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  1. More fucking bureaucracy

    So, for this last week I've been trying to get through a busy signal to reach the financial aid department. I've also sent off an email. One week later I finally get through to talk to someone and find out that my private loan won't be posted until the purge date. According to financial aid, I won't have to worry about the purge date, and they recommended calling the comptroller to double check.

    So, I call the comptroller and find out that this isn't the case, and I'll still have to pay the difference between my federal loans/pell grant and and the total bill (about $900). I luckily have enough money to cover that, but at this point all this bureaucracy is giving me a major headache. Left hand isn't talking to the right hand. ...
  2. Pandora

    So, yesterday while getting some work done on my car, I was listening to Pandora, specifically, a station focused on harsh sounding industrial (Ministry, NIN, etc.). Then, on the same station some Daft Punk starts playing. I mean it was a good song, but how does it follow along the same vein as industrial?
  3. Math Textbooks

    Why can't there be a math textbook out there that that isn't written like you already know everything? I mean the author going from step 1 to step 2 in an example by saying, "And with some simple calculations," and then pulling the next step out of his ass. How am I supposed to learn from something like that? It took consulting the internet and an hour of time for just a single chapter 1 problem as a result. Fucking argghh...and I already hate my partial differential equations class.

    I should also point out that at no point in the book does the author explain what a PDE is...he just launches straight into shit. If I hadn't already had an introduction on PDE's in a previous class I'd have been SOL.
  4. The Girl Who Played with Fire

    This is the sequel to the "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo", and it doesn't disappoint. I would advise reading the second book beforehand though as my sister said that a lot of the book is left out. There are also copious sex scenes and another brief rape scene (one of the sex scenes is a lesbian one, teehee). In short, don't even think about watching this with the kids. It deserves the NC-17 rating.
  5. So my mom got pissed off finally

    after my last appeal wasn't approved. So, she called up the person in charge of my appeal (just the one person to decide on everybody's appeals) and had a discussion at length about my appeal. It turns out that the lady hadn't even read my appeal letter (my mom asked specific questions about it) and didn't know/understand what schizophrenia is like. She tried to say that I should have realized I was in trouble and gotten help earlier. My mom replied that for someone with schizophrenia, hearing voices and imagining things is the norm, so nothing seems abnormal enough to get help to the person suffering from the illness.

    The lady finally agreed to give the appeal to the director of financial aid. I just found out today that my ...
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