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Thread: #2 Ranked American player

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    #2 Ranked American player

    well what if he were in a tank or airplane or chopper at the time of being engineer those would count as kills correct

  2. Registered TeamPlayer
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    #2 Ranked American player

    I just want to say that what you guys wrote based on your "stat analysis" about Black Jesus is a bunch of bullshit. He did come back and I did join his squad and found him to be a very cool guy and a good sqaud leader. I would join his squad any day. WTF is a "teamplayer" ? A good comrade that helps his team win in my book. Or at least tries his ass off to do so. Along with Trigger , Hydro, Ranger10 and the NME gang this guy is the best Iv'e seen at helping his team. Black if you read this I would gladly join your squad any time . It was a pleasure. I was in a squad with Black ,Trigger, and 2 other Generals and enjoyed every minute. Please don't mind what these guys said because in my opinion stat analysis is not the way to determine this B.S. "teamplayer" idea thats really a subjective term. Please give my stats the same scrutiny and tell me why I'm not a teamplayer. I'm sure after your careful eye scans my stats you can find whatever you want to find. I know the truth the rest of you statboy experts can think what you want. Welcome back Hydro
    I'm out!

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    #2 Ranked American player

    Whoa, Where to start,
    First of all I'd like to thank the members of TTP for running a fine server.
    Anyway, what can I say...I have my own buisness which gives me alot of free time when it permits. I guess that makes me a loser. I dont watch much of TV other than sports. In the evenings....I take the time to help my kids with their homework and help my wife cook and yes Ive been married for 12 wonderful years....still make me a loser? After that has been taken care of..I usually go back to playing. As I stated I dont watch much TV and Ive paid my dues working for someone. Now I have a small buisness which Im a partner in and now people work for me. I take vacations and hang out on the weekends with my wife and our friends...but yea If I find some time to play BF2....then im gonna play baby! Its funny that people have their assumptions about my life and my gameplay but what can I tell you? Thats the way it goes when you do well in a game. Ive even taken a total of 3 months off of the game for family reasons and vacations.

    So now Im not a teamplayer...Im usually always a squad leader. I dont run a tight squad. Whatever the boys want to do...they do. I like to fly..I like to tank...I like to chopper. I like to infantry it. It depends on the map and the side we are on. There was a time where I refused to take a vehicle because I was so hooked on infantry. Why havent I got the purple heart? I just didnt get it. Ive had bad games but not purpleheart bad. Alot of people I know have gotten the P.H. on purpose. I refuse to get it if I havent EARNED it. BF2tracker displays the Squadleader time I beleive.

    |SI| or Spawn Infection is just a bunch of all star Pubbers. We dont clan match and we dont scrimmage. We just play because we have different schedules so when you can play...just play. Why do I have a 47 death streak? Simple. I was in dragon valley and my kills and deaths were 2 and 2. My wife needed me and I was afk on the bottom carrier deck. It seemed some asswipe took a boat and had his way with me the entire round. Probably got expert knife on me. How did I know? I came back with 2 tickets remaining and saw him take a swipe at me...round ended...I saw my score...wasnt happy but what can you do.

    I would say dont make blanket assumptions on people because it makes you look stupid. I hope some of my statements clarify my gaming behavior. If you want to learn something from me just ask. I learned alot from BF 1942 especially from flying. I dont cheat and I dont bullshit. My gameplay is clean. You never see me retaliate if someone teamkills me. That alone shows Im a mature individual. Some of my clan mates have thinner skin such as serialbutcher which alot of you guys have mentioned.
    In closing if you see a spot open in my squad....join it....Im a friendly individual. Props to pumpkinspaz..a great teamplayer

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    #2 Ranked American player

    See guys... If you jump to conclusions about a player based on their above average ability, it can come back and BITE YOU IN THE ASS! I watched BLacKJeSuS play tonight with several of what I believe were his clan members (I watched as a spectator). They are some really talented players with some GREAT tactical insight. Everyone should watch because you will most likely learn a lot.

    BLacKJeSuS, if you are still around, thanks for visiting us! We try hard to make TTP a GREAT place to play. Egos sometimes get in the way and people step all over themselves in an attempt to justify an ass whipping they just received. But, it's all in good nature.

    Come back and join us anytime!


  5. Registered TeamPlayer
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    #2 Ranked American player

    Quote Originally Posted by CBRob
    See guys... If you jump to conclusions about a player based on their above average ability, it can come back and BITE YOU IN THE ASS! I watched BLacKJeSuS play tonight with several of what I believe were his clan members (I watched as a spectator). They are some really talented players with some GREAT tactical insight. Everyone should watch because you will most likely learn a lot.

    BLacKJeSuS, if you are still around, thanks for visiting us! We try hard to make TTP a GREAT place to play. Egos sometimes get in the way and people step all over themselves in an attempt to justify an ass whipping they just received. But, it's all in good nature.

    Come back and join us anytime!

    Will do Rob. Thanks for responding.
    I had great time on the server tonight. Definately will be coming back. Fast paced and people werent messing around grabbing flags. Any chance on keeping the squads the same instead of making a new one each round??

  6. Registered TeamPlayer
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    #2 Ranked American player

    My arrangement is very much like yours. I have a wife and 4 kids and am able to play an ridiculous amount , but I just started 5 months ago. So do some statboy extrapilating and you might find out that I'm even more of a loser than you. Sorry to you guys that have jobs and school to go to you won't be able to match us in our loserdom. I still want to learn from your no life having ass. Just kidding. :P :P

  7. Registered TeamPlayer
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    #2 Ranked American player

    HAHA you freakin LOSER!!! J/K. Actually I hear the same smack from my brother also becuase he works so damn much.

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    #2 Ranked American player

    Hell, I work 7 days a week most weeks, 8-10 hours per day. But I'm is a Real Estate Office in a rural area and have Fiber Optic Baby! I'm on a WHOLE LOT during the day and then after the family goes to bed I get on again just to see how the game is going. So I guess I don't have a life either.


  9. Registered TeamPlayer
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    #2 Ranked American player

    By the way BLacKJeSuS...

    TTP-BF2 January Open Match.

    Join us if you can. Info and sign up here.

  10. Registered TeamPlayer
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    #2 Ranked American player

    Yeah buddy , if not working for someone else makes me a loser than sorry that's me . :P :P
    Buy the way , did you ever see the episode of Good Times where J.J. paints a black Jesus ? Thats fn histerical! :P

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