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    Project Reality Beginners Guide

    Project Reality Beginners Guide

    • Project Reality

      Project Reality (PR) is a modification, or mod, for Battlefield 2 on the PC. The mods aim is to rework the game engine, developed by Digital Illusions CE (DICE), to create a far more realistic combat environment than the original BF2 gameplay.


      The Battlefield series have always been about fun, arcadish gameplay. From the original Battlefield 1942, to Battlefield Vietnam, to Battlefield 2, all the Battlefield titles have had realistic-looking environments, vehicles, weapons, and maps, but unrealistic gameplay.

      Project Reality focuses on changing that unrealistic gameplay into realistic gameplay. Nearly everything has been tweaked to reflect its real life counterpart, and to simulate how it would perform in real life. From armored vehicles to jeeps, to small arms, to aircraft; everything in and on the battlefield has been tweaked to realistically perform while reflecting its real life counterpart.


      First, let me start by saying that Project Reality isn't your typical vBF2 gameplay. This is what BF2 should have been. It requires quite a bit more tactics and teamwork than you are used to in vanilla BF2. Running out in the open without cover fire or smoke grenades will get you killed fairly quickly. Playing this mod effectively requires teamwork first and foremost. Yes you can go Rambo, run silent & alone through the maps and get your kills. Doing this you will find yourself waiting to respawn a lot and not getting much done. Again, more than anything, TEAMWORK and COMMUNICATION is essential to good gameplay and longevity (ie: less deaths per round). I hope that this basic guide helps your transition into the PR community of players.

      Basic Gameplay

      Squad up
      As soon as you enter a round, jump into an existing squad. It is better to move with others than by yourself. You will find that with decent players, guys/gals will watch each others backs, provide cover fire, revive you, etc..... There is no excuse not to squad up with anyone.

      Use tactics
      Don't just run around that corner or out into that open space without checking your surroundings first. If you are going down an alleyway, run along the walls instead of the middle of the alley. If you have to cross a wide open space, pop a few smoke grenades before you run out there and make sure you have a Support gunner covering you. You would be surprised at how effective some smoke concealment is at keeping you from getting wasted in the first 5 steps you take. If you are completely unfamiliar with tactics, do a Google search on the subject and educate yourself. If you are playing FPS/MilSim games, you should have some clue about tactics.

      Most maps/servers run in Conquest AAS (Advance/Assault and Secure) mode. This means that there is a particular order in which flags are to be captured. If you are unsure as to which flag is next in the order, check the messages that the server you are playing on is spamming. Those messages will usually tell you which flag you need to take next. It sucks to be sitting at a flag waiting for it to grey, only to realize that you can't take that flag yet (especially when an enemy spawns next to you and kills you).

      Rally points
      With the release of PR .5 we have seen a new aspect of game play, the introduction of Rally Points. Rally Points (herein referred to as RP) are in the most basic usage for spawning your squad. Only your squad can spawn on your RP!(See update below on the new RP changes). RPs can be used for more than just squad spawning; you can get ammo from them as well as request kits from them. RPs are vital to your squad and should be treated that way. See below(Squad leader) for several points on RP management that you as a SL should use to your advantage.

      UPDATE: You are now allowed to spawn on other squad's RP's, but to be able to do this properly, your squad has to have their own Rally Point set up. If your squad does not have a Rally Point, you will not be able to spawn on other RP's.

      Respawn times
      Unlike vanilla BF2, you will notice that upon every death 1 second gets added to your respawn time. Think of it as the initial 20 seconds as “Man Down” time and the added time as “Death Time”. Basically, the more you die the more you wait around to fight again. This is a good deterrent to running around like a fool with guns blazing hoping to hit something before getting killed yourself. After the initial annoyance of waiting forever to respawn, you will do one of 2 things. You will get better and stay alive longer or you will stop playing the mod altogether and go back to vBF2. If you stick around, you will start to realize how important it is to move tactfully and with a squad to help keep you from dying and you'll begin to appreciate your “Life” more.

      To make things a bit more realistic, the crosshairs that most people are used to are now gone. You must right-click to use your iron sights/scope to get the best shot available or risk spraying wildly and not hitting or getting as many hits on your enemy.

      Kill/death messages
      Kill/death messages are turned off. So when you make a kill, you will not see a text message on screen.

      No more parachutes, except for the Pilot kit. Sorry, no more chute jumps from roof to roof anymore to make that quick get away.

      Health bar/indicator
      No more knowing exactly how much health you have left. Although, when you take enough damage you will begin to see red flashes on screen and “Damage noises” to let you know that you need a medic and quickly or you will bleed to death.

      After you have engaged in fire, or have injured yourself, you will start to bleed. If you do not seek out a medic and get patched up, you will slowly bleed to death. You will hear damage noises, and eventually lose sight. Stay near a medic! To help in these situations, each kit is given field dressings - use them to help speed up the recovery process.

      Commander can no longer drop artillery or supplies without the request from a squad leader. Gone are the days of the “God-Like” Commander role. Now Commanders and Squad Leaders must work together. A Squad Leader must visually spot for artillery and if it's available, the Commander can then drop artillery. Also, gone are the UAV and Scan functions.

      Squad leader
      The most important person in game. He is the mobile spawn point. He is the eyes and ears of the Commander. He requests supplies and spots for artillery strikes. He should know the battlefield well. Good Squad Leaders can make or break a game. If they have no idea what they are doing, it can spell doom for your team. Most good SL know the maps well. They know how to change tactics mid-flow. They are essential in setting up a good defense by issuing orders to squad mates. If you want to be a good SL, you should use VOIP in addition to TS or Ventrilo (If you are playing with non-clan mates). Don't be afraid to issue orders to your squad. Know when to attack, retreat or defend. It can make a difference to the life of you and your squad.

      As a squad leader you have the ability to request a special kit, the Officer kit. This can be done when in a Main (uncappable) Base, near a supply crate, near a friendly APC, or near a friendly RP. The Officer kit allows you one VERY important role, placing the Rally Point (see section below on Rally Point Management). As a SL it is very important to know when to use the Officer kit and when not to. Kit limiting affects not the amount of Officer kits available, but the amount of time in between your requests. If you just requested an Officer kit and you die, you will be waiting before you can request another! As a squad leader I make sure that I have my Officer kit and that I place my RP! The Officer kit also gives you SOFLAM (binoculars) that you should be using to mark enemy movement, to call in supplies, and most importantly to call in arty strikes when available! Another important part of the Officer kit is the smoke grenade. This smoke grenade is a colored plume of smoke that will not give you the cover smoke grenades found in other kits have the ability to do. Use this grenade when you need to signal for friendlies to come to your aid, to mark enemy RPs, to request pickup at a certain location, or as I like to use it for... enemy confusion.

      Rally point management

      1. The first goal of a SL should be to place his Rally Point! It must be placed 80m or further from a flag. Placing a RP further than 80m is acceptable as the enemy tends not to search too far out for them. Place your RP FIRST; do not go into battle if you do not have an RP placed! (Remember, in order to place a RP you need an officer kit. The kit can be requested from friendly RPs, APCs, Supply Crates, or Main (uncappable) Bases. Without a placed RP you are likely the ONLY forward spawn point for your squad!

      2. When placing the RP try not to place it out in the open where it can be easily destroyed by the enemy. Also, placing an RP in the open allows enemy commanders to spot it easily. When this happens they will surely direct a squad to its location to destroy it or keep you at bay. Try and place the RP under cover, in buildings, or near similarly colored rock formations that will hide it even in the open.

      3. Do not spawn on your RP unless absolutely necessary. Spawning on your RP gives away its location to enemies because they see your squad materialize from air or they see the direction from which you are always running. Spawn on your RP when you are sure it is in a safe location or when you have no other options.

      4. Direct your squad to spawn at the RP when you need specific kits.

      5. Move your RP frequently when near the enemy frontlines. Always check your map to see that your RP is still active; if it is not then be sure to set another RP quickly.

      It is all good to run and gun killing all in sight, but sometimes a good flag defense is needed. Sometimes it is necessary to hold your squad back while the other squads are advancing to the next flag. A lot of times while everyone on your team advances, the enemy out flanks your team and captures the flag you just left and it keeps you from taking your next objective. Now you have to fall back to retake the flag you just captured. A lot of times, they have set up a good defensive position and get you into a cross-fire situation. It can be boring waiting around for action while defending, but in the long run it helps your team since the other squads don't have to worry so much about losing your team's current flag.

      Vehicle changes

      Kit requirement
      You must request and use a Crewman kit in order to drive or function any tank or APC. If you hop in a vehicle without a Crewman kit, the vehicle will not respond. You can not move nor use the turret without the corresponding kit. You also need to be in same squad with the original vehicle operator. Request a Crewman kit from your Main Base and try again. Players who sit in gunner/driver seats without the crewman kit have 10 seconds to change seats or they will die.

      Enemy vehicles
      The enemy team's vehicles are no longer accessible to you. For example, a MEC player cannot drive an American MBT, a Humvee or fly a British aircraft. This was done because in a war zone, it would be unrealistic to drive an enemy vehicle, as Friendly Fire is a very real and serious threat in real combat. Also, to prevent the excessive use of enemy assets that is unrealistic. However certain vehicles, such as boats, dirtbikes and civilian unarmed cars can be driven by all forces.

      Limited ammo for vehicle MG's
      The machine guns on all vehicles are limited to 3 ammo cans per vehicle. Each can carries limited ammo (so make your shots count) and when empty must be reloaded. There is a “Recharging period” while switching out empty ammo cans. You can get re-supplied by a friendly UAV Trailer & from empty vehicles (friendly, as well as enemy).

      MG Crosshairs
      Crosshairs are gone here too, but you can zoom in by using the right-click on your mouse. You get a better sight on your target, but you lose some peripheral vision. Mind your surroundings while firing. Pressing C switches the camera on the 50cal from ironsite to wide angle view.

      Zooming while firing in tanks
      You can zoom your field of view in the tank for better target acquisition and shooting purposes. Press the “X” key to zoom with the turret.

      Rearming vehicles
      The assault class can't help you here. You have to find a friendly UAV trailer to rearm now. Use your ammo wisely.

      Lose a vehicle, lose points
      Pay attention to the condition of your vehicle, because if you end up having it destroyed while in your care, you will lose points from your score. This is to keep you mindful of how important vehicle are in game due to longer vehicle spawn times.

      Air assets

      Kit requirement
      You must request and use a Pilot kit in order to fly any air vehicle. If you hop in an air vehicle without a Pilot kit, the vehicle will not respond.

      Helicopters have been made more vulnerable to all sorts of projectile fire, their loadouts were changed to match their real life counterparts.

      It takes 30 seconds for your helicopter's engine to reach max power, enabling you to lift off. If you max out your throttle before you reach max power it will cause you to pitch forward and crash. You will know when the chopper is ready for liftoff by listening to the sound of the rotors.

      Like the helicopters, it takes time for them to warm up and reach max power. No more jumping in a plane and getting away quick status. You will have to wait on the aircraft or airbase till your engines are fired up.

      You will find that all air vehicles now have an increase in speed, and go much, much faster than the original BF2 you're used to.

      Base kits

      Special Operations
      The special operations kit has many roles in PR. An automatic rifle gives the special operations soldier the same abilities as a rifleman. The special operations soldier also has a small explosive device called SLAM. This is a timed device that will stick to any wall or object and detonates with a small explosion. It can be used to destroy walls, objectives, vehicles, assets, etc.

      Also included is the SOFLAM. This laser designator does not yet work as of 0.4, however it acts as a powerful set of binoculars. This allows you to spot enemies or targets from a distance as well as predict the moves of your counterparts across the battlefield.

      Special Operations kit includes:

      - Knife
      - Pistol (2+1 magazines)
      - Rifle with optic sight (8+1 magazines)
      - Smoke Grenade x 2
      - SLAM x 2
      - SOFLAM
      - Field Dressing x 1
      - No Body Armor

      The rifleman builds up the core of the infantry. They have a rifle with open sights and they also supply the squad with ammo bags. Ammo bags will now behave differently from how you would have previously used them. Instead of holding them out to your nearest teammate, you now need to throw it straight to the floor, where it will work as a supply crate. It will then take a few seconds to reload you until the ammo bag runs out.

      When using Ammo bags, you can replenish your supply of Ammo bags by standing over them, you will regain back your bags. This is very useful because if you run out of ammo bags, you wont be an important asset to the squad. The rifleman also contains two types of grenade, fragmentation and smoke. This allows the rifleman class to have the ability to move safely within an open environment whilst still having a strong attacking sidearm. The ability to resupply your teammates' ammunition is invaluable.

      Rifleman kit includes:

      - Knife
      - Assault Rifle with open sights (8+1 magazines)
      - Fragmentation Grenade x 2
      - Smoke Grenade x 2
      - Ammo Resupply Bag x 3
      - Field Dressing x 1
      - Body Armor

      The grenadier is primarily an anti-personnel role. Its grenade launcher gives the ability to fire an explosive round at a distance clearing areas from infantry, obstacles, as well as light vehicles. An addition to the explosive round is the smoke grenade round. This round will fill an area with smoke allowing units to move through open spaces with concealment.

      Grenadier kit includes:

      - Knife
      - Assault Rifle with Grenade Launcher (8+1 magazines)
      - Explosive Grenade Round x 4
      - Smoke Grenade Round x 2
      - Field Dressing x 1
      - Body Armor

      Anti-Personnel Rifleman
      This role is used mostly in a defensive nature and also is good for a pointman. In a defensive role you have four claymore mines. Claymores are now fired with a clacker, and can be set up in certain areas to form traps or ambushes. Keep in mind the claymores have an arming time of 3 seconds, so if you press the clacker immediately after deploying, the claymore will not go off. As a pointman you have binoculars and also frag grenades.

      Anti-Personnel Rifleman kit includes:

      - Knife
      - Assault Rifle with open sights (6+1 magazines)
      - Fragmentation Grenade x 2
      - Claymore x 4 (maximum 4)
      - Binoculars
      - Field Dressing x 1
      - Body Armor

      Combat Engineer
      There are two types of combat engineer in PR. Combat engineer and urban combat engineer. The combat engineer is issued a rifle with iron sights, whereas the urban combat engineer receives a combat shotgun. The type of engineer playing is dependent on whether the map is of an urban style or not.

      The combat engineer has a key role in the vehicle gameplay. They can repair vehicles much like BF2 with a wrench, and destroy them with AT mines. The engineer has been given a single pack of powerful C4 explosives. This can be used to destroy heavy vehicles, obstacles such as walls or buildings, and most importantly, key objectives such as bridges or ammo dumps.

      For the urban combat engineer the two ammo types vary. The slug round fires a single lead ball that causes a high amount of damage to personnel and can be used from short to medium range. The buckshot shell fires a spread of small lead pellets that can be damaging at close range. However at medium and long range the buckshot round is ineffective.

      Combat Engineer kit includes:

      - Knife
      - Assault Rifle with open sights (4+1 magazines)
      - AT Mines x 2 (maximum 8, 10 minutes persistence after death)
      - C4 x 1 (very large explosion)
      - Wrench
      - Field Dressing x 1
      - No Body Armor

      Urban Combat Engineer kit includes:

      - Knife
      - Slug Shotgun Shells (20 shells)
      - Buckshot Shotgun Shells (20 shells)
      - AT Mines x 2 (maximum 8, 10 minutes persistence after death)
      - C4 x 1 (very large explosion)
      - Wrench
      - Field Dressing x 1
      - No Body Armor

      The corpsman or medic is able to heal wounded teammates or revive fallen comrades in the field. The defibrillator now runs on a battery pack. You only have a certain number of charges available. The defibrillator will no longer restore a player's health to 100%. Medics will have to heal the player after reviving them, using the medic pack. It can only be used by being held out and cannot be thrown.

      One of the most important things to remember is to never blow your squads cover by running off to heal or revive another player. If your taking heavy fire throw your smoke to blind their vision. Use this time to regroup, revive the dead, and heal the bleading.

      Corpsman kit includes:

      - Knife
      - Assault Rifle with open sights (4+1 magazines)
      - Medic Pack (not throwable, need to be within 1m of a player to treat them)
      - Smoke Grenade x 2
      - Defibrillator (6 charges)
      - Field Dressing x 1
      - No Body Armor

      Anti-Tank Rifleman
      The anti-tank rifleman is able to attack vehicles and destroy them with a light anti-armor weapon. They are also capable of taking out certain defenses or obstacles. Light AT is not an effective class with which to attack [MBT]s unless you can score several hits on the top or rear of the tank. The primary purpose, however, is to destroy light and heavy transport vehicles and hovering helicopters. Light AT operates most effectively with a rifleman to replenish his rockets.

      Anti-Tank Rifleman kit includes:

      - Knife
      - Assault Rifle with open sights (6+1 magazines)
      - Light AT weapon with 1 round
      - Smoke Grenade x 1
      - Field Dressing x 1
      - Body Armor

      Insurgent kits

      The insurgent kits differ to their counterparts. Some kits are more effective than others, so it is recommended to experiment with each class, to decide which kit suits you best.

      The insurgent classes are not your usual battlefield roles. The insurgent population is made up of many different people - some with battlefield experience, some just armed with a weapon and little combat experience, but with certain skills vital to the insurgent effort. Some are civilians who have joined the militia's cause, and some are veterans of previous conflict, and their equipment shows this.

      Special Forces

      - Knife
      - AK-101 with open sights (8+1 magazines)
      - GP-30 Grenade Launcher (3+1 rounds)
      - Smoke grenade x 2
      - Binoculars
      - Camouflage Uniform
      - Body Armor

      War Veteran

      - Knife
      - G3A3 rifle with open sights (6+1 magazines)
      - Frag Grenade x 2
      - Field Dressing x 1
      - Camouflage Uniform
      - Body Armor


      - Knife
      - Grappling Hook
      - AK-47 (4+1 magazines)
      - Molotov Cocktail x 2
      - IED x 2
      - Civilian Clothing
      - No Body Armor

      Foreign Mercenary

      - Knife
      - Beretta M9 with suppressor (silencer)
      - FN SCAR-H with optic sight (6+1 magazines)
      - Fragmentation Grenade x 2
      - Field Dressing x 1
      - Camouflage Uniform
      - Body Armor


      - Knife
      - Remington Shotgun (60 rounds)
      - Ammo Bag x 3
      - Civilian Clothing
      - Body Armor


      - Knife
      - AK-47 Rifle (4+1 magazines)
      - IED x 3
      - Crewman Wrench
      - Civilian Clothing
      - No Body Armor


      - Knife
      - AK-47 Rifle (4+1 magazines)
      - Medic Pack (not throwable, need to be within 1m of a player to treat them)
      - Molotov Cocktail x 2
      - Field Dressing x 3
      - Civilian Clothing
      - No Body Armor

      RPG Gunner

      - Knife
      - Pistol (4+1 magazines)
      - RPG7 (1+1 rounds)
      - Binoculars

      Introducing kit limiting

      Project Reality has introduced the concept of limited kits. There are 8 limited kits now available to players:

      • Support
      • Anti-Air Rifleman
      • Heavy Anti-Tank
      • Sniper
      • Marksman
      • Officer
      • Crewman
      • Pilot

      Limited kit information

      The support class has only a small amount of equipment due to the heavy weight of the weapon they carry. The best use of the support weapon is to be fired from the prone position, in bursts to suppress the enemy, while the squad rifleman flank around to kill the enemy. Support players will deplete ammunition quickly, and will need the rifleman class to resupply them.

      Support kit includes:

      - Knife
      - Support Weapon (400 rounds)
      - Fragmentation Grenade x 2
      - Field Dressing x 1
      - Body Armor

      Anti-Air Rifleman
      The Anti-Air Rifleman has the ability to attack airborne units with a MANPADS, a man-portable air defense system. The AA Rifleman will need to stay close to a rifleman to resupply their MANPADS.

      Anti-Air Rifleman kit includes:

      - Knife
      - Assault Rifle with open sights (6+1 magazines)
      - Shoulder fired AA weapon with 3 rounds
      - Smoke Grenade x 1
      - Field Dressing x 1
      - Body Armor

      Heavy Anti-Tank
      Heavy Anti-Tank soldiers have a small kit due to the weight of their AT weapons and ammunition. Their role is to remove the heaviest of armored targets, such as main battle tanks (MBTs). Like the Light AT, this kit has little defensive capabilities, and depends on other teammates for protection. Stay Close to a Rifleman as you dont have much ammo for your Heavy AT Weapon.

      Heavy Anti-Tank kit includes:

      - Knife
      - Pistol (4+1 magazines)
      - Heavy AT Weapon with 2 rounds
      - Binoculars
      - Field Dressing x 1
      - Body Armor

      Snipers carry bolt-action rifles, and are intended to operate independently from the rest of the team, in teams of two. Their goal is to hunt high priority targets, which are other snipers and enemy officers. You can identify Officers by their large radiopack. When working in sniper teams, it's always beneficial to have at least one member act as the designated observer. The observer's role is to spot and designate targets for the sniper/shooter, as well as provide a level of security. If you find the sniper class isn't suited for a security role, ask a rifleman or specops to join you. They will be helpful in defending if any enemy scouts come looking for you.

      Sniper kit includes:

      - Knife
      - Pistol (2+1 magazines)
      - Bolt-Action Rifle (40 rounds)
      - Smoke Grenade x 1
      - Binoculars
      - Field Dressing x 1
      - No Body Armor

      Designated Marksmen
      Designated marksmen is a rifleman that carries a semi-automatic rifle fitted with a telescope sight, and is intended to operate in a supporting role within a squad, providing accurate fire at ranges which other weapons cannot.

      Marksmen kit includes:

      - Knife
      - Pistol (2+1 magazines)
      - Precision Rifle (60 rounds)
      - Fragmentation Grenade x 2
      - Smoke Grenade x 1
      - Binoculars
      - Night vision goggles
      - Field Dressing x 1
      - Body Armor

      The Officer Kit are required to spawn Rally Points for Squads. These may only be requested by squad leaders and are absolutely essential for a sucessful infantry squad. You are required to be in a squad of at least 4 soldiers before you can request an Officer Kit, and you must be the Squad Leader.

      Officer kit includes:

      - Knife
      - Pistol
      - Assault Rifle (8+1 magazines)
      - Fragmentation Grenade x 2
      - Signal Grenade x 3
      - SOFLAM
      - Field Dressing x 3
      - Body Armor

      The limited kit options are available for the GB, US, PLA and MEC armies. Insurgents do not have access to limited kits.

      Accessing the limited kits

      To have access to the Quartermaster's supply of limited kits you must be in a squad. Players not in a squad do not have access to the Quartermaster supply system.

      You first need to spawn into the game world using one of the base soldier kits, then request a kit.

      You access the kit requisition system using the tactical radio (T key).

      To request limited kits from the Quartermaster you must be:

      • Less than 25m from your MAIN BASE CP; or
      • Less than 2m from the back of a friendly APC; or
      • Less than 3m from a Rally Point; or
      • Less than 3m from a supply crate; and
      • Not in a vehicle

      Once spawned and in a squad, access the tactical radio commo rose (default: T) and click on one of the kit types. Once the kit is allocated, it will immediately appear on the ground underneath your feet. Simply press the pickup key (default: G) and you'll swap.

      Squad Leader Kit Request Menu

      Squad Member Kit Request Menu

      Quick notes

      • You are not automatically resupplied from an ammo bag. When a Rifleman drops an ammo bag for you, it takes approx. 9 seconds to completely resupply, so don't just run off you'll still be low on ammo.

      • If you are low on ammo, get next to an unoccupied or stationary transport vehicle and you can get limited resupply.

      • Medic class has a limited amount of charges in the defibulator(6). These can however be resupplied.

      • Spec Ops class no longer has C4 but instead carries a SLAM which is a light-impact timed ordinance. This means after you lay it you have 15 seconds before it blows. It's a lot weaker than C4 and is only meant to destroy light armor and vehicles.

      • Do not be afraid to stay behind and defend a flag. One thing that is a little annoying is that after your team takes a flag, everyone's vanilla instinct is to run to the next flag. Well guess what, the enemy knows this and will flank you and while they are defending their flag they are attempting to take your's. Now your whole team has to go back and try & get it back. Sometimes you have to be the better squad and play defense.

      • Always use cover as a firing base, and not as something to run to; but something to fire from. You want to constantly be suppressing the enemy with heavy fire.

      • Use your ability to spot enemies. Don't let teammates walk into a world of hurt because you were too lazy to tell them where the tangos were. Use “Q” key or VOIP to spot.

      • Being Rambo doesn't work in this mod. You can not run in the open, bunny hop when shot at, or prone spam your way to victory. You will die.

      • No more jumping out of moving vehicles. This will result in injuries and most of the time death. Wait until the vehicle has come to a stop before exiting.

      • Remember points don't matter. Working as a team does.

      Instructional videos

      These videos explain how some basic features work in Project Reality.

      Instructional video #1:

      - Vehicle kits request
      - Limited kits request
      - Rally points
      - Entry and exit points (tanks, APCs)
      - Ammo resupply (APC, rally points)
      - .50 cal ironsights switch

      Video #1

      Instructional video #2:

      - AASv2 CP groups
      - Exiting a moving vehicle
      - Exiting a burning vehicle
      - Support vehicles
      - Heavy AT reload delay
      - Helicopters start up delay ... (more)

      Video #2


      The information in this guide was taken from I gave it some tweaks, and made it a little more user-friendly. I re-arranged some of the information I thought would be most useful to those who have recently downloaded or thought about downloading Project Reality here at TTP. Seeing how PR has boomed with such popularity, this is aimed to try and help those overcome the steep learning curve and answer any of the questions you may have. To enhance your knowledge and gameplay, you can read the rest of the guide at

      More guides and how-to's will be added every so often or upon request. Feel free to post your own hints, tips, etc. and I will add them above with your approval.

      All credits to

      UPDATED: Added general air asset and vehicle kit information.
      UPDATED: Added Rally Point management and information.
      UPDATED: Added bleeding information and instructional videos.
      UPDATED: Added limited kit specifications.
      UPDATED: Updated vehicle kit and enemy vehicle information.
      UPDATED: Added base and insurgent kit information.

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    Re: Project Reality Beginners Guide

    Please feel free to sticky this. I'm sure this will benefit some, and hopefully even urge a few players to give it a try.

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    Re: Project Reality Beginners Guide

    Very good post, covers all of the basics but I didn't see (tell me if I'm wrong) 2 things.

    To fly an air vehicle you must have a piolet kit, and like wise a crewman kit to drive a tank/apc or use the top turret of the tank.

    Also note that it takes alot longer to take off in and air vehicle, and the choppers tend to move alot faster.

    And the game will force you to squad up with whoever you are gunning with in a chopper.

    Again, nice post.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vocal View Post
    You are all shitty at cs, that's the problem.

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    Re: Project Reality Beginners Guide

    People beware, no more excuses for not know about the "stuff" in the PR mod.

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    Project Reality Beginners Guide

    Re: Project Reality Beginners Guide

    Thank you, faisjdas. I updated the air and vehicle kit information. Once again, thanks!

  6. Registered TeamPlayer nmeboat's Avatar
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    Re: Project Reality Beginners Guide

    here's a previous post i had with some video links that might be help...its almost the same as above, except done in first-person


    here&#39;s a coupla instructional videos for anyone interested (these would have proven beneficial if i had found these before the coupla maps it took me to figure it all out on-the-fly ops: :P )...:

    instructional video 1-

    instructional video 2-

    the two main things that got me were the locations that youre able to ask for a kit, and that once youre allocated a kit, you have to "pick it up" (it appears as a kit bag at your feet once allocated).

    another concept that might be slow to grasp from coming from &#39;vanilla&#39; bf2 is that the cp&#39;s have to be captured in order (ie, no flying/driving/running to the farthest cp and working you way back up). when in doubt of what cp is next, big letters in the upper left of the screen tell you where you should be attacking/defending (such as: attack: ruins//defend: gas station).

    oh, and on certain maps each team has altered &#39;abilities&#39;. for instance, this one usmc/insurgent map, the insurgents werent allowed any kits and didnt have as much advanced, the insurgent medic class didnt have a defibrillator and had a molotov cocktail instead of smoke, but the usmc medic class has a defib and smoke (no molotov though :P) .

    anyhoo, hopefully that helps any other fellow newbs avoid some of the things this newb learned the hard way :P


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    Re: Project Reality Beginners Guide

    Thanks a bunch, nmeboat. I was just getting ready to add the instructional videos under each assigned tab. Indeed, CP&#39;s must be captured in a specific order. If not done correctly, they will remain uncappable. Also mentioned above under Gameplay with more detail. I will also be adding information on the limited kits(what each kit contains) shortly.

    Thanks again!

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    Re: Project Reality Beginners Guide

    nice Grey!

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    Re: Project Reality Beginners Guide

    Great source of information. Cheers guys.

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    Re: Project Reality Beginners Guide

    One more amendment. If yous squad has a RP set up you can use anyones RP but you can only get ammo / kits from your RP.

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