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Thread: C2C, its not just for DoD:S anymore!

  1. Registered TeamPlayer AzH's Avatar
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    Greetings fellow Masterminds. I must ask a rhetorical question:

    What the hell has happened here? It seems like we have gone from great starting activity bringing in 500+ posts a day down to 200 and have been afflicted by absenteeism in the forum staff, myself included. Biggus has not been on in a week and I'll be honest - I have no idea why. Mr. Rebel has not appeared in three days, perhaps just over the weekend (and he is a family man) but I'll be honest - I don't know why, and my attendance has been lacklustre. When was my last post of any substance before this?

    Thankfully we have "The Nuke" to hold the fort.

    I'm sorry, dear members, if you feel abandoned or let down in any way. I will make a concerted effort to be active - at the expense of galactic conquest - in order to rectify this shocking state of affairs. I have been spending all my time not in the company of my lady, or asleep, or at work, playing Supreme Commander and doing very little else. This has naturally meant that my attendance/activity here has suffered.

    So, anyway, onto the purpose of this thread, announcement, request, whatever-you-want-to-call-it.

    Let's "kickstart LM". I'm looking for ideas and propaganda specialists, also dedicated posters to help get us back up the activity scale. I also want to know how I can reward you guys and girls who help out to make this an active forum without resorting to hard cash, so let's hear those ideas too.

  2. Devious Tyrant
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    What? No cash That's it...I quit! I must admit, I hadn't noticed the drop in the daily post count, and I don't think anyone faults you for wanting to spend more time with your woman. I sure as hell would...Not YOUR woman, oh hell you know what I mean...I hope:Bunker: Work comes 1st for everyone who has freakin' bills to pay...that's the real world. Having to work ur' ass off also results in making you need more sleep,and you're only human...I think (:alien: ?):shifty: Anyways, don't beat yourself up over what seems to be just a lull in activity...I think it will improve. We all, myself included, have slacked off a little in the posting department for various personal reasons (real world rears it's ugly head again), but I don't think that's anything permanant. The "teacher" was we goofed off:banana: J/K As for any brilliant's too early for me to think LOL. I'll let ya know if I get a sudden brainstorm though.:crazy:

  3. Can I have a pretty pink name? I think pink is hot >.> /joke
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    i miss biggus theres no one to beat my mahjong scores

  4. Devious Tyrant
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    Yea I noticed there has been a drop in activity lately.. But I think this has been happening for just a couple of days now... I think there is no need to panic just yet. Once Biggus reaperes and Hfx, than I think we shall get the show back on the road.

    And talking about ideas, I will try to come up with something.

  5. Can I have a pretty pink name? I think pink is hot >.> /joke
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    im really not good with ideas....but how about we do a survay (sp?) on what people want here, what the users love and or hate. then improve on it and add or remove stuff?

  6. Devious Tyrant
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    Are the Supreme Commander Forums only yours AzH?

  7. Registered TeamPlayer AzH's Avatar
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  8. Devious Tyrant
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    I have also been very busy with work and personal stuff lately.
    You have your hands full with life stuff, we understand. We're still having fun here.
    The only drop in posts I see is in spam, due to the shoutbox I think but I love the shoutbox.
    posting in the shout is much more fun than on the spam forum for certain aspects.

    I'd like to kickstart the car forum as thats been dead.
    There are a couple flash racing games that would be cool here as well. If you could add them.
    Can we rename that gear heads by any chance? Poll for it?
    you can\'t respect somebody who kisses your ass
    oofs: rincess: oofs:

  9. Registered TeamPlayer AzH's Avatar
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    We can rename it if you wish. Gear Heads? Link me to these flash games, I'll see if I can host them for you.

  10. Devious Tyrant
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    I'll locate them but I have to get some sleep now. Been a long night.

    I don't know. Gear heads just sounds better to me than rev heads. No offense or anything.
    Maybe take a poll in the MOD forum?
    you can\'t respect somebody who kisses your ass
    oofs: rincess: oofs:

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