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  1. Gaming Cultural Exchange and EA

    So I have been playing a lot of BF3 lately. As most people know, the graphics are phenomenal and the gameplay, while no BF2 or 2142, is still pretty darn good. What is really bothering me is the loss of VOIP and Commander Mode. Commander mode is not a terrible thing but the nearly complete omission of VOIP is intolerable. Now I know what you are saying right now: "But Gumby, there are a million rants on the internet pipes about this" Maybe so. But this one is a bit different. As an American living overseas, I have really, really enjoyed gaming on the pub servers here. I have learned so much German and French just by playing online games with a more traditional approach to VOIP. European servers often have people speaking ...
  2. bf2 gaming tips

    The purpose of this post is to collect the assortment of links and tips for improved bf2 playing:

    # best squad lead write-up I've seen (wish I could have met this guy):

    # aiming write-up - an interesting idea, but I found the article a bit long and conveluted

    # iron sights aiming

    # Deathmatch tips (thx to GMG for the link); though I'm not sure I agree with "not kneeling" (I frequently kneel, and find it effectively ...

    Updated 03-23-12 at 03:04 PM by donfede692 (add deathmatch info)

  3. Sonic Generations Mini Review

    I told myself several times I wouldn't do a review of this game, but here I am. Couldn't keep away from the reviews long enough, I guess, and this is the only one that I have that deserves a review.

    To be perfectly honest, I never played any of the original Sonic the Hedgehog games. My only entry to the series was Sonic Adventure on the Dreamcast, when I was just a little kid. I stayed away from consoles most of the time between the Xbox and today, so I haven't noticed all the releases for the Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3 for Sonic the Hedgehog. This is the first one that came to the PC that actually caught my attention while I was browsing IGN (That's how below the radar it was for me). So basically, I'm a newcomer to the field of Sonic ...
    Video Games
  4. Parenthood and Playing BF3 follow up

    So, I've played and played and played, and eventually determined that even with crap weapons and essential gadgets still unlocked, I can still be pretty good without them.

    There are still some essentials I need to unlock:

    I'm having a hard time leveling my Recon guy, because I just can't quite get down the sights.
    I also have a hard time enjoying the Support class. I finally unlocked extended mags for the M249 which makes it a bit more usable. Unfortunately, my style of play isn't well suited to it... and I can't fire steadily with the machine guns.

    I also recently made the late-night stupid decision to buy a GTX570...
    As for parenting, I've ...
  5. 2012 gaming rig refresh

    Notes on the 2012 refresh of my gaming rig.

    Current rig - alienware m11x R1. This has served me well, especially for the price I got (2nd hand). Alas, BF3 does not run on this system, so I'm looking to upgrade/build a new system in 2012.

    While ideally I'd stick with a laptop or microatx form, with the aim of taking up the least space possible, reality is pushing me towards a tower/mid-tower so I have better upgrade options going forward.

    # other sample systems
    fixme: research and add...

    # target components
    cpu - ~AMD
    mobo - ?
    ram - ~4gb for now
    disk - ~100gb sata
    power supply -
    fan(cpu, case) - ~zalman
    gpu -
    GeForce ...

    Updated 01-05-12 at 07:52 AM by donfede692
