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Thread: One wish for bunny hopping

  1. Registered TeamPlayer SovietDooM's Avatar
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    Steam ID: 76561197995394916 SovietDooM's Originid: SovetDooM1

    Re: One wish for bunny hopping

    No as a capitalist business man, you have to create a product that will get as many people as possilbe to hand you their money. It's great how you can trick so many people into buying what they already have if you just change the look of it. Something we all learned from Lucas, hmm this battlefield games seems to make money, let jizz all over it so it looks like Star warz and we will call it BattleFront. Terminator did the same thing, and so did Quake with Quake wars. Some times you get something worth it. Hmm people seem to like Halo even though all you do is run, jump, shoot, and don't worry because you have a shield. "Oh it's the story" Yea well Gone with the Wind and you can't fucking pay to watch that "story" again.

    Combind with PR being a mod which limits the number of poeple its going to reach, its player created so they don't have TV radio magazine and leaflets dropped from the sky, plus the learning curve (ill never play EVE because of that fact), plus the fact that its old because games don't age like wine some may do better then other Bf2 clearly and Yea its a different game style so it appeals to a different audiance. Somefolks like to think and shoot, others like to run around aimlessly and shoot.

    And just because alot of people are doing.... well alot of people get drunk here in the dorm and puke all over the floors. Alot of people think it's funny to piss in the shower (when the water is not running for those who do) and people thinkg its funny to shit on the floor in the bathroom. Popularity does not equal greatness. Check you ^u sqr in your ^y = ^b0 +^b1x1 + ^b2x2 because I don't think you R squared is all that close to 1.

    I place chess, my father plays pinball.
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  2. Registered TeamPlayer DrewFellenbaum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CivilWars View Post
    What a stupid post. =P

    If we are going by that logic take out med packs, revives, and make jets and choppers land and have a crew work on them to rearm and repair. Last I checked you could still shoot people while they jump.
    Your 1 of 29k plus posts in this topic do not count until you start playing BF2 with me and the other HRD guys on the weekends lol

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    Drew Fellenbaum, Sergeant
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    Steam ID: 76561197995394916 SovietDooM's Originid: SovetDooM1

    Re: One wish for bunny hopping

    Ignore the fact that civil has played BF2
    Dispatch the DooM

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    Quote Originally Posted by SovietDooM View Post
    Ignore the fact that civil has played BF2
    I haven't played with him in a couple months so he is due to long in when I am playing

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    Drew Fellenbaum, Sergeant
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    Re: One wish for bunny hopping

  6. Registered TeamPlayer SovietDooM's Avatar
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    Steam ID: 76561197995394916 SovietDooM's Originid: SovetDooM1

    Re: One wish for bunny hopping

    Quote Originally Posted by moving-target View Post
    2 points
    Dispatch the DooM

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    Re: One wish for bunny hopping

    Quote Originally Posted by SovietDooM View Post
    No, it's I'm frustrated with cookie cutter FPS that are all the same, run around like a chicken with it's head cut off, bunny hopping, noob tubing, jerk circle and consider a game that offers a different system where the player is required to work as a team and function with in limited parameters such as the inability to jump off the second floor roof and use a parachute, make so people who spray and pray can't hit anything as small as a man unless they less farther then 10 feet away.

    Excercise you gaming skill by needing to get your ass to safety when you've been shot rather then throwing a bag on the ground and jumping on it or using C4 to catapolt yourself to over an APC when FF is off.

    Do wanna play with Nerf guns and get into fights about if you really shot a guy or not, of do you wanna step it up to something like paintball?

    I wanna game where I'm suppose to jump around and fire wildly so I can get a big score and say it means my dick is big.


    I wanna game where I have to out think, you know use my brain, an enemy or pay the penalty off sitting out for 60 seconds everytime I go rambo and do something stupid.
    Not sure where your logic is coming from... just because something is realistic it takes brain power? I mean there are plenty of games that are totally unrealistic and are still fair and whatnot.

    Take Halo (yes I know), I know most of you probably don't like it but you can jump 3 feet high and there are aliens ect ect. Its still pretty balanced/fair with the right settings even moreso than most FPS games, and it still takes a lot of skill/brainpower to work out strategies and place your shots right. I wouldn't call it realistic, but then again it's set in the future so it could be realistic in 2053... but that's not the point.

    Why do you want a realistic game anyway? Go get a group of 64 people and buy some AK47s if you want realism. It's a game. It's for fun. It has rules and a winner and a loser.

    And again, why do you want a realistic game? For me, games are fun because they aren't realistic. I like being able to be some crazy wizard or a counter terrorist killing machine every now and again. I mean, if you like games that are realistic, that's your opinion, of course, but then I just don't see the point, go actually do it if you want it to be realistic.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer bst0rm's Avatar
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    Re: One wish for bunny hopping

    I hate it too.

    It wouldn't be so bad if you could actually hit the person while they're hopping.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer SovietDooM's Avatar
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    Steam ID: 76561197995394916 SovietDooM's Originid: SovetDooM1

    Re: One wish for bunny hopping

    Not sure where your logic is coming from... just because something is realistic it takes brain power? I mean there are plenty of games that are totally unrealistic and are still fair and whatnot.
    Well it's quite simple, really. You reading the comment without full presentation of the facts. To claim BF2 requires not thinking is clearly wrong. To make a statement that PR requires more thinking and strategy is correct. BF 2 requires you think on the fly at a faster pass but with less complicated problems to solve is correct.

    Checkers > thinking then Chess.

    and it still takes a lot of skill/brainpower to work out strategies and place your shots right.
    Please understand I am working off my experience, which is limited to Halo 1. So, if the later Halo's made dramatic changes please feel free to bring those to my attention. But I understand that newer Halos are going to have new features, such as I know Halo ORTS has much less health.

    Now, HALO requires planning but not adaptive planning do to the fact that a player can play through a map once and have a decnet idea of what the map looks like, where the enemy will come from, what enemies they will face. *Theortical* Oh the temple scene, I know there's a hunter coming up.
    Then it requries you to spend the time building the REFLEXES not the brain power to master the game. I can get my sniper cross hairs over the guys head quicker then someone who just picked up the game.

    PR and BF2 provide a sandbox environment where the player can become familiar with the terrian but an unpredicatable enemy. You don't know if going to power plant will yeild a tank, APC, Airstrick Arty, or infentyr.

    PR, compared to BF2 provides similar maps on a larger scale without Numerous abilities:
    No UAV you have to find the enemy yourself or with help from the TEAM, hmm team there's a strange word.
    No map spotting, you know where you forces are but the enemy doesn't jump out and say HEY wer are over here
    No hit detection, I think I shot that guy over there? I can go and check it out but to do so means risking a 60 sec respawn, the walk from the FOB, and tickets. Let me get a spotter conformation out.

    You have to think ahead, you have the think of the consequense, you have to consider how it can damage the teams effort. You can't just stumble into things and hope it all goes well.
    Checkers v Chess comparison.

    You have to plan out well ahead before you move. Can you plan ahead in checkers? Sure, but you don't have to. It's not vital to winning, you can just be a good shot and still win.

    PR, own I wanna park my tank on this bunker and camp all the poor souls spawning on South bunker. Boom, oh, guess I should have thought about the other guys using a LD to call in a JDAM.

    I want to go run over here and kill everyone who is attacking this flag. But if I don't go over here to defend this then that attack will be useless because flags have to be captured in a certain order.

    How long does the fun last when you enter god mod into GTA? Not very, those constraints add to the fun. How many times do you hear about people winnig the lottery and ending up misreable? How many Charle Sheens have there been in the famous world?

    Why do you want a realistic game anyway? Go get a group of 64 people and buy some AK47s if you want realism. It's a game. It's for fun. It has rules and a winner and a loser.
    See above.

    And again, why do you want a realistic game? For me, games are fun because they aren't realistic.
    It's close to real, there as more obstical and penalties that make if more of a challenge. There are games that get even more realistic, AMRA and AA.

    Somepeople like to climb the stairs, others a hill, and even other Mt everest.

    I mean, if you like games that are realistic, that's your opinion, of course, but then I just don't see the point, go actually do it if you want it to be realistic
    Indeed, please feel free to take a look at my BF 2 stats as I spent plenty of time playing what I consider to be "unreal" by your defanitions.
    But as much Airwhoring as I did and the rush I get from dodgeing J10 while in a 35 are not as satefing as Getting up in a Mig to around 3000 meters and just circuling the map for 30 minutes talking with my squad and having them call me in for lazed target. Sometimes I enjoy taking a transport position and flying a HEUY full of guys into a hot zone where the risk of me screwing up means 8 tickets lost for the dead marines plus 5 for the chopper, 60 seconds while I wait to respawn a 20 minutes for the helo to respawn.

    I like going into hobbles, searching home to home, never knowing where the enemy cache is, never knowing if behind the next door is a gernade trap or a civilian, not knowing if that next corner means a RPGs or empty streets, and the fear of hearing the Bomb truck in the distance getting loud as my squad scrambles to hide because we KNOW if he gets within 100 meters and goes off we are all dead.

    There is a scale you know, there are inbetween parts to being an actual Marine in Iraq and being a noob tubing bunny hopper in Gulf of Oman.
    Dispatch the DooM

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    Re: One wish for bunny hopping

    The secret to killing bunnies is to get ready to aim while they're in the air and then fire when they touch ground. You can't jump and fire in the air so use that second to get your aim ready.

    You're never going to get rid of bunny hopping, much like I'm never going to play a sniper-less FPS. Learn to adapt.

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