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Thread: new commanders

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    new commanders

    ok got to ask this , has an one noticed the last few nights , bad commanders on here ?
    i dont mean those that command and loose games , we all got to loose a game .
    can not win them all , i love the game either way .
    what i mean is , those commanders that game after game want to do it , then become a combat commander, wonder then why a mutiny goes in effect , complain about it , dont use there mics , issue stupid orders adn are just complete muppets .
    no sat tracks , no uavs.
    seriosly i want to see one of them that got banned , come in here to explain there total lack of respect to ttp and the game.
    they aint even muppets , they just retards .
    had some great games win or loose when we had a reg in command , but i hate that as i no the regs as i do want some one new to step up , so we can game our selves .
    but then you trust it to some retard and one teams just getting screwed over .
    no comunication at all .
    bad orders , and just plain idiots wanting cheap points on them selves.
    was so happy to see them booted off .
    just a shame they did not do it right .
    would love some one to step up , say hi, this my 1st time , great , no worries , listen to sqaud leaders , they can and will help you out as much as you can help them .
    but dont become a combat commander , ignore them all , and think you will get away with it .
    ok thats me , out to work .
    take care guys will try game later .

  2. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: new commanders

    Actually, I've seen a few strangers stepping up lately. They step in quietly, but I immediately start talking to the commander. "Squad 1, objective complete, ready to move" or somesuch. Shortly, they start getting in to the hang of commanding.

    Besides.... its always kind of fun to make enemy commander's jump in the water :::: looking at scooby ::::: but maybe I shouldn't do that unless I know its a reg commanding. Don't want to traumatize a visitor while my energetic squads and I rape his..... base. So yeah, I guess jumping into the water is one way to avoid it

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    Re: new commanders

    i just went in the water to look at your rotting corpse lol.
    had three of you on there while i got a swaud down to clean up your little mess you left .
    what happened 2nd time you did that ?
    wasted lol.
    ill remeber you soon and well enough laggy , ill repay your kindness .
    on that one as well , i do remeber some one issuing a boot request on one of your squad members for doing that little base rape .
    automaticly i told every oen to vote no .
    was no wrong doing apart from me not pulling no one back fast enough .
    nothing wrong with taking down assets .
    so why they called in a boot request i had no idea .
    next time ill just knife your butt lol.
    take care , work calls .
    game later tonight if wife allows it .

  4. Registered TeamPlayer Flappy's Avatar
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    Re: new commanders

    yeah thanks for that one laggy, my ass is going to be sore for a month from last night! not on or two rounds you guys handed it to us every single round all freak'en night! ironically by the time the other side won half of you had left, (every one but Victrix and some non regs) I got switched and lost again! all the hard work to get switched in time for my fellow 5thies to come rush the titan and blow it inches away from destruction, one silo later . . . BOOM! And I KNEW IT was coming being in the squad the entire round. and yet all I could do is watch and wait to respawn only to go find the wrong end of turtle's shotgun! gooood times!! but yes scooby, the commanders were sub par at best last night, but it was a tall order to fill with what we were up against.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer QuickLightning's Avatar
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    Re: new commanders

    I'd say you should step up and command to make a difference, Matt, but you are most likely the name I face off against the most as a commander lately.

    I usually just try to find an admin and get the worthless guys that are not responsive booted. I'll sit in the commander seat every other round if I have to... if nothing else, just to make sure we can have someone competent in the seat.

    I've been enjoying my days over in BF2 land teabagging all of the "big names" over there lately, but I'll come join you guys this weekend.

    You all are better at infantry combat anyways.

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    Re: new commanders

    My squads were absolutely rocking last night. Didn't seem to matter who I had in my squad, we were slamming. On Shuhia, I had nearly all regs, on Tunis, it was mostly visitors in my squad. Didn't seem to matter. But I did laugh when I asked Anira what she had done to deserve a kick vote. She sounded SO innocent while professing ignorance.

    Before BelleChaser took command, I was already coming for you Scooby. I firmly believe that if you make the enemy commander run for his life, he's useless to his team. The only thing I should have done differently was bring a squad becaon instead of my recon drone. That or have my entire squad suicide on spawn on me, but I hate giving away tickets for free on a conquest map.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer QuickLightning's Avatar
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    Re: new commanders

    Quote Originally Posted by laggyNgroovy
    My squads were absolutely rocking last night. Didn't seem to matter who I had in my squad, we were slamming. On Shuhia, I had nearly all regs, on Tunis, it was mostly visitors in my squad. Didn't seem to matter. But I did laugh when I asked Anira what she had done to deserve a kick vote. She sounded SO innocent while professing ignorance.

    Before BelleChaser took command, I was already coming for you Scooby. I firmly believe that if you make the enemy commander run for his life, he's useless to his team. The only thing I should have done differently was bring a squad becaon instead of my recon drone. That or have my entire squad suicide on spawn on me, but I hate giving away tickets for free on a conquest map.
    I'll gladly take you and your entire squad on when I command laggy. Pulling 6 players out of the battlefield to tango at the uncap gives my team a slight advantage in the field when it comes to player count.

    As long as I have enough time to drop supply crates on my blown assets and fire them off before you destroy them again, I'm golden.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: new commanders

    I just want to say sorry to my team for last night. When I had my Zellar in my hand I sucked. Darn thing was sighted in night before but last night I couldn't hit squat with it, it seems. Oh well, the weekend is here and time for my weekly brake anyway(try to get that darn thing sighted in again). Might see you all late Sunday night or Monday at the regular time.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: new commanders

    Quote Originally Posted by QuickLightning
    I'll gladly take you and your entire squad on when I command laggy. Pulling 6 players out of the battlefield to tango at the uncap gives my team a slight advantage in the field when it comes to player count.

    As long as I have enough time to drop supply crates on my blown assets and fire them off before you destroy them again, I'm golden.
    Its situational for me, but on small maps, if I can deny the enemy team its walker, or even better, use their own walker against them, that is a great equalizer.

    If you're having to drop supply boxes to repair assets, you're not dropping boxes to support your team. So no vehicle repairs on maps like Tunis, Gibraltar, or CareBear. On maps like Tampa, it means no refill for vehicles since everyone goes engineer and not enough support people.

    If I make you blind by taking out your SatTrack, then its harder for you to drop orbitals or anything else of value.

    If I take away your UAV, then giving your squads tactical info falls through the floor since not enough people use sonars (at least when I'm commanding). Its difficult to convey meaningful info when you run a sat track and you're trying to point 15 different enemy targets before they fade away. People don't listen after the 3rd point.

    When I was coming after Scooby, Harbor was the only flag his team had. So now, people had to start spawning in the uncap to get rid of my squad. That gives the rest of my team less guns to shoot against and potentially get the flag back. It went 1/2 way a few times, i don't think we ever fully regained it that round.

    Besides, some people spawn in uncap anyway. Sentry guns and hostile bullets everywhere does tend to give them a start when the moment they teleport in they're taking damage.

    As long as we get the win I'm happy. I'm happier yet when my squads take 1st. I think last night we took 1st 3x and 2nd 2x. I can live with that

  10. Registered TeamPlayer Methuselah's Avatar
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    Re: new commanders

    If it's any consolidation, Matt, my bad-latency spikes have infected my connection to the point of me being bed-ridden on the field. So, until I can figure out what's going on with my situation, all I'm good for is commanding.
    Methuse•lah [muh-thoo-zuh-luh, -thooz-luh]
    1. a patriarch who lived 969 years. Gen. 5:27.
    2. an extremely old man.
    3. a very large wine bottle holding 61/2 qt. (6 l).

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