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  1. CS:S - Clips, Rants, and More #2

    This will probably end up being the most personal thing I've ever written here...Hell, it'll probably be the most personal thing I'll ever write here.

    I know I've been saying that I'll do a Season run through for "Sundance, CS:S, and You" for a little while now. My hope was to have it up around Thanksgiving, but as you can see, that didn't happen. At this point in time, I don't know when it'll be up...Or if it'll ever go up at all. I don't even know if there will ever be a "Sundance, CS:S, and You #3".

    Things seem to be changing in my life, and I just don't have the ability to devote time or effort into an online community like this at the moment.

    For the last 7 years I've been dealing ...
    Video Games , Life , Real Life
  2. A New Romance in My Life

    Ok so it's not technically "new".

    Ah yes, nothing like some manly photoshopping of Nutella on pretty pink backgrounds to cheer myself up during the Holidays.

    EDIT: Might as well add this one here as well, after all one is never enough.

    Updated 12-22-10 at 03:34 AM by LuckyDucky

    Life , Culture
  3. House of the Fallen - More stuff from my old band

    There is a force that's rising
    From the ashes of a stillborn dream
    This world shall surely suffer
    Beneath the voice of this new regime

    The enslaved shall form the foundation
    The mortar will run thick with blood
    The stones will shatter backs and soul
    So leave the broken bodies face down in the mud

    Twisting, writhing, begging, smash their lives into the ground
    Make them futile for those that still carry on
    Feed us carrion, sustained by those that have died,
    Simply breathing or are we truly alive

    Can this be the height of out potential
    Feed our masters or we feed the crows
    This can't be the truth of our existence
    Waste ...
    Life , Real Life , Music
  4. Flight

    Aisling had to move. Derrik would be coming.

    She doubted he would be there this day, but knew he would waste little time. He would want to move fast, knowing she'd try to run.

    She scooped up her weapons, sheathing the knife, and headed for the entrance to her cave. When she got inside, she cast the AK and the .45 on to her cot and stripped off her clothes. She was a mess of drying blood and vomit. She looked at her feet with disgust. Her mother would never approve. Hell, she didn't approve.

    She made for the small stream near the back of the cave. The stream was part of an underground water source that eventually exited the mountains and supplied what was once a small river; one that was now barely
    Life , Virtual Life
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Images  
  5. The Lull

    I guess I've officially dedicated my blog to programming activities. However, today, I have nothing to add to my blog sequence. For the 2 or 3 of you who actually look through the code in my blogs, who check out the concepts I use, and see how another programmer makes something, I'm sorry, I do not have anything new to present today.

    This blog is a filler, or an index page of sorts. I'm going to list all of my previous blogs, just in-case you missed one, and also list all my upcoming blogs. Without further adieu:
    Previous Blogs

    Updated 09-18-10 at 10:48 PM by Imisnew2

    Life , Real Life , Provocative Thought
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