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  1. Mounting Sleeping Bag onto Bergen

    I have this 55 L main pack that I wish to mount my sleeping bag on but there are no straps that it came with to do so. For now I have been carrying its pre-stuffed compression bag inside but that cuts the capacity down to about 25-30L and for longer trips is beginning to become insufficient. There is some room at the compression headspace between the cover and the top of the compartment I can use to mitigate this but that tends to create an undesirable top-heavy load since the sleeping bag will get packed last and it really should be forming close to the cg.

    I am looking for straps that will allow me to mount the sleeping bag's compression ...

    Updated 04-18-11 at 11:34 PM by [CoFR]SirMoo

    Real Life , Technology , Life
  2. Dream Job

    I have been thinking about this a lot and was recently talking about it with a friend of mine. What would you do if you were rich? I wouldn't want anything too big for myself, or a family, just enough to make us comfortable. I'd want to be able to have no debt and support my family (parents included).

    Now what would I do with the rest of this money? Donate some of it most likely. The majority of it I'd most likely want to invest, specifically in starting my own business. I'd want to create my own game developer company. Perhaps do publishing as well. We all complain about how poor the industry is in general so I'd want to fix that. My main focus would be RPGs first and foremost as I love them. FPSs would be a secondary concern ...
    Video Games , Life
  3. My journey through schizophrenia

    My descent into schizophrenia began in the 7th grade. I had started being overconfident with HW and tests. So, the first test of every six weeks, I would generally only get a B. Getting As on every other test and HW was no big deal, so I would retain my A+ GPA easily, but my parents took issue with that. A B wasn't good enough and that meant getting beaten. So, I started to lie to them when it came down to progress report time. To lie effectively, I started having mock conversations in my head covering every possible question my parents might ask. This worked quite well. Realizing this, I soon extended the technique to preparing for Socratic seminars and debates. Again, it worked quite well. For some reason though, no matter how nice I was, ...
  4. Withdrawl Symptoms

    So I had to move for my new job. And the new house and job are great with one glaring exception. I have not been able to get internet installed here yet. I have been using a USB Surfstick for my e-mail and surfing needs. That is all well and good, but it is worthless for two things I love. Streaming media and online gaming. I thought when I got this house, I would be able to get the awesome 100mb cable that is available on every street in town, except mine it seems. I offered to pay the cable company to put it in here, but they declined. So I went back to my DSL company and asked them to hook up the DSL. That seems to have been lost in translation. I said "sign me up for a new two year deal" but they heard "Ich möchte ...
    Life , Virtual Life , Technology
  5. Programming Overload!

    It's been a while since my last blog and I'm not following what I laid out for myself at all. However, I've been feeling pretty good for the last two months and decided to take on three small-to-medium-sized projects:
    • Teamspeak 3 Query Plugin,
    • C++ 'Windows Made Easy!',
    • and Some Recent PHP Work that will come to light soon.

    For the Bad-Company 2 Fans
    We (TPG) recently fired back up our Bad-Company: 2 server due to popular demand (and because EA decided to get off their butts and fix some major issues, i.e., networking). However, in EA's haste to throw Bad-Company: 2 to the way-side, they forgot to fix the VOIP (Voice over IP). Some (unnamed) TPG junkies approached me and asked if I could write an addition ...
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