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Thread: Proposal: Friendly explosives.

  1. Registered TeamPlayer nmeboat's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Proposal: Friendly explosives.

    Proposal: Friendly explosives. - turn on friendly explosives (mines, claymores)

    (ok, last ranty post..for now..i swear... )

    (I think I already know the answer and basis for the answer to this, but hell it's worth a shot... )

    I propose that friendly explosives be turned on, so that claymores and AT mines explode no matter who triggers them.

    who knows, maybe I'm just in an annoyed/ranty mood lately...but damned if it isn't annoying to see an enemy sniper spawn, immediately drop a 5 enemies walk over top of it, while the sniper is prone on top of the claymore and then you raise you eyebrow the wrong way and die by said claymore...while the sniper that is lying on top of the claymore doesn't even die! you can't tell me that there ain't something wrong about that or chasing a car of enemies over a patch of AT mines only to have to immediately stop because they're not friendly. c'mon now...realistically speaking, a claymore/mine can't tell the difference between an enemy walking/driving by versus a friendly walking such, it's only seems fair that "friendly" claymores/mines be enabled as well. there is even the potential to increase teamplay in that someone in an asset would have to work with an engineer to take up any/all mines if they want safe passage. again, maybe it's part of the annoyed/ranty mood, just seems like everyone has been tossing claymores and mines all over the place like its candy lately ...there should be repercussions for such flagrant and careless candy dispersion... hell, I get my fair share of punishes from dill-holes jumping out of their vehicle while on top of my mines that it wouldn't matter anyhow

  2. Registered TeamPlayer howitzer88's Avatar
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    Proposal:  Friendly explosives. Proposal:  Friendly explosives. Proposal:  Friendly explosives.
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    Steam ID: howitzer88

    Re: Proposal: Friendly explosives.

    Claymores blow up whoever's in the way when it gets triggered whether they're friendly or not. However, I prefer them not being triggered by friendlies due to whatever bug making those red skulls disappear that used to tell you where the friendly explosives were.
    Last edited by howitzer88; 08-26-10 at 09:31 PM. Reason: added more stuff

  3. Registered TeamPlayer nmeboat's Avatar
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    Re: Proposal: Friendly explosives.

    Quote Originally Posted by howitzer88 View Post
    Claymores blow up whoever's in the way when it gets triggered whether they're friendly or not. However, I prefer them not being triggered by friendlies due to whatever bug making those red skulls disappear that used to tell you where the friendly explosives were.
    with all due respect, i disagree. don't believe me? next time you play, spawn sniper and place a couple of claymores in a high traffic area with plenty of friendlies near by, hell, I'll do it and let you run circles around won't go off the only reason they may "seem" triggered by whoever is either when a friendly hops out of a car near a friendly claymore, causing the "neutral" car to trigger it (similar to a friendly jumping out of a car while on top of a friendly mine), or if an enemy triggers a claymore with a friendly in blast range causing a tk. I may have an hour or two of game time to have been a part of just about any situation I also may have even played a game or two when friendly explosives weren't an enable-able option and learned the hard way to heed any/all mines and claymore

    your second point being part of the reason for the be weary of any and all mines and claymore regardless if they are known to be friendly or enemy realistically speaking an auto-triggered explosive such as an AT mine or claymore can't differentiate if a friendly or enemy walks by/drives over it...

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    Re: Proposal: Friendly explosives.

    I dont think there is an option to have friendlies trigger blue mines.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer howitzer88's Avatar
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    Re: Proposal: Friendly explosives.

    What I meant by triggered was when an enemy triggers it, causing a kill and tk's whoever's in the way as you said in your second part. Not having the skulls is a big problem because most people DON'T lay mines and clays in obvious/open spots, so that would cause the problem of lots of unintentional friendly tks due to people not being able to even see and avoid the explosive. You can't be wary of these friendly tk machines when you can't see them.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Proposal:  Friendly explosives. Proposal:  Friendly explosives. Proposal:  Friendly explosives. Proposal:  Friendly explosives.

    Re: Proposal: Friendly explosives.

    There is an option. I tried to fight for it a long time ago, to have them turned on to kill anyone and everyone. I have always felt that it was unfair and changed the way you could attack/defend an area of the map. I have always believed they should kill indiscriminately. This would encourage people to be careful of their placements since it could affect the way the game is played for both teams. It would make the use of mines in a area to control a choke point be that much more important and would do away with the mine spam that dominates some of the newer maps without a thought for the friendly.
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    Proposal:  Friendly explosives. Proposal:  Friendly explosives. Proposal:  Friendly explosives. Proposal:  Friendly explosives. Proposal:  Friendly explosives.
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    PSN ID: yealightweight reject_wolf's Originid: vinnie_gunn

    Re: Proposal: Friendly explosives.

    I agree with this entirely, but I could see this being a massive problem with those unfamiliar to mine FF being on and laying mines in horrible spots causing many friendly causalities. I too am not a fan of seeing claymores spammed all over the place with the enemy knowing the risk of killing their own team is low. AT mines do not annoy me as much because I know I should be actively looking for them and should have always seen the one that killed me, but it would cause a positive change in strategy.

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    Proposal:  Friendly explosives.

    Re: Proposal: Friendly explosives.

    I remember when claymores used to kill friendlies very early on in bf2. That would piss me off when on the mini map, you can see where they are placed. You could warn them. And, your own team still would run over to where the friendly claymore was placed and set it off. Similar to as when you are commander and you issue an arty is like some sort of damn bug light that for some reason players are drawn to.... The arty strike is placed around no friendlies. Verbal warning is issued to squad leaders...arty at the hotel...... Arty icon is big and red in the mini map.... And 4 players run to the light..... 4 team kills...... Damn you boat,,, now you are making me rant at 4:52 am.....

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    Re: Proposal: Friendly explosives.

    Quote Originally Posted by badprimer1 View Post
    I remember when claymores used to kill friendlies very early on in bf2.
    And we will forever have the FTK punish monkeies because of that. Turn it all on, let's change the style of game play and really separate the grown ups from the kids. Let's change something around here other than the map rotation.

    I say bring back the bunny hopping noob tube.

  10. Registered TeamPlayer PBS_SRB's Avatar
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    Proposal:  Friendly explosives.

    Re: Proposal: Friendly explosives.

    I support this idea.

    I think overall it would make us all better players, and thus increase the quality of play on the server.

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