, I did a lot of dying that night you're talking about. But, you know what? I haven't played for almost six months, AND, people here KNOW that my squads generate a LOT of threat. Best way to shut me down? Send their best against me and KEEP me down. Whenever I get on the server now, it kinda feels like a bunch of gossiping noises for a round or two, and then all hell breaks loose and everyone on the opposing side knows I'm there and they vigorously search for me so they can say they got a piece of me.

    Yeah, that's right, I heard ALL about it. You know who you are.

    As for some other people who lead squads that you might be familiar with. Where do you think most of them got their tactics from? And how do you think they know MY tactics so well that they can guess what I'm gonna do next?

    Think about that for a while.

    By the way, welcome to TTP.

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    Thanks for the welcome. What I like about TTP is that almost everyone is trying to win, not just get points. The reason I joined the forum is to try to help make the server even more competitive, and to share and learn from the experience of others. My goals in general do not include having nasty personal arguments, simply because it's a waste of time and energy that doesn't accomplish anything good, not because I'm 'chickenshit'. At one point I was tempted to put on a diaper and drive down to Honduras, but I've completely gotten over it and that's the subject of another thread.

    Again - the main reason I posted on THIS thread is I believe that almost all orders need to have some latitude. The more complex the task the more latitude required. I don't mind arguing about that issue because that is not pointless, it affects the degree of competitiveness on my team on the server.

    Anyway......... no hard feelings Ma - I look forward to squadding up with you. If you don't mind bluntness, you are pretty fucking full of yourself (perhaps you deserve to be? I don't know. Good for you. I also don't know where you found a hat that fits, a white one nonetheless), and my roundabout efforts at providing you with some constructive criticism were related to my preliminary assessment of your ability to absorb it. I think you can take it as well as dish it out now, so we'll get along fine.

    I'll be a Medic next time, of course unless told to spawn sniper on the carrier.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer CivilWars's Avatar
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    I learned most of my SL tactics from Jeep and Kel, and a few from Ranger10. I learned most of your SL tactics bykicking your ass every day.

    The thing I will say for Bell is that I rarely, if ever, get yelled at while in his squad, or SL under his command. The reason is I have earned his respect, and he knows that regardless of the task I will give it my all to get it done. For those that choose to do their own thing I think that getting yelled at are the least of their worries.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CivilWars
    I learned most of my SL tactics from Jeep and Kel, and a few from Ranger10. I learned most of your SL tactics bykicking your ass every day.
    Who are you talking to? I don't remember seeing you SL EVER or getting killed by you often (?) and I play a lot. You have 9000 posts, but I don't see you on the server much that I remember. Maybe just a coincidence. Different in-game name? I'm consistently a top 10 player on my team, depending entirely on the squad I'm in and what the task is. Maybe you meant licking my ass and hit "K" instead. Sometimes I sit at Intake on Kubra defending it as ordered and no-one much shows up, for example, so I get maybe 4 points. I don't jump in a chopper or jet and say "I'm flying", the universal excuse not to follow SL or commander orders and actually DEFEND OR ATTACK THAT FLAG. I don't care about personal points, as long as the side wins.

    Another thing since we are being "frank" - I don't think pissing individual people (or whole, good, teamplaying clans like NME) off so they leave the server for months at a time is constructive, that kind of attitude (and the control freak bullshit, veiled or overt ban threats, and other pathetic nonsense that goes with it) probably contributed to TG thoroughly kicking TTP's ass four times in a row at PR. FOUR TIMES IN A ROW is not a coincidence.

    The quality of play has declined recently. When's the last time you saw a top-50-in-the-world player on the server? The last time GMG was here, which was a while ago. I recall a debate in another thread similar to this one.

    "Team" does not mean what a couple of you think it does, apparently. On the other hand, many of the TTP regs get it and are great to play with.

    I'm trying to make things better, I hope my efforts are taken in the spirit they are intended.

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    Quote Originally Posted by _get_some_budday
    Quote Originally Posted by CivilWars
    I learned most of my SL tactics from Jeep and Kel, and a few from Ranger10. I learned most of your SL tactics bykicking your ass every day.
    Another thing since we are being "frank" - I don't think pissing individual people (or whole, good, teamplaying clans like NME) off so they leave the server for months at a time is constructive, that kind of attitude (and the control freak bullshit, veiled or overt ban threats, and other pathetic nonsense that goes with it) probably contributed to TG thoroughly kicking TTP's ass four times in a row at PR. FOUR TIMES IN A ROW is not a coincidence.

    The quality of play has declined recently. When's the last time you saw a top-50-in-the-world player on the server? The last time GMG was here, which was a while ago. I recall a debate in another thread similar to this one.

    "Team" does not mean what a couple of you think it does, apparently. On the other hand, many of the TTP regs get it and are great to play with.

    I'm trying to make things better, I hope my efforts are taken in the spirit they are intended.
    Okay, lemme straight you straight here.

    1. NME wasn't that great. We can (and do) live without them.

    2. At one point you said you don't care about points, yet you state the server has "gone down" because there are no top 50 players? I'll be honest, the top 50 sucks, point whores are not what we need at TTP.

    3. The quality of play has dropped because the summer is over, but that is only because the server isn't filled with nothing but regulars like most times during the summer. There are still great matches in the prime time hours, and hell, lately I have been running into some new guys that can kick some ass in squads I am a member of.

    4. Don't use the PR example, PR is so much different from BF2. I cannot speak for the PR guys, but if we faced any community in a 32 vs. 32 match, I'd put the money on TTP.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer CivilWars's Avatar
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    Well, actually my reply was to MaBell, but I figured you would know that because you are so 1337 that nobody kicks your ass. As for time on the server I would bet that I have enough time on the previous box/IP, or even the one prior to that, to know just a little bit about TTP BF2. Do you even remember when we were with The Planet, because I sure do. You are correct that I have not been on as much recently because I have been playing other games more, but based on how bad you think the server is maybe I should stop by more often, and that is not a "veiled threat".

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    Quote Originally Posted by _get_some_budday
    Quote Originally Posted by CivilWars
    I learned most of my SL tactics from Jeep and Kel, and a few from Ranger10. I learned most of your SL tactics bykicking your ass every day.
    Who are you talking to? I don't remember seeing you SL EVER or getting killed by you often (?) and I play a lot. You have 9000 posts, but I don't see you on the server much that I remember. Maybe just a coincidence. Different in-game name? I'm consistently a top 10 player on my team, depending entirely on the squad I'm in and what the task is. Maybe you meant licking my ass and hit "K" instead. Sometimes I sit at Intake on Kubra defending it as ordered and no-one much shows up, for example, so I get maybe 4 points. I don't jump in a chopper or jet and say "I'm flying", the universal excuse not to follow SL or commander orders and actually DEFEND OR ATTACK THAT FLAG. I don't care about personal points, as long as the side wins.

    Another thing since we are being "frank" - I don't think pissing individual people (or whole, good, teamplaying clans like NME) off so they leave the server for months at a time is constructive, that kind of attitude (and the control freak bullshit, veiled or overt ban threats, and other pathetic nonsense that goes with it) probably contributed to TG thoroughly kicking TTP's ass four times in a row at PR. FOUR TIMES IN A ROW is not a coincidence.

    The quality of play has declined recently. When's the last time you saw a top-50-in-the-world player on the server? The last time GMG was here, which was a while ago. I recall a debate in another thread similar to this one.

    "Team" does not mean what a couple of you think it does, apparently. On the other hand, many of the TTP regs get it and are great to play with.

    I'm trying to make things better, I hope my efforts are taken in the spirit they are intended.
    You did well with your reply to me. Then you stepped on your dick.

    Civil plays plenty and, as if I should really have to explain this, he was referring to ME, not you.

    As for being a top ten player, this is a perfect example. I don't desire to be top ten, and I don't try to be top ten. I try to do what is most needed for my team, which most often means BOTTOM ten. To me, the WIN is more important than any one score I can get at the end of one round.

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