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  1. Registered TeamPlayer Kelderos's Avatar
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    First, Rank means nothing because Most top 50 players are snobs/a$$holes/non-teamplayer/"I fly jet every round and screw you I'll tk you if I don't get it". That's bad reason #1 for putting down TTP. If GMG doesn't want to play here its his right. Just so you know I've taken down his squad countless times, good competition but I've also seen him say "Screw it my team sucks" and then switch just because of losing.

    Second, Rank will always mean nothing because! being a 3 star general doesn't make you good at the game. I know lots of 3 stars that suck and there is a 4 star that plays on TTP occasionally named Hei675 or something like that, and he sucks and is a team switching Noob who can't take the heat.

    Third, The [NME] guys are a cool group of players. It took me a month to even get them to communicate with me. They only want to play with [NME] squad members most of the time and don't care to team play with anyone else, usually they leave squads that populate or when you ask them for orders like I have. Of course I like them but they def. aren't an elite group of team play or elite for that matter. I'd rather play with with random people any day.

    Fourth*, The Quality hasn't dropped. Every time I run a squad I get the same response or I kick people until I get the quality I want. Its your fault and lack of effort that ends you up with a group of people who don't want to work together. Be assertive and aggressive or just deal with what you got.

    Finally, Civil wars is a great team player. He usually uses a different alias in game but he has been around forever (As long as I can remember playing TTP) and he does a good job. You can't bash his squad leading ability until you bash his squad in game and beat them to the punch whenever you encounter them. Of course keep in mind _Get_Some_Buddy you are also a great squad leader and besides complaining about your pessimistic approach in this topic I have nothing bad to say.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by _get_some_budday
    Quote Originally Posted by CivilWars
    I learned most of my SL tactics from Jeep and Kel, and a few from Ranger10. I learned most of your SL tactics bykicking your ass every day.
    I don't think pissing individual people (or whole, good, teamplaying clans like NME) off so they leave the server for months at a time is constructive, that kind of attitude (and the control freak bullshit, veiled or overt ban threats, and other pathetic nonsense that goes with it) probably contributed to TG thoroughly kicking TTP's ass four times in a row at PR. FOUR TIMES IN A ROW is not a coincidence.

    I'm trying to make things better, I hope my efforts are taken in the spirit they are intended.
    I know Civil well enough to have had him squad with me and me squad up with him. If you had known him well enough you would have realized he was getting a good dig in on MaBell.

    As much as I hate to lose games, with your comment about the NME guys; whom I personally know and have played with on many occasions, for what ever reason they may have left, I don't recall any of them asking you to speak for them. With your lack of knowledge and understanding of anything to do with the PR players or the actual match; I'd appreciate it if you would make sure you don't join my squads and if you can somehow manage to switch to the opposing team if I'm commanding I'd appreciate it. In that way I can enjoy making sure I enjoy attempting to drop artillery on your head.

    Your comments and in general attitude have left me wanting to get ugly in the forums and that is something I rarely, if ever do. Until you step your ass onto the PR field of battle and actually experience it, please keep your uninformed opinion to your self and out of this post which had nothing to do with what happened. As a matter of fact I am willing to challenge you to join and play PR. Experience how hard the game is and maybe I might be willing to forgive you the offense you have handed to the entire BF2 PR community. Whatever level of respect I might have had for you is in the dumpster now.

    While I don't agree with how MaBell says or does things in the forums, or while he's Commanding or Squad Leading. I don't let my disagreements with his way of leading versus mine, turn into such a wasted excuse of forum space or emotional trash. He leads one way, I lead another; while I don't agree with it, I have the choice to lead my own squad my own way. I don't come into the forums and rip him a new one. I don't agree with the way a lot of players, regulars, or even reservists run the team when commanding. I don't expect every player out their to play the way I do or treat players the way I do. Whether it's the game server or the forums.
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  3. Registered TeamPlayer Tamato24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelderos
    First, Rank means nothing. Most top 50 players are snobs/a$$holes/non-teamplayer/"I fly jet every round and screw you I'll tk you if I don't get it". That's bad reason #1 for putting down TTP. If GMG doesn't want to play here its his right. Just so you know I've taken down his squad countless times, good competition but I've also seen him say "Screw it my team sucks" and then switch just because of losing.

    Second, Rank means nothing. Just because your a 3 star general doesn't make you good at the game. I know lots of 3 stars that suck and there is a 4 star that plays on TTP occasionally named Hei675 or something like that, and he sucks and is a team switching Noob who can't take the heat.

    Hey, you said the same point twice. WHAT ARE YA STUPID OR SOMETHING?!?!?

    Rank does actually mean something; that's only if you're a 4 star general. It takes a lot to become a 4 star general, so obviously you have to be doing something right for a month.


    I think that Budday and MaBell both bring up valid points. Sitting in a boat at the mouth of the creek/river/lake/whatever serves really no point. Very rarely are you going to see infantry or even anyone for that matter trying to escape via a river. If you're going to see something, it's going to be an APC. Good luck: boat vs APC.

    The Commander does know best. However, ordering someone to sit in a boat for 5 minutes is actually waste of a resource. If someone decides to sit in a boat by himself, then that's his choice. But having someone sit in a boat is like not using an extra weapon. If the commander thinks that the person in the boat is "good" enough to shoot people, then they should be used on offense. Defense should only be used at key points, such as TV station, Refinery, Intake, Airfield, and other pivotal points.

    HOWEVER, MaBell's experience as commander speaks for itself. As he has pointed out, he spends a lot of time commanding, so following his advice is probably a good idea. He's not about to the points, he's about the winning. He's probably the epitome of a Texas Team Player. He's also spent considerable amount of time SLing, so he knows the ins and outs of a flag. I'm sure he's a great SL and one person may come into the squad shaped like jello, however at the end of his playing day, he'll be carved out of wood. Good SLing rubs off on the squadmates.

    THE QUALITY OF TTP has not dwindled in any way. TTP is still as competitive as it was when I first joined both the server and the forums. Sure, there are hackers that make life difficult for regs and TTP itself, but other than that it's a clean game. SLs like DoubleFISTIN and (4)manno always bring teamplay to the TTP table. They (as far as I know) don't really care about stats, it's all about the flag cappin' and leadin' the team to victory attitude.

    I DID NOT KNOW that TTP has made clans such as NME and LUMP leave. Please correct if I got that wrong. That just proves that NME and LUMP did not have the TTP mental attitude.

    THE BOTTOM LINE is that Commanding by giving specific orders can be effective, however there is a line that should not be crossed. Arbitrary orders such as sitting in a boat doesn't really help the team. However, holding spawn and spawning green are what helps the team. This goes back to Major Brass and Klaus. Klaus ordered him to bail out to take a flag; at least have a fighting chance. If MaBell were the commander, he would have thrown a fit because he denied commander orders. MaBell runs a tight commanding and SLing ship. Following orders is paramount as both these positions. If the SL orders people to bail out, get in, spawn a certain kit, defend this point, go to this place, or whatever, then the squad should follow it, no matter who's SL.

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    Well I didn't enter into this topic with the intention of being pessimistic and insulting people, but that is certainly what I ended up doing. And I am no-one's spokesperson, but was making observations that seem valid to me. Take them or leave them. I'm happy to debate opinions or facts, but I don't like personal attacks any more than anyone else, whether directed at me or anyone else for that matter.

    I'm done with this topic, in the interest of cleansing my karma, I hope if I have insulted anyone in error you can accept my apology (not really because you may or may not deserve it under the particular circumstances, but because I believe it is the wrong thing to do. It really never helps, and that is actually why I posted on this topic in the first place, ironically).

    Good luck next round of PR, Bravo I will avoid your squad and maybe accept your challenge. You are still welcome in my squad though, I don't want my video game time turned into a soap opera. I have in-laws for that.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by _get_some_budday
    Good luck next round of PR, Bravo I will avoid your squad and maybe accept your challenge. You are still welcome in my squad though, I don't want my video game time turned into a soap opera. I have in-laws for that.
    Well much to my surprise, I don't ever want to deny anyone the chance to get in a squad with me. I don't know that I've ever actually kicked anyone from a squad I was leading unless they just needed to go. Main reason, I'm an ambassador for the server and so long as I have random players in my squads I have the opportunity to positively affect their game-play on the server. I have the opportunity to give them every opportunity to learn the game the right way. I do believe on a few very rare occasions I've asked someone to leave the squad voluntarily so that someone else could get in. It's not in my nature to kick players I don't know.

    Since you responded with a level head I'll retract my statement about not joining a squad with me. I just didn't appreciate the below the belt shot aimed at the PR guys. It's a sore point for me since I don't like to lose. As a matter of fact, no matter how many rounds we lost or got stomped I'd still go back for more.

    #1: I don't like to lose.

    #2: I think it's classless and weak to bow out just because we got defeated.

    #3: The only way to get better at anything is to play against those who are better for whatever reason and learn from them. Even in defeat one can learn. It's not fun, it's not pretty, and it definitely sucks. But no team will ever get better playing against an equal or lesser opponent.

    Hopefully you'll accept my apology for losing my cool. I'm not good or great as far as players, squad leaders, or commanders go but I can sure as hell give anyone a good fight with my ability to think on the field of battle. If you choose to squad up with me if and when you get the chance I wont even remember this conversation on the server. There it's about giving my best, my all, and the best of any squad I lead. One thing I don't like is drama. There's enough of it in the world, the server, & the forums without me adding to it.

    Peace Out> *11*Bravo-Pathfinder (A very passionate PR player)
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  6. Registered TeamPlayer 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelderos
    Third, The [NME] guys are a cool group of players. It took me a month to even get them to communicate with me. They only want to play with [NME] squad members most of the time and don't care to team play with anyone else, usually they leave squads that populate or when you ask them for orders like I have. Of course I like them but they def. aren't an elite group of team play or elite for that matter. I'd rather play with with random people any day.
    It took a while for me to understand the NME guys and be a respected player in their squads. It got to the point that they actually started to join squads I made. They enjoyed squading up with me the same as I enjoyed squading up with them.

    Bopat & PlayerX were both great squad leaders who taught me how to pay attention to what was going on around flags, whether we were losing them, or whether we needed to spawn at another location because majority of the team was at one flag like a bunch of idiots. They taught me a lot on how to be a better player and squad leader.

    So what, they didn't use mics much. So what, they enjoyed squading up with one another alot. Reminds me of the RD group who always joined up together when they got here. The RD group were misunderstood players. Trust me, I made an ass out of myself in a post about something they did together in jest.

    Same goes for the NME guys. Misunderstood players who cared more about winning, I never once heard them brag about their score at the end of the round, like I have so many others who are still here on the server and in the damned forums. Makes me wonder why they did leave. Maybe it was the holier than thou, we are better than you mentality that sometimes shows up in games & in the forums. Which can be seen if one knows how or where to look.

    Bopat used to impart a lot of good gaming knowledge. Most who didn't agree with it or were unwilling to learn from him ignored him. I didn't and I'm a better player, team player because he and the other NME guys showed me things others never did. NME squads on the ground were always in the thick of the battle. I laughed alot with those guys, I miss them. They didn't brag about their teamplay prowess, they proved it in game.
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  7. Registered TeamPlayer CivilWars's Avatar
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    Apology accepted whether you intended it for me or not.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer Walkerxes's Avatar
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    I used to squad with NME quite a bit when I first started here.. I always entered into a communicative squad the played well as a team when I did. I never found them to be silent or only giving a shit about NME. But that's just my experience.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer Paradigm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Walkerxes
    I used to squad with NME quite a bit when I first started here.. I always entered into a communicative squad the played well as a team when I did. I never found them to be silent or only giving a shit about NME. But that's just my experience.
    I'm happy to stay out of the topic, but just wanted to toss in my opinion of the NME guys - because honestly, in my time playing with them, there are few people who I have enjoyed more or learned more from.

    Back in the early, early days of this server (yah I took a good chunk of time off - but I remember each of the names from the earliest posts on this forum Granted I never participated anywhere other than on the server) they were much more approachable, perhaps, than they were when they returned. I used to play with Hydro_Guy / Kra13 all the time (prior to his ban for love of illegal foliage :P) and I was really just a tag along - this was the first FPS I'd ever played, so I was dead rotten at that point.

    Bopat must've put a good 3 or 4 hours over a week or two working with me on TV Guiding and piloting choppers - and he was the quiet one of the group. I honestly don't have a bad thing to say about the guys.

    PlayerX and Hydro_Guy were the original premier squad leaders on this server - there may have been others, but they're the ones I remember. They were innovating the strategies that the best SLs here use day to day now two years later. (And yes, I'm sure MaBell showed up in that time frame too. All respect for your ability in that role as well.) Back then - either of them could turn the tide of the server around on a dime, because everyone else was running around like chickens with their heads cut off. I'd bet Ranger10'd tell you they taught'em a few tricks when he started

    No they don't need anyone to stand up for'em, just saying - no need to disrespect people who're uninvolved.

  10. Registered TeamPlayer nmeboat's Avatar
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    hmm, well this 5 month old thread certainly took an interesting turn, to an extent

    none of us ever claimed to be great, and certainly hope you could survive without us :P

    i'm sorry if it seemed like it took a month for anyone to feel like we communicated with them...obviously from a few other supportive posts, we do tend to keep radio chatter to a minimum in order to get a better sense of the surroundings, that whole 'situational awareness' doo-hickey (alot of you would be amazed at how something as little as being able to pick out m16 gunfire when youre mec/pla with an ak can tell you that enemy are nearby...similarly is why i personally play with default player voices, ie, usmc sound like americans, pla sound chinese, mec sound middle eastern and if this little blurb in parenthesis doesnt seem to make sense, i am more than happy to address/explain it :P ). but that should be neither here nor there, as most often in the very least we use the built-in command markers (attack/move/defend/etc here), which seem pretty straight forward in terms of what the orders are heck, one of my favorite and most efficient and effective SL's i've played with (enumae-k), i think i can count the times i've heard him speak on one hand

    i'm sorry that we like to play with friends, but isnt that what adds to playing games fun? to assume that we only play with NME and only team play with NME is a little insulting to be honest we take and work with whatever hand we're dealt...we're blind to rank or ability, as long as a genuine effort is being made. we dont lock our squads, we dont kick/exclude anyone either, unless they are a huge drag/dead weight to the squad...i can probably count the times i've kicked SM's on one hand as well :P admittedly there was one time i had to both kick a guy out and lock it to keep him from continually rejoining :P but was completely justified as the guy was being an overall asshat and just spamming voicecomms with insults to the entire squad besides, how is playing with known, quality players any different from "I kick people until I get the quality I want"?...just a matter of cutting to the chase in one case :P

    as far as the leaving squads when populated or asking for orders jab...the little squad hopping is usually a rare occasion which occurs in a handful of situations, main one being the initial SL ended up getting an asset, probably an aircraft, so undoubtedly they rotate out as to not take a SL off the ground, then depending on how the squad propagated, the next in-line either doesnt want to be SL or doesnt realize theyre instead of doing an endless SL rotation loop, it's easiest to just create a new squad with a determined/willing SL...ya dig? unfortunately it seems youve been a victim of one of these situations more often than not i'm sure bravo can attest to this practice, as he has been probably unwittingly forced to be SL a time or two because of it

    again, we never claim to be an elite group of team play or elite for that matter, we dont gloat or hype ourselves up...we're just a few guys that like to play for the win and have fun doing it, and have been doing so together, yeesh, for probably a good 10 years :P funny part is that intrinsically we're not really a clan anymore (not that we were a clan in the classical sense to begin with), much less a bf2 clan...the tag was mainly a remnant of yesteryear, so that we could identify eachother easier on servers in the bold newer, bigger world of bf2 :P (NME's roots are in TFC)

    as far as the recent absence is concerned, i hate to demystify any misinformed assumptions...but, gamers are called gamers for a reason...and believe it or not there are other games out there there are numerous posts from others about taking a break from game A to play game B for a while, in addition to even having dedicated nights for "slumming" :P then there's also that game called "real life" that rears its ugly head every once and a while we're no different than anyone else. and who knows...maybe we've just been playing 'incognito' and have been around the entire time... :2 that said, you would be amazed at how chitty people will treat others simply because of the prejudice of it being a new name or low rank ya know, get into the pilot seat of a plane/chopper, only to have the gunner spam "get out" simply because all they see is some 'low ranked noob'...or better yet having the gunner/bomber trying to tell you what to do the entire round, even though youre already doing everything by the book, staying airborne and lining up all the shots...

    well i certainly hope that answers/addresses the above latest jabs. i am certainly open minded and happy to explain/discuss any question/comments/whatever else

    obviously the talent, tactics and play styles are diverse in the community and what suits one doesnt always necessarily suit the other, which is a good thing because of how it balances out on the battlefield (the deficiency of one, being supported by the strength of another, and vice versa...that whole 'team' concept :P ).

    and finally, thanks to the positive comments/support...the feelings are mutual and is appreciated

    -[NME]boat (or whichever iteration you know best )

    and yes, i like to use smiles

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