Quote Originally Posted by PvtPrivate View Post
Looks at this game play:
YouTube - Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad - Demonstration at Gamescom 2010 (HD)(Part I)
YouTube - Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad - Demonstration at Gamescom 2010 (HD)(Part II)
RO 2 looks like the new battlefield
commanders,squads,1st person cover,gun handling,destruction,tanks,awesome sniping and more.The only thing missing is flying, but it may be possible with mod tools
Not to mention Battlefield 3 is comming, I think bf2 will be dead by the the start if 2012, except for the mods like fh2 or pr.But this is just my guess of whats going to happen, but just because bf2 can survive bfbc2 doesn't mean it will last past bf3
Been looking at this game it looks pretty cool! It takes like 3 people to operate a tank and stuff this game seems awesome to me