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Thread: Gunman +TCF+ Retired until 2010

  1. Junior Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by liq3 View Post
    Normal infected have 50 health (theres a cvar). As for special/boss infected, we can find that out by playing them. Only health that's a mystery is the witches.
    I was merely searching for accumulated enemy data. Their health, speed, etc. Basically something like the weapon files. I even found the file that depicts the health for clothes, chairs, doors, etc. But nothing on enemies.

  2. Junior Member
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    What do you have to do to spawn as a tank?

  3. Left 4 Dead Senior Forum Staff
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    My guide: Set it on fire and run away!

  4. Senior Member
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    If you can't accept not only what I've done to test this, but what valve themselves have said "Here are the things Valve has given out as facts.

    The tank takes fire damage separate from gun damage. I.E He goes on a countdown when set on fire that gunfire does not stack on.

    The tank takes the same amount of damage when you shoot him anywhere on his frame. There are no headshots. The end.".. then you are intentionally being difficult for no reason relevant to constructive debate.

    I'm right because I created a controlled, numeric, consistant environment and shot the tank in the f***ing head, and it did the same damage as in the foot. It's not hard to toggle locational damage off. Yeah, he has a head, I would know because again, I f***ing shot him there.

    NO ONE ELSE has provided ANYTHING concrete to dictate otherwise. If you want to spout off your random opinions about how everything I can possibly do or say can't be valid, you're going to get ignored, because you're the one not providing any constructive opinions.

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    Quote Originally Posted by p1nk View Post

    "Hitbox: If the head indeed has it's own hitbox, and does different damage, it is impossibly hard to hit, and irrelevant."

    How can you test whether a headshot does more damage if you don't even know if it exists? How can you define anything. How can your testing demonstrate the ability of a non flamed Tank to die faster than flamed Tank (yes this does happen). Judging by the fact ALL ingame characters are rigged on exactly the same animation skeleton, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to workout that the Head exists, infact you actually get a bigger blood spray by hitting the Tanks head, with all this testing I can't understand A. How you reached your conclusions and more importantly B. If you're so interested in all this, why arn't you more interested in the experiences and opinions of others rather than flattly stating "I'm right until proven wrong - and I can't be proven wrong because I *tested*".

    Experience dictates that Headshots are effective, that the body hit box obscures the head hit box when stood infront of a Tank (so back onto a ledge or garbage can - this also provides a good point to jump from to avoid the Tanks melee attack). Experience also seems to insinuate that the back of a Tank is more susceptible to damage, personally I've killed more tanks while on the floor firing pistol rounds into its back, than I have with rifles into its torso.

    Any -constructive- opinions?

    Good thread CCOG (but never forget the molotov's!).
    Quote Originally Posted by AssReaper View Post
    Here are the things Valve has given out as facts.
    The tank takes the same amount of damage when you shoot him anywhere on his frame. There are no headshots. The end.
    I think that about sums it up.

  6. Just getting started
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    I hadn't considered the possibility of the height difference tying into the equation. Very good point.

    Also, Reaper, mind posting the link to that thread? Since you already have an idea of which one it is, it'll save everyone the time that going through eleven pages of threads would take to find it.

    Anyhow, I have a bit of time. I'll conduct a few experiments of my own.

    Edit: Twenty two pages.
    "A name means nothing on the battlefield. After a week, no one has a name."

  7. Senior Member
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    We tried shooting the tank from every relevant angle, noting the angle every single time. I'm not too stupid to look for a hitbox, even on something with potentially offset hitboxes.

  8. Just getting started
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    I get the impression the AI has fun that isn't always obvious nor calculable, depending on situational occurances possibly. Kaizoku, what is it.. it does have a headhit box or doesn't have a head hit box? I'm just going to assume your talking about whether or not it adds on the additional damage.

    This subject has been covered on so many different forums since the demo was released, typically starting of with "I read this .. blah blah blah.. on another forum". At one point it was stated that the Tank runs side ways and angled back to protect it's head (yes it does do this, much more so when not Player controlled and subject to the whims of the Director - potentially including its health). The *real* factoid is, that everyone who plays is going to do what works for them in the heat of the moment and for thousand of people thats aiming at the head (whether right or wrong), and whatever is going on for all those people *not* sitting around in controlled conditions - we know what gets the job done and that's what this thread is about.

    Molotov's, Pump action shotguns, running Tanks in circles, GOOD teamwork, avoiding movable obstacles (cars, pillars etc) and knowing that when it comes down to a Tank, a Witch, a Hunter or even sometimes a Smoker. A Tank can be out ran, the rest can't - so pay attention and pick your targets wisely.
    Francis - "Look on the bright side. If you die horribly; I'II still be really handsome."

  9. Just getting started
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    Okay. I just came from single player, where I ran several trials. The scenario was NM, expert. With God Mode on, I spawned a tank, and first shot him with my pistol in the leg while he laid the smackdown on Francis in the corner of the rooftop. I only took one shot, and let the rest dispose of the tank. From there, I ran to the safe room, and checked the damage done to the tank. A shot to the leg did thirty three damage.

    Next, I naturally repeated the process, only this time aiming for the head while he barreled towards me. I'm pretty sure I tagged him in the face, though considering that he was moving so quickly, there's a possibility that I missed. Nevertheless, at the end of the scenario, the damage counter displayed thirty four damage. I repeated both processes two more times, and got the exact same results.

    From there, I tested the damage with a shotgun. First, I shot him point-blank in the back. Next, point blank in the face; lather, rinse, repeat. The back shots did two hundred and thirty. The face shots did two hundred and forty. Regardless of whether I hit him directly in the face or not with either weapon, the differences in damage period indicates that different parts of the tank's body take different amounts of damage. Now, of course one might say that, with the shotgun, a pellet or two might have strayed, somehow, even at point blank, and after three total trials. It's a possibility, sure, but not a plausible one, considering that the damage taken from a single pistol round on different parts of the body varied.

    Kaizoku. Assuming that your findings are both accurate and genuine, I have a theory that may explain both of our findings. What you tested was a tank in versus. What I tested was a tank in campaign. Now, if they found it necessary to alter and lock difficulties in versus, would it be too big of a leap to say that, maybe, they made the hit box on the tank in versus singular?

    Also, if anyone doubts my findings, I can provide screens upon request. But, considering that testing this takes all of ten minutes max (and that's if you're thorough), I'd recommend gathering your own data and posting the results, simply for the possible variation.

    And, P1nk. While I understand what you mean in terms of players acting in the heat of the moment, that in no way eliminates the possible use of the knowledge that testing things like this can create. People do indeed use what works for them--and if it is concluded that head shots do more damage, or they don't, that adds or eliminates one more possibility while fighting a tank, even in the heat of the moment. There are situations where players may not have too much choice on the matter in terms of aiming. However, there are the situations where they do have choice, and that choice may make a world of difference.

    Oh. Side note. During my runs, I noticed something that may or may not have been mentioned, or may or may not even be right (I may have been imagining things). On my way to the safe room in Act One of NM, I leaped into the fray of zombies that were on the stairs leading down there, intending to run along their heads--and sank into the crowd, the infected I landed on effectively killed. This may have been from jumping atop of them, or it may have been from fire via AI partners, though I'm decently sure that they weren't even around the corner yet. I'll play with that a bit more.
    "A name means nothing on the battlefield. After a week, no one has a name."

  10. Senior Member
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    I only did testing in VS, because that's the only mode relevant to my concerns for balancing and effectiveness of weapons. If I was going to test campaign, I'd test advanced, because normal is quite frankly easymode in campaign. Also, I did my testing in a controlled environment, if you can't control the AI in campaign mode and monitor it's hp without the end game damage calculation (I don't know how accurate that is, how it works, what it takes into consideration, or anything) then I'd be more apt to say there may be more variables affecting your results. However, I will accept that it's possible that the hitbox is turned off in versus, I just can't see a headshot only doing an extra 1-10 damage considering on normal infected headshots can do around x3 damage.

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