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Thread: Gunman +TCF+ Retired until 2010

  1. Zombie Rat
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    Quote Originally Posted by liq3 View Post
    Strange, because the people(human tanks) I play with/against usually run head first into autoshotguns, chasing someone they can't possibly catch.
    That just means you play with horrible players lol

    The people I usually face will get the slow people and if there is a runner he will try and throw a rock or just try and trick them or wait for some infected to slow them down.

    If you run up against a bad player who is a tank I would just autoshotgun them if you can or molotov them and avoid as best you can because they usually are too stupid to catch you or throw rocks.

  2. Senior-Senior Member
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    Yeh...I wouldn't really try autoshotgunning a tank on expert though, unless the area is a) clear and b) you shoot with pistols a bit first.

  3. Feet under the table
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    No, he's right.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fourth Survivor View Post
    And your basis for this is merely experience? That honestly isn't a very strong foundation. I can make a few points as to why this statement can be quite invalid.

    • You missed.
    • The hitbox on his, "Head" could be ludicrously small.
    • You've stated that these are your experiences, and haven't mentioned anything about seeing solid information. (Your experiences do not apply to general "fact", naturally)

    This statement isn't meant to cause argument, I'm merely saying that I see no reason to believe your standpoint. I can simply go by the general fact that the head of a human being is literally the core of its existence. Therefor, when struck in the head, it receives more damage. (Also, this is based on the theory that these Infected are still technically alive.)
    Hate to break it to you man, but he is right. There is no location specific damage on the Tank. Go into a private game and test it with your friends, I guarantee he will die in the same amount of rounds no matter if you shoot him in the foot, the head, or the crotch.

  4. Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Burton View Post
    Hate to break it to you man, but he is right. There is no location specific damage on the Tank. Go into a private game and test it with your friends, I guarantee he will die in the same amount of rounds no matter if you shoot him in the foot, the head, or the crotch.
    I agree with this, he takes the same amount of damage where ever he is hit. I just tend to aim for the head if I'm kiiting as it doesn't move that much so is an easy target, also used to aiming at it and it gives me a sense that I'm killing it. But if I'm not I just aim at anything I can see and hit easily, makes the best sense.

    As long as you can hit it it's all good.

  5. I am Batman.
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    Burn the fucker.
    rep if you like.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

  6. Zombie Cat
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    my 2 cents for expert on coop if you have to fight him try and get in an area where you can run him in circles and having to climb up and drop down things. And time your shot, wait till your moment and empty the clip in him then run. This gives you chance to set up a new spot avoiding him, while you reload. Then empty the clip into him when you get a chance again. Mainly avoid having to run and gun for the most part, kinda risky, but if he is that close it will be the best bet to slow him down untill he picks something up to throw, giving you a chance to run and then set up a choke point on him.

    Also if you need you can lure him into a burning barrel or any fire and lite him up giving you 40 secs to hual ass and not get brokened.

  7. Zombie Dog
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    One thing, if you are trying to get away from him... DO NOT RUN BACKWARDS, FACING THE TANK.

    A) You run noticably slower, and he WILL get you and proceed to mash you. Oh the monster mash.

    B) You will run back-first into a SI or RI, drastically slowing you down, and the tank WILL again get you and this time nomnomnom you... With his fists of iron flesh.

    C) Face away and run while bunnyhopping, (idk if you have to bhop or not, thats what i do, and it seems like im going faster).

    Oh and another tip: If he throws a concrete block at you, don't try to strafe one way, walk to or away from him... Strafe as soon as the concrete block leaves the air, then strafe the other way while its about half-way at you.

  8. Been around a bit
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fourth Survivor View Post
    You honestly haven't given enough variables to draw a decent conclusion on whatever the hell you're talking about.
    • What difficulty was it done in?
    • Was it versus?
    • How big is the HitBox?
    • Have you seen the hitbox?
    • How are you calculating the damage?
    • Is someone playing as the Tank in versus, or are you basing it off of the end game statistics?

    And simply, no. You're saying with that statement that I require some kind of standard general human absolution. The laws of gravity be damned. If I don't believe it exists then it doesn't exist in my interpretation; my reality. You of course can say I'm wrong, crazy, or plain stupid, but that doesn't alleviate the fact that saying those things would have absolutely no foundation other than the fact that they're based on you not agreeing with what I believe, based on what you believe.

    And testing is running an experimental equation to see the result. Result = Experience.
    Get a fucking life dude. If he shot the tank in two spots (one being the head and the other not) and each did the same damage, he was right.
    They call it the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe in it.

  9. Junior Member
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    Did anyone consider that maybe the witch doesn't take extra damage from headshots, but has less health while not startled?

  10. Community Staff
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    Out of curiosity - why would you bump a 3 month old thread?

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