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Thread: BF2 PR n00b questions

  1. Registered TeamPlayer donfede692's Avatar
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    BF2 PR n00b questions

    Hello all,

    I've been eyeing PR for a while, but have been reluctant to add on yet another addiction... (precious time). Sadly, bf2 land is currently hurting. Rather than play with a$$hats on other servers (equivalent of being banned from TPG), I am seeking other reasonable people in this community. Before delving deeper down this path, I had a few questions:

    a) I expect time on BF2 PR does not count towards BF2 stats. Is that correct?

    a1) Are there other stats servers that track progress of players in BF2 PR?

    b) Can one have both BF2 and BF2-PR installed on the same PC?

    c) What guidance might the community have, so that I can quickly learn the ropes / un-n00b myself, and cause the least disruption/pain to the rest of the team? I've been reviewing the BF2 PR web site (which appears to be a separate entity for TPG BF2 PR), and plan to run through their tutorials. I also see there is a single-player/bot mode.

    d) What is the population/playing times for BF2 PR ? Admittedly I am a full time professional, and also a student, so I my recreation time is typically on weekends.


  2. Registered TeamPlayer Redratson's Avatar
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    Re: BF2 PR n00b questions

    a. I believe so

    a1. I never heard of them if they are, but stats in PR are not really important, but rather teamwork is

    b. Yes

    c. When I first played a year and half ago, I learn like I do by all games, trial by fire. But lucky We do have good mentors, but with the release of the new battlefield I do not know how to the PR Server is doing. But one person who always seems to stand out on our server is the legendary, FOB buildin, Bravopathfinder. He was a mentor to me as well as others. There are other mentors, but Im just givin you the name mine.

    d. read a bit of c, I sorta of answered that one.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer SpecOpsScott's Avatar
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    PSN ID: Spec_Ops_Scott Steam ID: SpecOpsScott SpecOpsScott's Originid: SpecOpsScott

    Re: BF2 PR n00b questions

    Don, i only wish the player base here at TPG had not diminished so. A handful of us had been trying to prime the server since the beginning of the year and the best we could do was a few Friday nights with a 60% fill rate of so. With BC2 and now BF3, PR is all but a ghost town. Not for lack of love of the game, but lack of a base. The few admins that were pumping hours and hours into priming were not getting a return on investment so to speak, so many of us moved on to other games.

    I would love nothing more than to see a resurgence in interest in PR, but given the current state of affairs and BF3, im not holding my breath.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer SovietDooM's Avatar
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    Steam ID: 76561197995394916 SovietDooM's Originid: SovetDooM1

    Re: BF2 PR n00b questions

    Indeed while you are not going to find a PR population here on TPG, and while it may be fround upon, there are a select few servers out there worth jumping on.

    While it is not TPG, you will still get strong pushes towards team play, beyond what is required via the basic rules of the game.

    Even though taking on PR would mean facing the cold, dirtiness of non-TPG, I've reasoned it down right foolish to abstaince from the joy PR has to offer.

    Now, as you have asked and by a few notes from you post I have the following to say on the subject:

    1 PR takes up massive amounts of time. 1 round = 2 1/2 hours easy. The Limit is set to 4 hours.
    2 Rambo = Dead
    3 bunny hopping, n00b tubing, jumping over 8 ft, jumping from moving vehicals, jumping from air plane, attempting to fly a helo for the first time, = dead
    4 The best way to get the hang of it is read the manual, play a few bot matches, ask Q on forum, ask in game. In that order.
    5 PR is for people who want to work for thier rewards, you will not getting waves of R-tards charging gunz blazing for a flag. You will get walk down a street, RPG flys in, Techi turns corner, bullets from every direction, I can't see a thing, everyone's trying to kill me, I think I made out alive, oh crap this guy right infront of me is not my friend, wow I can't believe I didn't die, sniper shot.
    6 The best way to desribe a round is to watch black hawk down, you spend some time organizing, you spend some time moving to an objective, shit hits the fan, people die, shit keeps coming, your making a new plan, here comes that shit again, gee that's a pretty cloud, where did everyone go, oh here's that shit again.

    The number 1 reason I play...
    [Happened to happen today]
    When your all alone, I mean your entire squad was just killed less then 20 meters away from where you are now standing, and you don't have a mini map or UAV to tell you where they are coming from, only the men in your squad able to tell you what intell they have, and you hear foot steps close by, it feels real.

    My heart rate goes up, adrenaline levels go off the charts, every sense goes into primal mode. I listen to every sound, scan every moving pixel. The anxiety builds and time slows down. Right as it feels like your souls is seporating from you body, the enemy comes around the corner. Now, in a fraction of a second, someone is going to get a shot of. Someone is going to die. And you care more because its not 5 seconds and your running righ back to them. Typically 60 sec, + the time to get from your FOB, where ever you build it if you build one, to the location( ave. 2-5 mins).

    When take them down, it's near ectasy. Take is what I get everytime I kill someone in this game.

    Now, picture what happened to me today. Same setup, entire squad is dead, I'm sitting on a weapons cache (just what they want to find), my squads saying something about 2 maybe 3 guys literaly right next to me. Do I cover East, west, or north? I'm a trained killer and can't reveal my exact plan, but I pick up a pkm, rung west around the corner and diver to the dirt becuase 6 feet away is the first target. He goes down in a shower of lead. I get up and run east along the building, again around the edge and again face to face with another Marine. He eat a shower of bullets, but hits me with one. Now I'm bleeding, most of my screen is covered with blood, in coughing and screaming, can barely see the ground in front of me, and I hear an M16 reload. One more left. If I die, we loose the cache and the game. My squad is 4 minutes away. Imagine the presure for a moment. I take step north to the road and to my right is the 3rd marine.

    His shot whizzes right past my head as I unleashed the PKM. Not untill the bullets ran out did I stop shooting. Shouting "Die Mother Fucker!"

    The man was dead and I was alive. I patched myself, stealing dressings from the corpses around me. My squad showed up and a block away, a huey landed.
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  5. Registered TeamPlayer Lario's Avatar
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    Re: BF2 PR n00b questions

    Quote Originally Posted by SovietDooM View Post
    The man was dead and I was alive. I patched myself, stealing dressings from the corpses around me. My squad showed up and a block away, a huey landed.
    I always suspected you were like that Soviet!

    I've been on the road so much working that I've only rarely been able to play. HOWEVER, I'll be at my game box the coming up week and hope to get on some. I'm not planning on working (traveling for work) for the rest of the year so Imonna try to get some play time in.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer roadhog0's Avatar
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    Re: BF2 PR n00b questions

    I agree with Scott on this one. The player base over the last year or so and multiple server moves and name changes has made it so that the base has just gone down hill. Many of the admins who played the game also as Scott said got burnt out on hours and hours of 4 people on a server. Sadly I don't see it coming back

  7. Registered TeamPlayer SpecOpsScott's Avatar
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    PSN ID: Spec_Ops_Scott Steam ID: SpecOpsScott SpecOpsScott's Originid: SpecOpsScott

    Re: BF2 PR n00b questions

    Quote Originally Posted by Lario View Post
    I always suspected you were like that Soviet!

    I've been on the road so much working that I've only rarely been able to play. HOWEVER, I'll be at my game box the coming up week and hope to get on some. I'm not planning on working (traveling for work) for the rest of the year so Imonna try to get some play time in.
    This makes me happy.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer SpecOpsScott's Avatar
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    PSN ID: Spec_Ops_Scott Steam ID: SpecOpsScott SpecOpsScott's Originid: SpecOpsScott

    Re: BF2 PR n00b questions

    Soviet pretty much nailed it. The stakes are a lot higher in PR than other FPS games, to the point that its more of a strategy game than anything. Theres ways to gain mad points without ever firing a shot, and those points are always directly related to helping your squad/team. The guys with the highest KDs are seldom the highest scorers, its the guys that stick with the squad and the squad that advances, or defends when needed.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer roadhog0's Avatar
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    Re: BF2 PR n00b questions

    I usually come out with like 30 deaths and 20 kills and have the highest number of points. Play with the squad and points go WAY up!

  10. Registered TeamPlayer donfede692's Avatar
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    Re: BF2 PR n00b questions

    Thank you all for the feedback.

    SovietDoom that was an excellent response, I appreciate it. The qualities you describe line up with those I am pursuing. I hope the calls of PR's death are pre-mature ;-) .

    I see mention of effort by admins to prime the maps. Are there pre-arranged times when PR people play?

    Also, someone mentioned "dying once hopping into a helo" - If I'm a moderate BF2 helo flyer, would I do ok in PR, or would it be a fresh learning start?


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