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  1. TF2: Ultimate Communication and Teamwork

    Im not the blogging type, but I felt this needed special mention for the sheer communication and coordination this took to pull off...

    Compliments of Interests:

  2. I am so behind on this...

    ok...ok...back on a week...come on can do this...

    I'll be putting the old ones back up every other day, then maybe move to once a week, or whenever I get around to writing more.

    Towards the Sun

    There was five of us left. By the rate that we had been losing people we'd all be dead in a matter of days. Maybe we'd survive longer if we found food and water in the jeep. Maybe we'd get lucky and find an abandoned town nearby to make shelter. But it was no use getting our hopes up. It would only make it worse when there was nothing.

    I helped Marcus remove the driver of the vehicle and we moved him to the pile of bodies we had made. Marcus climbed in the passenger ...
  3. TF2 Espionage Episode 7 is up

  4. TF2 Espionage now an official sticky on the TF2 Forums

    See for yourself

    This is the first sticky in the Spy Sub Forums, now when people come to that section, they'll not only see my videos, but the name TPG will get out there and hopefully we'll have more players coming to the servers.

    This is probably one of the best moments in my gaming career, so needless to say, I'm very happy. Thanks to Cheshire Cat, sM0Ke, Interests, Thorsen, and all of the members of The Illuminati Order, FRIIGGIN, and everyone here at TPG for your awesomeness and support.
  5. Sobering

    Well, I just found out that a girl I know is pretty much about to die. She was one of the few people that was nice to me. She has cancer around her spinal column. She had gone into remission in the summer, but right now (and the doctors don't know why) she is on a ventilator.

    I can't stress enough how she was always nice to me, and how much that genuine niceness affected me.

    The next day or two, people are going in to see her...I can't since I'm going to college in another state. If it wasn't for my antidepressants, I'd be crying right now out of guilt.

    This really sucks...both her dying and me not able to express how I'm feeling. I mean she's my age too...she should have had a long life to look ...