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  1. My Pre-2012 Beliefs

    **Note: I am a Christian and I have my own beliefs. I do not mean to offend anyone of any other religions but this is what I believe will happen after 2012 ends up becoming the new "Y2K" so-to-speak.

    **These are just my personal opinions. Feel free to comment but please do not down my beliefs nor leave me those "ass hat" comments.

    I do not believe the world will end in 2012 for the bible states that man will not know the time or the hour. The world may enter a state of chaos shortly before. But on January 1, 2013, I believe all religions will believe in a single creator of man and all of creation, God, while still keeping to the basic traditions of their own religions. This will be an epidemic ...
    Life , Real Life , Culture
  2. Tea Review #1 Peace Tea- Sweet Lemon Tea

    So I have been pondering the idea of reviewing different beverages of the tea variety for a long time; here is the first one.

    Peace Tea- Sweet Lemon Tea

    Since this is my first ever review, I feel that I must first establish a suitable review system for the beverages in question. The review system will be as follows and may be subject to change if I am not pleased with the outcome

    Taste: x/10
    Drinkability/smootheness: x/10
    Size: x/10
    Price: x/10
    Awesome Experience Points: x/10

    TeamPlayer Rating: x/50

    Now, let's get down and dirty with the what-what ...
  3. PC Components - Brand Names and Loyalty

    It wasn't until I posted in Kraker Jak's power supply thread that I realized how important brand names mean to some PC enthusiasts. I am not referring to life long wars between nVidia vs ATI or Intel vs AMD, but more around the components that are not as crucial. I would hate to be new to PC building and having to select components for the first time. Deciding on things like cases and power supplies, you can literally get fatigued by the time you are finished researching all available options. I wouldn't even know where to begin!

    When shopping for a new case, what should a PC building "newb" really look for? Functionality? Cooling? Space? Flashy looks? If you think about it, even the more expensive cases are ...
    blog_cat , Culture
  4. Sangria

    This stuff is the shit.

    So I disappeared for a week or so on a River Canoeing thing (which mostly sucked), but whilst on the canoes I got plenty of Sangria because there was little else to drink. Which didn't suck at all, the Sangria that is.

    Anyway when I got back home for the Fourth, neighbors had a barbeque and we made more homemade Sangria, needless to say I highly recommend it.

    I don't remember how it tastes though... but it's probably good.
    Culture , Goofing Around
  5. AT&T Discontinues Unlimited Data Plan due to Heavy iPhone Usage

    anyone else hear about AT&T stopping their unlimited data plan and putting a cap? at first i was really upset, but it looks like this will only apply to new users... existing users may keep their unlimited plan.

    other phone companies are expected to follow suit.,2817,2364550,00.asp

    (use google to find more links)
    Culture , News
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