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Thread: If Ya'll Have me Back.

  1. Devious Tyrant
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    More troops in Iraq

    I agree AzH, I would perfer option 3. Get it done, and quick...but it doesn't look like that's going to happen As long as they keep playing politics with's not gonna work.

  2. Devious Tyrant
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    More troops in Iraq

    I saw on CNN that one of the republicans said that this is the biggest fiasco since Vietnam. His own party.:nope:
    There was also a proposal of sending 92,000 new troops.

  3. Left 4 Dead
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    More troops in Iraq

    It is a good thing to have more troops in- this way, peace can be brought more forcefully and speedily, less Americans will die, and the armies of the world can all go home!

  4. Devious Tyrant
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    More troops in Iraq

    The US has already lost. Bush is an idiot. The best way to solve this problem would be to turn Iraq into the eighth wonder of the world, the "Sea of Glass."
    This is X-C. Merged accounts with my old account jAk.

  5. Devious Tyrant
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    More troops in Iraq

    The proposal to send 22,000 additional troops involves sending 18,000 of those new forces specifically to Baghdad. These forces are then supposed to work hand in hand with the American forces already in the city and Iraqi security forces to secure the city. The plan is as follows (saw this on World News last night):

    Baghdad is to be divided into nine military districts. In each of these districts, 2,000 American and likely an equal or greater number of Iraqi forces will be garrisoned. Their responsibility is to patrol each area they are required to secure and to do so on a regular basis. Prior to this, American forces would enter an area, clean out the insurgents, and leave, only to have the insurgents come back and start shit again. This plan is designed to prevent any insurgents from coming back into the city.

    I support this plan. In fact, I believe its the one stroke of brilliance we've had since May 1, 2003 when Bush declared an end to major combat operations. By securing Baghdad, we provide Iraq with a stable area in which to forumulate a strong adminstrative system that can rely on its own initiative to survive. Further, we provide a safe and secure area for the training of Iraqi security forces and will no longer have to deal with insurgents destroying recuritment posts and training areas. And lastly and most importantly, it gives the Iraqi people a sense of security and freedom that they haven't enjoyed since 2003. It will revive their morale and increase their support for the new Iraqi goverment. From this they will draw strength and will eventually be able to defeat the insurgency on their own free will.

    I believe this plan will work. It is straight-foward and two the point. It goes for jugular of Iraq, and by securing Baghdad we strike an immense blow to the power and presteige of the insurgency. And in the long run, we will win. However, if this plan fails, then I see there to be no more need for American forces to remain in Iraq. We will have given it our best shot, and if that doesn't work then there need not be any further American presence in Iraq. In short, this is our last (and best) chance at salvaging a victory. If it succeedes, American forces will return home triumphant and the Iraqi's will have a free nation in which to live. If it fails, then Americans will remember this a another Vietnam, the Iraqis will be over-run, and the world opinion of the United States will go to shit.

  6. Devious Tyrant
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    More troops in Iraq

    I think Bush is a good president. It doesnt matter what he does or did, most of you are just Bush haters and would hate anyway. I think it's a good move. I think we should stay in Iraq as long as necessary and its ashame that we are not going to be able to. I think people are that say they support the troops but not the war are stupid, because you cant support the troops that much if you dont support their mission. I dont want to diminish any of the lives lost, but compared to other major conflicts the casualites of this war is like a little booboo. I think the world is hypocritical because everyday I hear some shit about Iraq but I havent once heard about any of the fucked up genocidal shit that goes on in Africa.

    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaZero
    we need another Patton or MacArthur. They wouldn't take this shit.
    they wouldnt be in charge for long with the pussy bitch nation we have today.
    Quote Originally Posted by Erik
    It would be better if America would stop acting all tough and use Iran's and Syria's help. But as I heard on CNN earlier Bush denied their help.
    Iran and Syria would destroy us if they could. You honestly think they want to "help"?
    Quote Originally Posted by AzH
    Maybe we should ask saddam how he managed it. Oh wait, he's dead.
    By murdering his own people and instilling a reign of fear.

    Honestly, if it were up to me, I would say fuck the Iraqi people. They want us out? Okay, you got it! All I would say to them is watch out what kind of nation you build, because the slightest act of aggretion towards me, and Im bombing the ever loving shit out of you, again. and again. and again until you learn not to mess with me.

  7. Devious Tyrant
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    More troops in Iraq

    Quote Originally Posted by Tapalicious
    I think Bush is a good president. It doesnt matter what he does or did, most of you are just Bush haters and would hate anyway.
    Not really. I would support him if he didn't do such a half-assed job as president. I still cannot believe how much BS Tony Snow(job) is spewing these days...

    I think the world is hypocritical because everyday I hear some shit about Iraq but I havent once heard about any of the fucked up genocidal shit that goes on in Africa.
    Instability, genocide, and famine mean jack shit to the rest of the world, becuase no country gets affected by the horrors in Africa. We have no interests there. If there is instability in ONE country in the middle east, the whole region is affected and so is the oil market (I think).

    Iran and Syria would destroy us if they could. You honestly think they want to "help"?
    They respect us just about as much as Saudi Arabia respects us. Not at all. The only reason we are friends with Saudi Arabia is because of their oil. Have you heard of the horrors that the mujahideen produce? Like them preventing school girls from leaving a burning building and letting them die in a fire. And don't get me started on their "civil rights". It's the same middle-eastern bullshit as Iran and Iraq. Killing homosexuals, lynching drunks, repressing women, and ruling with an iron-fist...

    They want us out? Okay, you got it! All I would say to them is watch out what kind of nation you build, because the slightest act of aggretion towards me, and Im bombing the ever loving shit out of you, again. and again. and again until you learn not to mess with me.
    Saudi Arabia warned that if we pull out now, they will join the Sunnis in the civil war.

    So, I agree with you that we shouldn't pull out. However, sending 20,000 troops honestly won't make that much of a difference. Bush is just half assing it like he did at the start of the war. If he was serious, he would have done this back in 2004-2005...

  8. Devious Tyrant
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    More troops in Iraq

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeffro
    Instability, genocide, and famine mean jack shit to the rest of the world, becuase no country gets affected by the horrors in Africa. We have no interests there. If there is instability in ONE country in the middle east, the whole region is affected and so is the oil market (I think).
    kind of a shame isnt it? .... esp. since the Africans have gold and diamonds (jk).

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeffro
    They respect us just about as much as Saudi Arabia respects us. Not at all. The only reason we are friends with Saudi Arabia is because of their oil. Have you heard of the horrors that the mujahideen produce? Like them preventing school girls from leaving a burning building and letting them die in a fire. And don't get me started on their "civil rights". It's the same middle-eastern bullshit as Iran and Iraq. Killing homosexuals, lynching drunks, repressing women, and ruling with an iron-fist...Saudi Arabia warned that if we pull out now, they will join the Sunnis in the civil war
    The Saudi's are only slightly better than the rest of the refucks in the region in that they are willing to be [somewhat] cooperative with us.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeffro
    So, I agree with you that we shouldn't pull out. However, sending 20,000 troops honestly won't make that much of a difference. Bush is just half assing it like he did at the start of the war. If he was serious, he would have done this back in 2004-2005...
    I dont think he has ever half assed it, what I think is half assed is the power that he actually has. He only has support of like 2% of the country by now and the democrats have always tried at all costs to stop anything that the republicans do.

    Im talking out of my ass though, I havent paid any attention to politics for the last two years.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer
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    If Ya'll Have me Back.

    Hey guys, I wasn't sure if I was removed from the clan. But i know i haven't been wearing the tag for a while since I started playing again. (because i wasn't sure). But if you will have me back I will be glad to wear the C2C again. Most of ya probably know I have been playing more CS:S then DoD:S lately. But all it takes is a xfire message to ask me to play if you need me. Its just that that Gun Game is soooo damm fun.

  10. Registered TeamPlayer duckg's Avatar
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    Gamertag: jarkay PSN ID: jarkay Steam ID: 9460867

    Re: If Ya'll Have me Back.

    Nice to see you around MasterBlaster. We are discussing it and we will let you know something ASAP.


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