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  1. CH Blog Series #2: White Widow

    Since no-one ruled out using the names, today after class I went over to Cheba Hut and got the White Widow which is describe as:

    Chicken breast smothered in our signature, home-grown ranch dressing, then topped with mushrooms, bacon & provolone cheese.
    Basically it is a chicken bacon ranch.

    Meat: This will be short as we already talked about this before, but the chicken was good as it was last time, although I noticed it a bit less then last time due to the sauce (a good thing). The bacon tasted good though it was hard to notice in the sub. The overall for this time, thanks to the extra sauce is probably around 8 out of 10.

    Sauce: This was the part I couldn't wait to write about, ...
  2. Compromised

    As Aisling reached the crest of the rise that looked down on her home, she was able to hear the whimpering sobs of the man she'd gutted. He was not yet dead. The adrenaline that had waned as she'd climbed surged anew with a rush of anger.

    She rapidly made her way back down the steep incline, taking a different rout than the one she'd used earlier to get up. That rout was ideal for ascent, but not as good for descent. She picked her way back down to the leveled off shelf of rock that had been her "front yard" for most of her life, favoring her throbbing foot.

    When she reached the bottom, she moved straight for the man. Sweat beaded on his brow and his skin was pale. He was still bleeding, but not severely, ...
    Life , Virtual Life
  3. Universal Induction Charging

    So, I got bored today and started looking up information around the net about induction charging. Wires have always been a hassle for me, getting tangled, cut (wires cut), chewed on by pets (thus making them unreliable), and generally being a hassle to carry around. Induction power produces an interesting alternative to wire-charging devices.

    Pros: Wires, except the one used to power the induction mat, are eliminated from your devices. In addition, there is no electrical hazard from poorly shielded or worn-out wires (should you have charging cords that have been chewed on by pets). "Charging ports" become a thing of the past; physical conductors to charge the battery can be bent and broken from repeated use. An induction ...
  4. 10,000th Post - and true to prediction......

    Quote Originally Posted by Alundil View Post
    I missed it again, dammit!

    This, this of all things was my 10,000th post

    Sigh - what a waste. I had a huge speech prepared and was ready to go....then the teleprompter broke.

    Anyway, I thought I'd offer some thanks and appreciation to this community. I've been here and an active part since mid 2007. I blame it all on Laggy for bringing me to TTP and getting me hooked into the community (and 2142, which occupied a lot of my gaming time until just a few months ago). I've made some great friends since joining here, some of whom I've even been lucky enough to meet and speak to in person. Yall know who you are. I'll not try and list everyone out. Just know that you've all had an effect
    Virtual Life , Life
  5. Project Revival: Averatec 4155 - Part Three (The Aftermath)

    I am sitting here typing this blog on my newly revived Averatec 4155 notebook PC. I must admit that this journey has been one of blood, sweat, and tears. My last update left me unsure on which OS I wanted to run on this machine. I attempted to run Windows 7, but the lack of driver support and Aero features left me wanting to go back to Windows XP or Windows Vista.

    Due to licensing availability and driver support, I decided to go with Windows Vista Business 32 bit operating system. Similar to Windows 7, Averatec did not provide any drivers to download from the TriGem site, forcing me to go on the "driver ...
    Life , Culture
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