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  1. Trinkets

    So it's day... 25.
    I was going to blog yesterday, BUT. I forgot. Anyways I have a few pics to make up for the other days.

    We went to this "jade" market near Jordan MTR stop. It was more fake than real and so much haggling involved. It was interesting to see how they reacted when I had a camera. They instantly assumed I didn't know how haggling works or that I knew Cantonese. So they spiked up the price. Little did they know I knew a few things about haggling. Anyways, we were only there for my mom and my family in Washington. We were just buying souvenirs since they were so cheap. It'd go from the price of 120 HKD (roughly $15 USD) down to 70 HKD (Roughly, I dunno just convert it), and finally we got it down to ...
  2. Visiting

    Today is day 21 I believe. We visited my grand aunt, it was sad seeing her in such a downer retirement. She's always been kind of a grandmother figure to me since my grandmother died when I was a wee little boy and I didn't exactly know her too well. Anyway, she suffers from Alzheimer's but she's getting better. She actually recognized me and my father, though I haven't seen her since I was a bit younger. She seemed alright, it was nice talking to her. I wish I could help her more though. She's rather frail than she used to be, she's gotten a lot skinnier too. She's lost all her teeth and it made it quite hard to understand her. On top of that, she doesn't really remember Cantonese since she is a native speaker in Hakka which should be a language ...
  3. Meeting my dream girl

    I'm just going to skip to today, and I believe it is... 20?
    Today we went to see my dream girl. Har Har. Course I will never get her, but you know. Celebrity crushes. We practically sat on a 1 hour train ride to a place up north of HK called Shang Shui. When my cousin told me about the event I was like. I have to go, thinking that it was a meet and greet type of thing where I could actually get a picture with her! SMH Face palm. I was dead wrong, apparently meet and greets in Hong Kong aren't really uncommon. And they aren't really meet and greets, they're just events. She basically just went to the Landmark North (the mall) and did this little event, can't even describe it without face palmingn. QQ, ...
  4. Recovery

    Day 16

    Dad got sick. We went no where. I stayed home and watched TV. -_- #Mylifeisboring

    Day 17

    So today I awoke very early to find myself dying of intense heat. I walked outside turned the fan on and slept on the couch. Then I rose at 2 PM only to find my father was still asleep. After that we went and visited my uncle who had just gotten my permanent resident forms. We ended up having dinner there and staying until 9 -_- and so I really just walked around to take pics. Here's two to make up for yesterday.

    Tai Shui Hang by Danny Yu Photography, on Flickr

  5. Cosplay HK 2011!

    So I guess for creative reasons I'll make the names of each blog creative. Today I awoke to some Facebook statuses about ISA (International Secret Agents) it's a Youtube event created by Wong Fu Productions (You should check out their shorts their amazing). Obviously I was pretty pissed since this year it was in my lovely town of Seattle. Roar, and I missed it. I was sad but you know what things were looking up because today was the last day of a cosplay event in Hong Kong. I didn't dress up just to let you all know, but I went with my cousin. It was cool, man did people dress up like crazy. There were a lot of negatives though ... For one thing, THERE WERE SO MANY PHOTOGRAPHERS! Everyone had a setup 10 times better than my ...