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Thread: Any suggestions for Future Versions.

  1. Registered TeamPlayer ***COMMANDER***'s Avatar
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    Any suggestions for Future Versions. Any suggestions for Future Versions.
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    Any suggestions for Future Versions.

    Think it through real good and if you have a suggestion, post it here.

    If you see something that you would would like to see changed, post it here.

    Any ideas that you would like to put forward, we are listening.

    Just about everything we are looking for will be for future reference to the New versions to come.

    So if you would like to contribute, by all means post up you well thought out plans or suggestions.

    I will be having a meeting with the Project Reality Development Team during the first week of June to discuss an array of just about everything.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Any suggestions for Future Versions.

    Winter warfare maps and skins. Give us some polar clash and eastern europe scenarios.

    3 faction battles (if engine permits) which would see British and USMC factions engaging CATA.

    Improved map grids with sub-sections that would save us from calling out 'alpha seven keypad five' to denote an A7 location, dead center of the sector.

    A fourth seat in a tank which is internal and provides only a small view off the front of the vehicle (as through a hatch periscope). This would allow engineers to 'button' in while under fire or an officer to ride along and simply use his map to act as a crew commander relieving either the driver or the gunner from the command position (something that is often disputed.) There's a potential for imbalance given the extra transport function (could use it to move a H-AT guy around for instance) so to keep it realistic, make the fourth seat limited (like the seat in a Squad Truck) allowing its use only by engineers or squad leaders. The only argument to the contrary of this suggestion which I've encountered is that 4 people to a tank would reduce the number of players involved outside of the vehicles. This is true to a degree but the tank is still fully operable without the commander position filled. A squad might choose to operate a 2 man tank with a section of infantry, or a 4 man tank in its own locked squad. The first would be a simple section of mechanized infantry while the latter would be a fully crewed battalion level asset. It encourages both play styles effectively, and promotes teamplay (since the officer commanding the tank enables his crew to focus solely on moving and engaging. He observes the progression of the battle from his map display, gathers intel, communicates with HQ and indicates movement waypoints for the driver. It saves the absent commander the stress of micromanaging the armour's movement, but makes it so that the driver does not have to make (often critical) on the fly calls about maneuvering while navigating rough terrain and trying to track hostile targets on the map. It would be an improvement, and of everything I could possibly suggest, this is what I'd like to see implemented the most.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer asianator365's Avatar
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    Any suggestions for Future Versions. Any suggestions for Future Versions.

    Re: Any suggestions for Future Versions.

    A city map with Blackhawks and Littlebirds, and no official AA, just a few pick up RPGs. Would kinda force the Durka team to actually have to fight mobile infantry, not just sit around and rape a few choppers with Vodnicks, Tanks, or AA.

    A jungle map with lots of thick trees and stuff (kinda like Mao Valley was back in the day).

    A forest map with infantry and light vehicles (Humvees and jeeps) with the Chinese team.

    A small map with US troops trapped on top of a plateau surrounded by Chinese (or Durkas) in well camoflaged underground bunkers in woods. The US team would have a Command Post in the center of this plateau, with 4 outlying outposts. The Chinese would start with a few different flags out in the woods (with a few being in underground bunkers). The US team would simply have to defend their flags until the other team ran out of tickets (and give the US team some kind of arty support). Think like "We Were Soldiers."

  4. Registered TeamPlayer draco7891's Avatar
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    Re: Any suggestions for Future Versions.

    Indirect fire weapons, mortars / towed/mobile artillery pieces that require a forward observer. Along with...

    A better, more granular map coordinate system, especially for the second level of zoom.

    Improvements to the Little Bird / MEC scout heli:

    * Improve the survivability somewhat (no point in a scout helicopter that can be downed by a few clips of small arms fire), more HP/ less damage.

    *Shouldn't be targetable with AA missiles (at least not mobile AA/IGLA/Stinger sites). Again, no point in a scout helicopter that can't scout because it dies at the first loud enemy cough.

    Last night on Kashan, I could hardly stay on station for more than a second or two (literally), because I was getting locked by multiple sources simultaneously. And the fact that I have 3 groups of flares and the mobile AA has 4 missiles per launcher helps the heli survive like Michael J. Fox holding a hand grenade in a windstorm. :P

    * Also, perhaps reduce the spawn time from 20 minutes(!) to 10, or even 5. If it's going to die often, it should respawn often, and it can't hurt anything with those guns.

    * Tweak the flight model so it doesn't try to pitch down all the time in forward flight, that's probably the most annoying aspect.

    More maps that focus on ground infantry fighting, rather than vehicles or mounted infantry/cavalry.

    Give Squadleaders the ability to spot out air targets while on the ground. Nothing worse than watching a full load Blackhawk touch down and being unable to tell the rest of your team in a timely manner, or trying to report the A10/F16/Frog/MiG position manually. Maybe use the "Vehicle" spot?

    Give the Supply Trucks speed boost (or NOS, as Hoodie likes to call it). Even a very short one would help immensely in getting over those damnable hills.

    Fewer hills.

    Smaller, tighter maps. 4km is nice, but what ends up happening is a lot of travelling for the same result. Travel soaks up more time than fighting, and I'm pretty sure most people are here to fight, not watch the same tree go by a thousand times. 4km might work if 110-man servers were viable (effectively double the current number of players), but until the mysteries of the BF2 netcode are unlocked, it's far too large. See Kashan, Qinling, Kufrah.

    Deployable TOW missiles for firebases/bunkers, balanced out by the limit that either AA or TOW be deployed but not both. Have to pick between those capabilities.

    More deviation in the HAT kit to prevent sniping, and/or....

    Introduce the FGM-148 Javelin instead of the Predator for the (US) HAT kits, with top-attack munition, and requirement of laser spot for firing. Encourages teamwork, looks awesome, fire-and-forget. Stops sniping completely while still giving infantry the tools they need.

    Give tanks/APC/AA warning tone for being lased, not targeted. HAT shots need not apply (unless Javelin introduced). I'm almost certain a tank can carry a simple infrared detector to sniff out lasing.


    PS: Fastropes? :P (I kid, I kid!)

  5. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Any suggestions for Future Versions.

    An Ambulance: A vehicle that only medics can drive and heal the people inside. Maybe a stryker or a hummve stryker

    Paratrooper class: maybe they can jump out of a chinook and use M4carbine

    A penalty for waiting in main for the jets

  6. Registered TeamPlayer JBMCW2010's Avatar
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    Any suggestions for Future Versions. Any suggestions for Future Versions. Any suggestions for Future Versions.
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    Gamertag: JBMCW2010 Steam ID: JBMCW2010

    Re: Any suggestions for Future Versions.

    Ok this is something I think that'd be a bit tricky. I started a topic, oh half a year ago about this and it sort of got picked up but then quickly got side tracked, PR and listening. The whole thought was to make it so that our mics were not just broadcast to the squad but also something such as in Halo2 and such the proximity sound. So our voice is broadcast to an area around us. IE if we had 2 squads moving through Mestia the two SLs could stand next to eachother and coordinate an attack pinser style. Now you would say yeah cool BUT this could be done via a commander. However not all COs have mics and also this gives the enemy sniper the chance to do some recon. Slide into an area unheard or seen. Pick up some of the enemy's plans and extract to safety and report. I think it'd be real neat to be able to hear those around you and not JUST those in your squad.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer Graverunner's Avatar
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    Any suggestions for Future Versions. Any suggestions for Future Versions. Any suggestions for Future Versions. Any suggestions for Future Versions. Any suggestions for Future Versions.
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    Steam ID: gr4verunner

    Re: Any suggestions for Future Versions.

    Loosen restrictions on limited kits, so the squads that actually need them can get them without having to hide from some tank for an hour.

    I'd also agree with Draco about the maps being a bit big, I have played in 40 person rounds and 15 person rounds that felt more or less the same.
    Quote Originally Posted by Howlin Mad Murphy View Post
    im already making a "im with graverunner" t-shirt. so dont let me down man

  8. Registered TeamPlayer draco7891's Avatar
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    Re: Any suggestions for Future Versions.

    Add a more realistic spool up/start up time for tanks, a la helicopters. Discourages single-seating, and stops drivers from rapidly switching in and out of the cupola position to listen for enemy tanks. That's a job for a forward observer.

    I second the motion for a paratrooper class and/or a paratrooper map whereby one team drops in while the other establishes defensive positions.

    Give the option to stop or choose the location of vehicle spawn on CO post/bunker/firebase. Nothing is worse than putting a firebase in a nice hilly pocket, only to have the vehicle spawn on the slope, and slide down the Crisco tires into the base, destroying it, or else vehicles popping up in other places and giving away the position of the firebase to the enemy. I understand the logistics guys are very dedicated, but sometimes it's a little ridiculous.

    Upgrade the British Challenger/Warrior/Scimitar with non-Crisco treads. They slide worse than Grandma's hips on even the slightest slope, and it makes driving and gunning a chore.

    Replace the more generic 5-ton truck with the LVS, to be used for Commander Asset deployment (the truck can still serve as rapid troop transport).

    Adjust the A10 cannon's splash damage slightly. Currently, an RP deployed on the second floor of a bunker on Kashan can be removed instantly if the A10 puts even a single round on the roof. The rounds can't penetrate that much reinforced concrete.


  9. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Any suggestions for Future Versions.

    Medic tents, that heal multiple people if a medic is inside it (make it a limited deployable)

    Also, allow tanks to be driven with only one person, but do not allow the main gun to work unless two people are in the tank.

    Paratrooping would be awesome.

  10. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Any suggestions for Future Versions.

    I think we should wait for .08 to be out for awhile, then build from that. Or are these suggestions going to be FOR .08?

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