View Poll Results: What would your ideal 2142 map mode configurations be for the servers?

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  • Keep as is (Pure mode w/ 1 Server Conquest / 1 Server Titan)

    29 27.62%
  • 1 Server Mixed mode / 1 Server Top 5 Maps (Previous configuration)

    37 35.24%
  • Both Servers Mixed mode

    18 17.14%
  • No preference - Whatever TTP implements I'll support

    21 20.00%
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Thread: Poll: What would your ideal 2142 map mode configurations be for the servers?

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Poll: What would your ideal 2142 map mode configurations be for the servers?

    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
    such as vtrx, or BD, or _____.

    Nobody has the nuts to say "fuck this map, i'm disconnecting" in my presence. And the people in my squad almost always join, map after map, back with I don't even pay attention to what map it is. Doesn't matter what the map is when you've got a squad/team/objective mentality.

    are their flags? Is their a titan? Are we going to try to win? Then the map name is irrelevant. Only difference is the weather, time of day, and terrain.

    So, if you've got people in your sqaud that are poopy pants about maps like tampa, or the NS series, or the titan's in conquest mode....then you need to start looking at the people in your squad, rather than the map. The conquest server is bumping off the hook, and has been since it's inception. titan is a little slower...but that likely has to do with the disease of pwnage, and the pwnage addicts seeking a 24/7 inf only conquest environment. Those suckers find out server, thinking they're going to get their fix.....and instead get stomped on. that, or they have an awakening, and they become teamplayers.

    I don't care what the map is. I don't even care what my gun is, most of the time. make do, find a task, and do it.

    And again.....anyone with a "omg this map sucks, omg" attitude.......well.......gets a "nonteamplayer" tag added to their kick/ban message. Something they deserve.
    In your earlier comments, you were disparaging towards the 5th and not all 2142 resident clans, which is why I chose to respond to your comments, in order to both illustrate that we are NOT the type of gamers you described us as to this community, and to explain to you how dedicated we are to TTP.

    Bigdog...let me tell you, with your volatile nature that is no easy task. It is almost against my better judgement to even present my opinions, respectfully, to you.

    As for the rest, with all due respect Bigdog, you are basically making some huge assumptions about your playerbase here at TTP to say that just because people prefer some maps over others, or a particular game mode or another, that they are chumps who have no teamplay capability and just want to pwnzor 24/7 or whatever it is you are saying they do. Loving teamplay, and loving every single bit of data crammed into a game CD by the developers are two entirely different concepts and one does not have a bearing on the other.

    Preferring infantry combat with vehicles in support, rather than vehicle combat with infantry in support, is a minor distinction in terms of how people enjoy the game. Preferring conquest over titan, or one map over another, does not in any way indicate a lack of love for vehicles, or of teamplay. One just does not follow the other.

    Titan bores me because eventually I know I'm going to either spend 15 minutes mindlessley throwing myself down a corridor in the hopes that I survive 1 of 30 attempts, or spending those 15 minutes standing still in a corridor and tossing nades/rockets/bullets at those attacking. For me that is boring....but I don't in any way disparage those that prefer that style of play. Most of the time mind you, but not always. Sometimes you are ordered to clear the topside of the titan, or remain on silos...but i've been here long enough that I know many, many commanders see my squad and put me immediately on titan defense/offense because they know I'll give them a YES SIR and do my damn level best to get results.

    To make such broad assumptions about some of your most loyal fans simply because they make benign statements such as "I don't like this map" or "I don't like this mode as much as the other" ... it doesn't bring us closer together, or provide opportunities to discover solutions, or common ground. If the intent is to shift opinions and create more gamers that agree with your personal gameplay preferences in terms of server style and map selection, I would think that positive encouragement would garner far greater returns than the current responses being presented.

    I love what you have created here. I don't want to be anywhere else. I want to (figuratively speaking) show my TTP and 5th Column colors from now till the day the world ends, period. I am truly not trying to argue with you, but this connection between not sharing your opinion of game modes or maps, and other people being non-teamplayer chumps, is just not fair.

    In conclusion, the only other comment I feel necessary to make is where you say "you need to look at the people in your squad". Ok, lets look at this. 5th Column dedicated teamplayers. VTRX teamplayers. BD teamplayers. Dedicated Admin teamplayers. Regulars and Reservists who follow orders with nary a thought other than "lets get this shit done!". Pub players who play in my/our/your squads for 30 seconds and go "OMFG I did not understand gaming could be like this". Those are the only types of people that populate my squads. People who do not wish to follow orders, get with the program, and play the game the TTP way, do not stay in my squad. I don't have time nor room in a 6 man squad to have my squad strength diluted by lonewolfs on the other side of the map.

    So when I check my squads, I see a sterling collection of the finest gamers the internet has to offer. That is what I see when I look to my squads.
    (edited to for brevity's sake)

  2. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Poll: What would your ideal 2142 map mode configurations be for the servers?

    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Mr. White
    Verdun Titan, as I recall, has a nasty little glitch that has been reported to EA (by TTP no less) that they still have not fixed. It's a big enough deal that it could end the round as prematurely as the commander missile hack.
    Yep, it still exists and was not fixed in 1.5. That makes Verdun playable only in the conquest mode, or else pubbers that see the map in the rotation will come in and squash it.

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    Re: Poll: What would your ideal 2142 map mode configurations be for the servers?

    should be...on that conquest server i hear a lot about but don't see much of, if at all

    if anyone needs to find stuck, as usual, defending.

    Send me a care package please and pictures Be sure to ask the commander which hall I am in so that the delivery guy can find me P.S. My loyal squadmates would like some girlie mags / ciggies / and a good stout that would hit the spot!

    Thank you for your military defense support!
    Quote Originally Posted by WickedTribe
    I haven't played Verdun in a while. Has this been taken off of the servers, or have I just missed it?

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    Re: Poll: What would your ideal 2142 map mode configurations be for the servers?

    Voted for change (re: any option above other than staying the same is fine with my tastes).

    Stagnation is the enemy.

  5. Administrator ...bigdog...'s Avatar
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    Steam ID: bigdogttp

    Re: Poll: What would your ideal 2142 map mode configurations be for the servers?

    dedicated teamplayers don't break from the game because they don't like the map or mode.

    since you are a 5th, I'm going to assume that 50% or so of your squad mates, day in and day out, are also 5th.

    if you "always hear the groans" of people complaining about maps and modes.....then that tells me 50% of those groans are from 5th, or other resident clan types.

    makes sense to me...and it should to you...that that's what I meant. Don't blame me for what you said.

    I don't hear anyone, ever, complain about the map. Even rookies who don't know who i am.

    honestly....not even once......can I even remember someone saying "oh no, not this map". not since DoD and CSS have I heard that, and even in those games, maps are chosen by player votes, every round, so complaints are unwelcome and not tolerated. Votes are votes.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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    Re: Poll: What would your ideal 2142 map mode configurations be for the servers?

    Quote Originally Posted by hadji
    Voted for change (re: any option above other than staying the same is fine with my tastes).

    Stagnation is the enemy.
    That could be a very good point Hadji. One server is healthier than the other, and the problems seems to be growing worse, not better. I can't remember the exact number but just a week or two ago conquest was ranked at 60, now its at 76. It's dropping lower on a daily basis with no signs (yet) of picking up steam.

    On top of that we have to worry about a second, even less healthy server, so we can't even concentrate on our best bet for maintaining our rankings, and growing them.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer Glitch's Avatar
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    Poll:  What would your ideal 2142 map mode configurations be for the servers? Poll:  What would your ideal 2142 map mode configurations be for the servers? Poll:  What would your ideal 2142 map mode configurations be for the servers?
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    PSN ID: GlitchKs Steam ID: GlitchKs

    Re: Poll: What would your ideal 2142 map mode configurations be for the servers?

    The only map I dislike currently is Shingle. I just don't know it well enough yet so i feel lost most of the time I am on it.

    I prefer the smaller Inf maps, Tunis, Berlin, Gib, Cere etc. However map preference is not the only determining factor on if I play or not. I never ditch simply becasue of what map loads.

    Bigdog, I take exseption of your feelings about folks that prefer those maps. I think you are lumping way too many folks together with such generilzations. The BF series, even in INF only maps is NOTHING like CS or Halo or Quake, If we were talking about the 16 person maps, I would say you had a point. But these maps are much larger and do have some vehicles, just not such an abundance that they becoem impossible to avoid.

    I am not good in vehicles. I simply know my strengths and weaknesses The vehicle maps do not play towards my strength. Which is really funny becasue I felt 100% opposite in BF2. I LOVED playing Engi in BF2. I avoided vehicles like the plauge, but felt it was easier to hid and come at vehicles from more angles in BF2. In my opinion 2142 needs more vegitation to hide among to feel that way. Currently I don't like playing Engi in 2142, if I did I would change my opinion about the vehicle heavy maps.

    Currently on most vehicle maps you will find me being a secondary gunner (aka Anti-Air) in a tank or walker for someone else. To the point I will tend to jump into one and sit in the gunner seat so the enemy cant steal them while I wait for a driver.

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    Re: Poll: What would your ideal 2142 map mode configurations be for the servers?

    I voted other, because I would like to see both servers mixed.

    However, I would like one to be Mixed with NS maps, and the other server to be a pure 2142 mixed server.

    My reasoning is simple. The later it gets, the less likely people without NS are going to rejoin the server. This in essence means that a NS map late at night will kill the server because those without it wont bother to wait for it to switch and will go elsewhere. There are still alot of TTP regulars that dont have NS, and quite a few good players that arent regulars here as well.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer SpankyMcFly3's Avatar
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    Re: Poll: What would your ideal 2142 map mode configurations be for the servers?

    Quote Originally Posted by EvilRemix
    I voted other, because I would like to see both servers mixed.

    However, I would like one to be Mixed with NS maps, and the other server to be a pure 2142 mixed server.

    My reasoning is simple. The later it gets, the less likely people without NS are going to rejoin the server. This in essence means that a NS map late at night will kill the server because those without it wont bother to wait for it to switch and will go elsewhere. There are still alot of TTP regulars that dont have NS, and quite a few good players that arent regulars here as well.
    I can see a slight problem with this idea though.

    If "There are still a lot of TTP regulars that don’t have NS" wouldn’t that mean that a mixed NS server would be dead a lot more than a server that is NS and Reg maps? Yes it might die a few times but when the reg map starts up you can prime it just fine. A NS server only would be coasting at low or no levels of players then and be a prime-a-palozza of epic and loosing proportions.

  10. Registered TeamPlayer FragRaptor's Avatar
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    Re: Poll: What would your ideal 2142 map mode configurations be for the servers?

    Well what about a full NS server, titan and AL? This way we will never lose people who have NS and could pick up a few people who have NS. Keep main pure+NS so it won't do any difference and this way the roll-over server works that way and will rarely crash as much as the main(I mean NS 'Crashes').

    I think this would be a good setup like the CSS custom map server, in this case NS maps.

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