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Thread: Things i despise the most about BF2142

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    Re: Things i despise the most about BF2142

    Quote Originally Posted by Blah64
    I can't take your complaints seriously if you make a thread about 'over-powered' things and you don't include the Voss-LR.

    Your #1,2&4 are just a result of being new to the game.
    There's nothing wrong with the Voss. The Voss's accuracy spreads real fast, so longer fights force you into cover, or shooting too wide to be effective.

    You see the Voss used more because it's the weapon unlock in the medic side of the assault class, and because it has 40 shots.

    Give me the Baur-HAR before the Voss-LAR any day. It hits harder, it's more accurate, and it reloads faster.

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    Re: Things i despise the most about BF2142

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTip
    Over the last week i played 2142 a bit more and boy did some things really bring my piss to a boil. So to prevent myself from chewing through my pc wiring from anger, i decided to compile a list of the things that i hate most.
    #1 PR rockets
    WTF, i mean really, its like the newbtoob from COD but it actually requires less skill to use (as if thats possible)
    I can be safely behind a wall or a rock of sorts and the explosion will just go through it. I mean theres no hiding from the rocket, it will find and kill you.
    Has been answered but movement is the key to surviving against talented users of the AR Rockets. Only other option when faced with an AR user at distance is to headshot them prior to the 2nd or 3rd rocket being fired your way (this is my preferred method in all honesty). Once you've killed the AR user, you must still move either back (hoping they set range right top of you and not behind), or strafe to the side.

    #2 Airship whores
    I mean the airship is overpowered, its like the jet from bf2 but with less skill, u can just hover in place while your gunner mows all the infantry down, and then quickly zip away when u start receiving AA fire, and then come back and blow the shit out of them.
    AA, SAAW, and Walker AA (top gun position). All of these will take out all but the top gunship pilots. The really good ones are tough to counter, but the rest are manageable. Just takes practice to get the "lead" and timing down.

    #3 PPL who call for medic and then run away from you
    Boy do i encounter this a lot. I can be happily healing teammates and shooting some guys and then someone with 1/4th health calls out for a medic. Being the good person that i am i start making my way to them to try and heal them, but then they just start running away at full sprint as if im some kind of monster, while still calling for medic. Its like WTF ARE YOU DOING, the medic is right here, trying to heal you.
    Very aggravating but less likely to occur when playing with a bunch of regs.

    #4 The clark shotgun
    This thing is just plain annoying, at close ranges it makes sense, i mean shotty= cqc, but them some ppl start using it from medium ranges and somehow 3 hitting you. REALLY WTF, its a shotty not some fucking assault rifle, who in their fucking right mind though this would be a good idea? Il tell you fucking who, EA and Satin, combined into some super unholy video game producing monstrosity, whose sole goal is to torture gamers with bad gameplay designs.
    Also aggravating. It is possible to counter this, but it is tough to do up close. The trick is to be sneakier than sin and catch em while they're not looking. Sonar helps with this.

    #5 Teammates who run into your nades
    So there could be this large gathering of enemies in a small space, you might get the idea to throw a nade into there. Then some retarded teammate might have the idea to chase the fucking nade, get killed by it and punish you for the tk. ITS LIKE WTF YOU RAN INTO MY NADE, YOU SHOULD BE APPOLOGISING TO ME FOR THE HASSLE YOU CAUSED ME FOR HAVING TO LOSE SOME POINTS.
    Stupid, nuff said. Most regs here will not punish as they know what's up.

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    Re: Things i despise the most about BF2142

    Quote Originally Posted by Alundil
    #2 Airship whores
    I mean the airship is overpowered, its like the jet from bf2 but with less skill, u can just hover in place while your gunner mows all the infantry down, and then quickly zip away when u start receiving AA fire, and then come back and blow the shit out of them.
    AA, SAAW, and Walker AA (top gun position). All of these will take out all but the top gunship pilots. The really good ones are tough to counter, but the rest are manageable. Just takes practice to get the "lead" and timing down.
    Completely forgot about this. Leading your shots with the walker is absolutely needed. Firing in short bursts will also help keep the weapon heat low and allow you to get the pattern down easier.

    Walkers in my opinion are better used single seating, as the AA gunner cannot fire effectively if the pilot is moving the walker, and the pilot is useless if he's just sitting there. It's just too situational for both to be effective at the same time. It's the same case with the FAV gunner, because the shots are thrown off so much by moving, and slightly less with the tank top turrets.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer nsRaven's Avatar
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    Re: Things i despise the most about BF2142

    Quote Originally Posted by WinterSays
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTip
    #4 The clark shotgun
    This thing is just plain annoying, at close ranges it makes sense, i mean shotty= cqc, but them some ppl start using it from medium ranges and somehow 3 hitting you. REALLY WTF, its a shotty not some fucking assault rifle, who in their fucking right mind though this would be a good idea? Il tell you fucking who, EA and Satin, combined into some super unholy video game producing monstrosity, whose sole goal is to torture gamers with bad gameplay designs.
    The Clark is a powerful gun, no doubt. But it's not anymore powerful than the Voss, or the Baur, or Ganz, Shuko, Bianchi, Turcotte.... I could go on for every gun in this game. Every single gun in 2142 is useful. They're all accurate, deadly, and balanced with each other. There's no one gun to use. I don't understand why players complain about it, the only thing is the range, which is laughable.

    As I said before, 2142 is a game of mobility, and the Clark is tailored to this very well, as you don't lose accuracy for moving.

    Consider this, most players who use the shotgun will have an infantry sonar close by, as it's in the same unlock tree. So you need to do several things if you know there are close-support players. Either stay in the safe zone of your own team's infantry sonars, or be very wary of corners and other ambush spots. Move with your squad, ask for spot checking from the commander. Any number of things can stop close-support players with the Clark dead in their tracks.

    So far the only reason I see about the Clark hate, is that players can't adapt to dealing with close range specialists... in close range. Care to enlighten me? Someone?
    Bob and weave. If unfortunate enough to round a corner and find myself face to face, its the only thing that's worked for me. If you're fast enough to avoid the first shot or at least survive it, you can usually kill them off.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer WaterDumple's Avatar
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    Things i despise the most about BF2142 Things i despise the most about BF2142

    Re: Things i despise the most about BF2142

    PK rockets fail. That is all.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer Maestrale's Avatar
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    Things i despise the most about BF2142 Things i despise the most about BF2142 Things i despise the most about BF2142

    Re: Things i despise the most about BF2142

    Quote Originally Posted by WileECyte
    Quote Originally Posted by Maestrale
    The thing with the gunship is that at the beginning of a round, all noobz just jumped on it like flies on a light even if they don't know how to use it. It always ended in situations where the gunner really sucks or the pilot, and the gunship won't be able to help ground troops. So what's better, to jumped on the gunner seat, pound 3 secs and crashed or fly for the whole game with a gunner that don't even know what's a TV missile. there should always be 2 ppl in a gunship but in those situations, it's nearly better to be alone and play both roles.
    Spoken like a true teamplayer.

    You have a mic for a reason, and communication is the key to effective gunship/gunner tactics. :5
    Maybe, but it's the reality, I want my team to win and wasting a gunship don't help. there should always be a squad name gunship and all of whom who wants to use the gunships should be in it. In the majority of the case, a guy will grab a gunship one time during a round, and then, go back on the ground. In a perfect world, it would be fun to teach someone how to use the gunship, but non-regs (one day player), with a mic, tends to tell you to shut up, or that they don't care, they only want fun. I've seen people that just bail from the gunship too. those who don't have a mic, well, they don't say a thing, so you don't really know what to say except try to not hover on a spot, licking the floor ain't a good thing, I'm going on X apc, walker or tank. About evasion techniques, it ain't a good idea to explain it to a new pilot, you'll end up at 99% out of bounds and then they'll drop all initiatives to go back in the gunship.

    On another note, didn't Laggy use to have an article on SAAW's? Someone knows where it is? ty

  7. Registered TeamPlayer jabberwock's Avatar
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    Re: Things i despise the most about BF2142

    Quote Originally Posted by DancingCorpse
    Who is Satin? I thought satin was a color....
    What color is satin? I thought satin was a weave...

  8. Registered TeamPlayer WileECyte's Avatar
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    Things i despise the most about BF2142 Things i despise the most about BF2142 Things i despise the most about BF2142 Things i despise the most about BF2142 Things i despise the most about BF2142 Things i despise the most about BF2142
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    Re: Things i despise the most about BF2142

    Quote Originally Posted by Maestrale
    Quote Originally Posted by WileECyte
    Quote Originally Posted by Maestrale
    The thing with the gunship is that at the beginning of a round, all noobz just jumped on it like flies on a light even if they don't know how to use it. It always ended in situations where the gunner really sucks or the pilot, and the gunship won't be able to help ground troops. So what's better, to jumped on the gunner seat, pound 3 secs and crashed or fly for the whole game with a gunner that don't even know what's a TV missile. there should always be 2 ppl in a gunship but in those situations, it's nearly better to be alone and play both roles.
    Spoken like a true teamplayer.

    You have a mic for a reason, and communication is the key to effective gunship/gunner tactics. :5
    Maybe, but it's the reality, I want my team to win and wasting a gunship don't help. there should always be a squad name gunship and all of whom who wants to use the gunships should be in it. In the majority of the case, a guy will grab a gunship one time during a round, and then, go back on the ground. In a perfect world, it would be fun to teach someone how to use the gunship, but non-regs (one day player), with a mic, tends to tell you to shut up, or that they don't care, they only want fun. I've seen people that just bail from the gunship too. those who don't have a mic, well, they don't say a thing, so you don't really know what to say except try to not hover on a spot, licking the floor ain't a good thing, I'm going on X apc, walker or tank. About evasion techniques, it ain't a good idea to explain it to a new pilot, you'll end up at 99% out of bounds and then they'll drop all initiatives to go back in the gunship.

    On another note, didn't Laggy use to have an article on SAAW's? Someone knows where it is? ty

    Everyone was a n00b at one time. Winning as a lonewolf is worse than losing as a teamplayer. There's more to the game than winning. Soloing a gunship (much like soloing choppers in BF2) is frowned upon and can be a kickable/bannable offense. It's a non-teamplay tactic. Period. If there's someone willing to hop in the gunship and gun, and you take off without them. You WILL be banned.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer SpankyMcFly3's Avatar
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    Re: Things i despise the most about BF2142

    I just love when I get to post this...

  10. Registered TeamPlayer TheTip's Avatar
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    Re: Things i despise the most about BF2142

    Quote Originally Posted by SpankyMcFly3
    I just love when I get to post this...

    That should be EA's new slogan: "EA games, we fucking hate you"

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