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  1. Blog Discussion

    So it hasn't been more than about an hour since my first entry and in light of my shallow experience/knowledge of blogs/blogging/bloggers, I did some research as to increase my understanding of the subject matter by looking it up on Whenever anyone of my friends says something pop culture or a dirty joke that I don't get, I usually run home and look it up on urbandictionary so I can have a better knowledge of what the kids are talking about these days. In the following I will discuss my investigation of "blogs" and the mysterious personas who write them. If you are in the same boat I am with little experience in this area of interest, hopefully you can gain some knowledge from this entry as well.

  2. Blog post #1, here' goes...

    So today, about a week and a half after the site switched over, I finally found my profile settings and actually put stuff in them. woot! I looked at some of the other settings and discovered I could have my own blog. I've never had a blog before so I don't know exactly what sort of things people usually put in them so I am going to pioneer a new era of blogging; one with no clear destination or purpose. If what I post turns out to be what most people usually post, then I guess it will be a win win for all of us; otherwise this will probably end up as a place where I talk to myself about my life and feed the SsT/TPG trolls some fodder and some "make fun of Salty" ammo. I really like the concept of this area and some of the tools ...
    Life , Provocative Thought
  3. Smoke on the Water

    Alright Canada we're no longer friends any more and you can have your smoke back...

    So it has been hazy like no tomorrow today and it smells like a campfire outside all over town. I was outside and was thinking wow how many people are grilling and who has the fire going. Then I left the house and realized it was every where!

    And it is tough to sit out there without my eyes getting watery and burning. Damn you Canada!!
    Life , Real Life
  4. Learning Javascript

    To see my next blog about this, click here.

    The Photo Gallery Project
    I've been given the task of creating a web site that is a photo gallery.
    At first, I looked into flash and silverlight because it is harder to rip images (you can't simply right-click > save as), but then I remembered seeing a simple HTML website that wouldn't let you right click without popping up some error message box.

    After trying to install development tools for flash and silverlight for a few hours, I said forget it and decided to teach myself javascript and php.
    So I browsed on over to w3schools' javascript intro and php intro. I have recently been working with Ewok on a kill window for source games in python. ...

    Updated 06-09-10 at 08:19 PM by Imisnew2

    Programming , Life , Real Life , Provocative Thought
  5. Virginia Creeper Trail

    So I figure my first blog will be about my upcoming Virginia Creeper Trail biking trip.
    For those of you who don't know what that is, the Creeper Trail is "a 35-mile (56 km) multi-purpose rail trail in southwestern Virginia running from Abingdon to Whitetop, Virginia (near the North Carolina state line) and crossing numerous restored trestles and crossing the Appalachian Trail." - wiki. In layman's terms, a long downhill bike trail. I suppose it could be a long uphill trail too... just depends on how you look at it.

    So, I'm preparing this morning to go and since I don't have a camera (yet) I'm using my phone to take pictures.

    Updated 05-31-10 at 07:28 PM by Imisnew2

    Life , Real Life
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