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  1. Cat put down

    Kind of kicking me while I'm down, but I just found out my cat Thelma was put down. The vet thinks she had a tumor. I'm very sad at the moment.
  2. Finally, good news

    I was able to speak with my advisor today before he left for CERN, and he says he'll speak with my professors about me getting incompletes for my courses this quarter. It means a buttload of work next quarter, BUT I'm only taking 8 hours (full course load is 12 hours a quarter), and I'll be on my the meds I need to be on to function more like a normal person.
  3. New Kings of Leon

    So far, it's fucking awesome! I'm not sure if it's in stores yet, but you should go and buy it ASAP!
  4. Fucking hell

    First Kate dies, and now, my cousin, Lucy, is in the ICU at Disney World. The doctors don't know what's wrong with her. She's got a husband and 3 kids, too. I really don't need more things depressing me right now.

    Only reason I know about this is because my sister told me. My parents don't think I'm sane enough to know right now.

    Fucking hell
  5. Sobering

    Well, I just found out that a girl I know is pretty much about to die. She was one of the few people that was nice to me. She has cancer around her spinal column. She had gone into remission in the summer, but right now (and the doctors don't know why) she is on a ventilator.

    I can't stress enough how she was always nice to me, and how much that genuine niceness affected me.

    The next day or two, people are going in to see her...I can't since I'm going to college in another state. If it wasn't for my antidepressants, I'd be crying right now out of guilt.

    This really sucks...both her dying and me not able to express how I'm feeling. I mean she's my age too...she should have had a long life to look ...
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