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Thread: PR Mumble

  1. Registered TeamPlayer Rooster050's Avatar
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    PR Mumble

    So, I was playing on TTP's PR server the other day and I noticed that TTP does not have a mumble channel... I'm sure this has been brought up before, but whats the reasoning? So many people are key to mumble now, on other servers its almost a requirement to have it. I think this would drastically help the deadness of TTP's server.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer Blakeman's Avatar
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    Re: PR Mumble

    Quote Originally Posted by Rooster050
    So, I was playing on TTP's PR server the other day and I noticed that TTP does not have a mumble channel... I'm sure this has been brought up before, but whats the reasoning? So many people are key to mumble now, on other servers its almost a requirement to have it. I think this would drastically help the deadness of TTP's server.
    According to someone we have one on the main mumble server but it is not official or something? Not sure as I haven't tried mumble yet but have been thinking about it.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Re: PR Mumble

    Quote Originally Posted by Rooster050
    So, I was playing on TTP's PR server the other day and I noticed that TTP does not have a mumble channel... I'm sure this has been brought up before, but whats the reasoning? So many people are key to mumble now, on other servers its almost a requirement to have it. I think this would drastically help the deadness of TTP's server.
    I hate to say it Rooster but I'm going to link you to a post I made recently. It's nothing personal. I do believe it explains something in regards to something you have just posted. I'll let that post stand as my answer. To my knowledge what is the point of caring about mumble when people don't care to show their support by getting on the server in the first place.

    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bravo
    Do you guys realize how discouraging it is to get on the server, prime and no one shows up. Then they decide to post in the forums because no one was there. Well I for one know of two people that tried to prime last night. Soviet joined me after I had been in the server for 30 minutes shoveling dirt just so I could hope to have some people join me. I gave what time I had to the server. So please, don't get in the forums grumbling about it, get your asses in the server and stop waiting on someone else to do it. DAMN!!
    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bravo
    @ Sauso, it's not you completely man. I realize you put time on the server, and for that I do thank you. Unfortunately, there are quite a few who feel necessary to show up on the forums to grumble, but not in game when it needs the assistance of those who wish to enjoy it.

    I can't tell you how frustrating it is to feel like so few do all the priming work, while others benefit from it. Then I to come to forums and read where people are going to gripe, but I don't see them on the server in the early going. It happens, what's even worse some of those same people will go to other servers {which is fine to an extent}, yet they wont do the dirty thankless job of priming this one. Then have the audacity to show up on the forums to grumble without actually trying to do something in the server. The only server I've ever been on besides TTP's servers was TG for the PR match. Aside from that, when I get online to play, I do it here. I support as much as I can. I've had to listen to wife and kids tell me how they feel like this is more important than them. That saddens me, yet I'm actually trying to make sure I take better care of them. When I have to do that, I need to know that others will take care of the PR server, which I've poured a lot of time & feelings into, when I'm not able to be here.

    I apologize for the frustration man. It also wears me thin when people who don't show up to prime, wish to gripe about the maps being played. Instead of realizing that we have a good thing here that just needs a little priming help, we just need more people to actually desire to put something into it, to get something out of it & to make it work better for everyone. Therefore we can all enjoy the server, the games, and the people we play with more.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amador +JP2+
    We need to use this thread for what it is intended or simply remove the sticky and reduce the clutter.

    For clarity, I am speaking of the multiple priming threads that have been started separate to this “Super” Sticky thread. Those threads were merged with this one. I know you want folks on the server, if the “Super” Primer Sticky thread is insufficient to this end then we remove it and go a different way.

    As for Bravo’s comment, it has long been understood that the most reliable way to get folks on the server is to actually be present on the server. You can prime that server on ANY map IF you are there to play. Kashan / Muttrah are “good maps” for priming only because it attracts vehicle whores … and guess what … that puts butts in the server. Thus, if you want to prime on Quinling, Ejod, Fallujah, Tad Sae it doesn’t matter a hill of beans if you don’t have people in there playing. I can assure you that people do get tired of maps they have played a million times. If we put people on the server on the less common maps (i.e. … things other than Kashan and Muttrah) you will prime the server.

    Bottom line … PEOPLE on the server PRIME the server not the map.

    We have a great bunch of PR players at TTP and I am confident y’all can get the server rolling before and after V.9 … keep working on it. I echo Bravo’s comments … no more bellyaching, just get in there and have some fun.

    Point being, if you aren't on the server then how can you possibly know the reasons why it might be dead. When we get in there, the majority of the time, we get a game going. So unless you have some profound enlightenment backed with facts, how can you possibly make an assumption like that much less post it? Especially given the fact that I have been on the server within the last few days and have seen it packed to the max.
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  4. Registered TeamPlayer Rooster050's Avatar
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    Re: PR Mumble

    I hear what your saying Bravo. And I'm not there to help prime or seed it. I have no excuses either... I should be there, being that I like TTP and want it to succeed in whatever it does. I'm sure there are a lot of factors that come into play why TTP is having a hard time getting populated (not a beta server, no mumble, not enough primers... ext..) It just struck me as odd when I went to play on TTP the otherday, and looked for a mumble channel... There was no listing, So I asked the others that came from TG what channel they were using for mumble, and they all said "TG." You're right though, Before I open my mouth about why TTP is not succeeding like TG or other servers, I should be there to help prime. I play PR almost every day... I hate to say it, but rarely do I play on TTP. I think the best thing for me to do right now is get in there and prime it. Maybe on Kashan or something that is popular.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer Rooster050's Avatar
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    Re: PR Mumble

    I looked into getting TTP a channel for mumble and I was provided this link.
    If we are interested in getting a mumble channel I was given a link to this page... but apparently i don't have enough privlages to access this... Maybe one of you admins can pull your weight better then i can. Here is the link, That I was given

  6. Registered TeamPlayer DaKillerFox's Avatar
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    Re: PR Mumble

    Quote Originally Posted by Rooster050
    I hear what your saying Bravo. And I'm not there to help prime or seed it. I have no excuses either... I should be there, being that I like TTP and want it to succeed in whatever it does. I'm sure there are a lot of factors that come into play why TTP is having a hard time getting populated (not a beta server, no mumble, not enough primers... ext..) It just struck me as odd when I went to play on TTP the otherday, and looked for a mumble channel... There was no listing, So I asked the others that came from TG what channel they were using for mumble, and they all said "TG." You're right though, Before I open my mouth about why TTP is not succeeding like TG or other servers, I should be there to help prime. I play PR almost every day... I hate to say it, but rarely do I play on TTP. I think the best thing for me to do right now is get in there and prime it. Maybe on Kashan or something that is popular.
    Hey Rooster, I think I was in a squad with you either this past weekend or something ago on TG. If I was a terrible newbie player, I apologize. If you enjoyed me being on your squad, I thank you. So what you're saying is that people playing on TTP's server this past weekend were using the TG Mumble Channel? That makes total sense, as I was hearing people on TG's mumble channel and I too was frantically looking to join a TTP Mumble channel. I got to try out Mumble for the first time this past weekend on TG and it is pretty amazing. It sounds much faster that VOIP and it sounds more clear to me anyways. Sometimes on VOIP, if a couple of people are in the squad are talking, they seem to step on each other. I'm not sure if this happens with Mumble as well, but it sounded pretty clear to me. I like that TG players have a lot of Mumble users and I have found that TTP is also a cool server to play on as there are many great players that are part of the TTP community. I too would like to see a TTP Mumble channel, as I usually load up Mumble first and see who's in what channels before I decide on which server to join. Usually if TG has around 40 players on the Game Server, but there are a lot of Mumble players, I'll join that server before joining a more populated one. Another thing that people may not think about, Mumble is a tool that I think encourages teamwork and team play overall, so when I see servers like TG with players on Mumble, my reaction is to believe that it is a more teamwork oriented server. Whereas other servers that don't have many users, and I have come to find, they have players who don't care about teamwork or simply just want to play with their friends, and that has been where I've encountered two man locked squads or getting kicked out of squads because I wasn't part of their clan or friends with the members. This can be disheartening to new players (as I am relatively new still) and I don't know if you guys are trying to attract more players or not. IMO, more players just mean more full servers and more people to play with, which can't be a bad thing.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Re: PR Mumble

    Here is where it was brought up previously. Has the IP information changed and does anyone on the TTP server actually use the program? If so, are they still on the PR beta version of the mumble client or have they moved to the latest version of Mumble?
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  8. Registered TeamPlayer DaKillerFox's Avatar
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    Re: PR Mumble

    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bravo

    Here is where it was brought up previously. Has the IP information changed and does anyone on the TTP server actually use the program? If so, are they still on the PR beta version of the mumble client or have they moved to the latest version of Mumble?
    Yeah, I saw that thread a few days ago when searching for Mumble, the last reply was like 6 months ago so I just figured TTP abandoned the idea of using Mumble. I'm not sure what the IP information is, it's in that link that Rooster posted, but they are on an older version of Mumble I believe, it's something like PR Mumble .5 or something like that, but I know they are not using the latest version of Mumble. I'm not sure if you can connect with the latest version, I think someone said they could, but their version has everything preset and ready to go.

    It definitely catches you off guard the first time you hear it in-game. I tried it out, when I was being healed by a medic, I pressed my local button and said thanks. I had never used it before that, although I did hear people around me speaking. When he quickly responded with "no problem" it nearly blew my socks off. I say it catches you off guard, because there's not overlay of who's talking, they disabled the overlay I think because it causes problems with PB. But it's much faster than VOIP, there always seems to be a delay with VOIP, like I see the person's name, hear a split sec of static and then I hear what they try to say. But Mumble seems to be very natural and fluid.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer dex71's Avatar
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    Re: PR Mumble

    If the #1 PR server in the World practically requires it,shouldn't we be using it too?

    It sounds like an incredibly useful feature,and adds to the realism.

  10. Registered TeamPlayer DaKillerFox's Avatar
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    Re: PR Mumble

    Quote Originally Posted by dex71
    If the #1 PR server in the World practically requires it,shouldn't we be using it too?

    It sounds like an incredibly useful feature,and adds to the realism.
    It's nice to see other people want this feature too.

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