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Thread: Spawning Green

  1. Registered TeamPlayer Jlspence's Avatar
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    Spawning Green

    Spawning Green

    Someone mentioned this in another topic related to maps and Highway Tampa, but rather than derail that discussion, I thought I'd start another thread. My question is - why don't squad members ALWAYS spawn green unless SPECIFICALLY told by the squad leader to do otherwise? Isn't spawning green one of the basic tenets of squad play in BF2? What good does it do to have a squad leader as a mobile spawn point if you, as a squad member, aren't ALWAYS set to spawn on them? I ask this because:

    1) I continue to hear squad members ask the SL what flag their spawning at in the beginning of a round and during the round. Why? Wait for the green dot, click on it and you're good to go for the rest of the round.

    2) I continue to hear SL having to beg/cajole squad members to spawn on them on VOIP.

    Personally, I think not spawning green, again, unless otherwise directed by the SL to spawn elsewhere, is the same as disobeying orders and should be a kickable offense. What say you?
    From what i gather though, everyone (admin's included), need to have a cup of shut-the-$%^-up, take a few to chill... - Bunni

  2. Registered TeamPlayer CivilWars's Avatar
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    Re: Spawning Green

    If you have not ordered your SMs to spawn on you, and they do not, then yes they need to follow orders or exit the server. If it continues to be a problem just let the admins know if global chat, and i am most certain the problem will be resolved.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer WolverineBrother's Avatar
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    Re: Spawning Green

    I gotta tell you, I am just about as surprised by this as you are. It has been the natural thing for me to do since the day I learned what the green dot was all about. It was already automatic for me, even before I found TTP.

    But unless you expect the squad to actually do something, there is really no point to it. I think this is the reason this problem is so pronounced among the new people on the server. They are used to doing their own thing, and continue out of habit until we set them straight or they are kicked/banned.

    Hell, when you join a squad, green should be the default spawn location. Just remember to listen out for the "hold your spawn...".
    For when the One Great Scorer comes, to write against your name, he writes not that you won or lost, but how you played the Game

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    Re: Spawning Green

    this isnt really a black and white deal

    Sometimes the SL will be in a car full of people and you cant spawn. Sometimes the SL will tell you to spawn on him, but then you will here alot of people being there and alot of armor. Logically you can go to the next flag up, grab some armor and be 100x more helpfull then just spawning in and dying. Maybe you see a free attack helo or jet that no one is after so you can provide your squad with cover to easily cap flags.

    So its not always a black and white situation of spawning green. I always talk to my SL about maybe a different option or opinion when doing something. 9/10 they dont care unless they 100% need you there.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer Xavsnipe's Avatar
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    Re: Spawning Green

    I usually spawn jet, but if I´m on the ground I´ll spawn green, unless it´s (4) Manno...Never spawn on Manno, he will get you killed ASAS (As Soon As you Spawn)

    Sometime´s though, you´re dead and there is imminent danger on another flag, then I won´t spawn green and I´ll spawn on the flag that´s about to go down, and hopefully save it. Of course, I let my SL know this before I do it. I usually get a go ahead unless I´m needed with the squad at that very moment.

    The rule I follow is: always spawn on green, if you don´t, let your squadleader know why and if you get a go ahead, then spawn elsewhere (to defend a flag, to steal a jet, or to blow enemy assets)
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    Re: Spawning Green

    I tend to agree with Burninator. I find the squad leader's Order (attack here, defend here etc) to be more important than spawning green. Don't get me wrong though spawning green is important. But its not just as straight cut as, "spawn green always or your not a team player".

    Example of not spawning green : map -Songhua
    Say I'm with my squad attacking North Island and I get killed and I see an APC available at West perimeter. I will spawn at West grab the APC and be back with my squad in about 10-20 seconds later than if I had of spawned green, except now we will have some armor to use in the fight.

    I think kit has a lot to do with it too. If your a medic chances are you should always be spawning green, imo.

    Also if you are defending a flag with a squad, there is nothing wrong with spawning at one of that flag's spawns, instead of the green dot. Minimizes that "one-shot-whole-squad-dead" possibility.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer Jlspence's Avatar
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    Re: Spawning Green

    Quote Originally Posted by Burninator_PBN

    Sometimes the SL will be in a car full of people and you cant spawn.
    See? This is the kind of thing that I find irritating as hell. So what if you can't spawn because your SL is in a full car. The SMART thing to do is hold your spawn, wait for your SL to get to his destination and then spawn on them. It really won't hurt to wait those few extra seconds.

    Quote Originally Posted by Burninator_PBN
    Sometimes the SL will tell you to spawn on him, but then you will here alot of people being there and alot of armor. Logically you can go to the next flag up, grab some armor and be 100x more helpfull then just spawning in and dying. Maybe you see a free attack helo or jet that no one is after so you can provide your squad with cover to easily cap flags.
    Excuses. So there are 8 other people on your team that are dead and 4 of you see that apparently "empty" APC at Flag X and all spawn there. You aren't the first one in so *IF* you even get in, you're headed to whatever destination that person decides to go. This is exactly how squads get spread out all over the battlefield. If your SL tells you to spawn on him - spawn on him for pete's sake. If you see or hear there is armor there, spawn in as AT!

    Quote Originally Posted by Burninator_PBN
    So its not always a black and white situation of spawning green. I always talk to my SL about maybe a different option or opinion when doing something. 9/10 they dont care unless they 100% need you there.
    I find it very hard to believe that a SL doesn't care 9/10 times whether you spawn on them or elsewhere.
    From what i gather though, everyone (admin's included), need to have a cup of shut-the-$%^-up, take a few to chill... - Bunni

  8. Registered TeamPlayer millwalljames's Avatar
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    Re: Spawning Green

    I agree that you should be spawning on your SL.

    The one thing I do not like however is when your SL neglects to tell you he has an enemy tank parked halfway up his ass and you spawn grill chef kit.......Or that he is currently breakdancing to that old whimsical tune " Arty sends my balls through my head".

    SPAWN......DEAD.....SPAWN.....DEAD. Not funny.

    Miffed again.


  9. Registered TeamPlayer Jlspence's Avatar
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    Re: Spawning Green

    Quote Originally Posted by -=$eany=-
    I find the squad leader's Order (attack here, defend here etc) to be more important than spawning green. Don't get me wrong though spawning green is important. But its not just as straight cut as, "spawn green always or your not a team player".
    A circumstance where the SL issues an order using the commo rose but then spawns elsewhere is a valid scenario. I've seen this but never without verbal clarification such as "squad attack/defend flag X, while I try to get in position on flag Y. Once I'm in position and I tell you, spawn green." However, as I noted in the original post, SL direction is an exception.

    Quote Originally Posted by Burninator_PBN
    Example of not spawning green : map -Songhua
    Say I'm with my squad attacking North Island and I get killed and I see an APC available at West perimeter. I will spawn at West grab the APC and be back with my squad in about 10-20 seconds later than if I had of spawned green, except now we will have some armor to use in the fight.
    See my earlier reply. There's no guarantee that you're going to get that APC. You might also be left stranded at West Perimeter when someone else thinking the same thought as you spawns in ahead of you and their spawn point is closer to the APC than yours. Now what help are you to your squad mates? Zero.

    Quote Originally Posted by Burninator_PBN
    Also if you are defending a flag with a squad, there is nothing wrong with spawning at one of that flag's spawns, instead of the green dot. Minimizes that "one-shot-whole-squad-dead" possibility.
    Except that you forget to change your spawn point back to green after the firefight and the next time you spawn in you're back at that flag instead of with your squad.
    From what i gather though, everyone (admin's included), need to have a cup of shut-the-$%^-up, take a few to chill... - Bunni

  10. Unconfirmed User Muqtar SGT_Clintok's Avatar
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    Re: Spawning Green

    There is no substitute for converging on an attack point as a crew, the whole squad as one. Travel together, assemble, get on line with dispersion and move in.

    I had a squad doing this on maashtur city last night and it was great. We didn't ever capture the flag, because we bled the hell out of the enemy and the tickets ran out on the bad guys.

    Too many times I have pulled off some great moves and still lost the position because the enemy was organized and I couldn't get them all.

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