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Thread: Risk

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    With this Risk game, do you play DoD:S maps for land? If you attack another country, is the outcome then determined after a DoD match on a normal map? Did you guys make custom maps or what?

    We're actively filling our schedule right now with matches and scrims every week, and still have days open and I'm interested in what you're doing here since it could net an extra match per week for us and a fun way to keep track of our progress.

    I like the concept and would like to know more, so I posted here.

    Another request would be that we could have a team Roster of more than 6 guys so that we'd be sure we'd have enough players available for each map. All of our guys have changing schedules with work & life, so they aren't all available every night. I understand that only 4 would play in a match I think, but anyways, this is just some input and a question too.

    XeeN C2C
    Sry this took so long. I have been gone for awhile, and lost my texas team players forum info. lol.

    Regarding your first question. If you have ever played the actual board game risk or similar axis and allies, you will know that there is the strategic side to things. That is prtrayed in the first dimension of this game. You have your army and you attack and defend according to how many people attack you. You get one attack per turn/week. If you win the battle for say France for example you will gain that territory for your team. If you are attacked and lose a battle, then that territory that was attacked becomes property of the team that attacked it. Every country has its own specific map. Example, France=dod_omaha_v3, Russia=Kalt. There are a total of 30 countries involved and a custom or stock map for each. (There is a map pack available if you would like it.).

    Matches are determined by how many teams attack a single point in one week. If your country is attacked twice in a week you have to defend against two teams, or if you take over a country that was going to be attacked after you, then you defend against that team. Depending on how many teams play, you could defend a max of 5 times, but the possibility of that happening are slim to none. At most you would be defending about 2-3 times. Most of the teams here are just here to have a good time so I doubt they will get bent out of shape over schedules so that shouldnt be a problem.

    For additional info you can either read the full rules at

    Or email me at


  2. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Operation Anvil -- Orion Invasion

    No. 617 Squadron, Stealth
    Third Air Fleet

    26 Imperial stealth bombers being their final approach towards the believed Orion capital of Mexico City. Their target are the air defense batteries and radar sites around the city.

    Squadron Leader: Command, surprise achieved. Preparing to engage.
    Pilot, Bomber #3: Man, that's a huge city.
    Pilot, Bomber #12: 25 million people last I heard. Pity we can't drop incendiaries on 'em for what they did to Stryker.
    Squadron Leader: Commence radio blackout. All units, proceed to assigned targets and commence your runs. I will see you all back at base.
    All Pilots: Roger that.
    Bombardier, Bomber #12: Approaching target. Releasing payload.... now!
    Bombardier, Bomber #5: Wait for it... wait for it... now!

    [align='center']* * *[/align]
    Orion Missile Defense Battery

    Soldier #1: So much for that invasion that was supposed to come on the 1st.
    Soldier #2: Yeah, intelligence really got that one right.
    Soldier #1: I wonder if they'll stand us down?
    Soldier #2: I've heard the guys on the beaches got a break. But us, of course not.
    Soldier #1: You hear that?

    As they speak, several explosions rock the city. As the two soldiers watch the fireballs off in the distance, they are engulfed in the explosion produced by three 1000lb bombs striking their battery. They finally got that break they were talking about -- a permanent one.

    [align='center']* * *[/align]

    Bombardier, Bomber #15: Boom, baby! Hahaha!
    Pilot, Bomber #3: Take that you mother...!
    Squadron Leader: All units, our job is done here. Return to base.

    As the Imperial bombers fly home, the air defenses of Mexico City lie in ruins.

    Similar episodes are repeated all throughout the dominion of Orion: San Jose, La Paz, Durango, Monterrey, and more.

    Six bombers never return home, the first allied casualties of the war.

    Meanwhile, three Imperial invasion fleets approach their staging areas for the invasion.

  3. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Operation Anvil -- Orion Invasion

    22:30 Hours, Drop Zone Zulu
    506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 12th Airborne Division

    Pilot: (over the intercom) We're approaching the drop zone. Stand-by!
    Major: Alright men, this is it. Saddle up. Let's rock n' roll!
    Pilot: Green light! Jump, damn-it, jump!
    Major: Go go go!

    The 50 paratroopers on the Imperial transport plane run off the plane's rear cargo ramp, their parachutes deploying as soon as they exit the plane. Across the night sky, the silhouettes of the 12,000 men of 12th Airborne Division can be seen floating towards the ground.

    [align='center']* * *[/align]
    Lieutenant: 2nd platoon, on me!
    Corporal: We're all here sir.
    Lieutenant: Good, let's move. First objective will be to head towards the outskirts of Colima. We have to take that town so that when the Marines hit the beaches tomorrow morning that Orion armored division around here won't sweep down and run them off the beaches.
    Corporal: Roger that. Let's go get 'em.
    Lieutenant: Alright, let's move out!

    Similarly, thousands of paratroopers begin to move towards the city of Colima a kilometer to the southeast of the landing zone. So far, no enemy resistance has been encountered.

    In the far distance, explosions can be seen in the vicinity of Colima.

    Private: What's going on up there, sir?
    Lieutenant: We're bombing Colima. The air force is softening the place up for our attack.
    * * *[/align]
    Colima Outskirts

    Major General Kitchener, Commander 12th Airborne: (over the radio) All units, commence attack!
    Lieutenant: Let's go! Charge!

    As machine gun fire begins to erupt all around the city outskirts, and deafening yell of "For Stryker!" is let loose by the paratroopers as they charge the city's defenses. A small portion of the paratroopers are mowed down by Orion machine guns, but the rest of the division breaches the city's outer defenses and begins to move towards the city centre.

    As the paratroopers inch closer to the city's central square, the sound of motorized vehicles can be heard towards the flanks.

    Corporal: Shit, APC! On our left! Somebody take it down!
    Private: There's another one on our right! Lieutenant, it's a pincers movement!
    Lieutenant: Platoon, displace! Moore, Hicks, take those APCs out!

    The APCs advance, firing their weapons. A good deal of Orion infantry follows closely behind each APC.

    Suddenly, the APC on the right flank explodes in a shower of shrapnel and molten steel, killing most of the soldiers huddled behind the vehicle.

    Moore: Alright, let's hit the other one!
    Hicks: Wait, I need to reload this thing!
    Moore: C'mon, hurry up!

    The APC inches closer and closer to their position. Amazingly, the aren't seen by the APC crew.

    Moore: Hicks, hurry up damn-it!
    Hicks: Just a sec!
    Moore: Hicks you bastard, you're going to get me killed!
    Hicks: Okay, ready!
    Moore: Eat this!

    Moore fires the rocket. It shoots out of the barrel, then engages its motor, shooting high up into the sky, seemingly disappearing. Then, it shoots back down, striking the top of the APC's turret, blowing it apart.

    Moore: Hahaha! Score two for the Empire of Man.
    Hicks: Yeah! Now why in the hell didn't anyone tell us they had a mechanized unit in this damned town?

    [align='center']* * *[/align]
    03:00 Hours
    First Army Group

    More than 1500 warships and transports slowly approach the beach head. The defensive square in which the convoy had been sailing breaks off into its respective parts, with each of six Marine divisions with their recently attached Force Reconnaissance (Special Forces) units beginning to assemble opposite their assigned beaches.

    This same scene is repeated to the north around Invasion Force North, and to the south around Invasion Force South. All the while, thousands of Imperial aircraft pour across the borders of Orion. After having destroyed much of their air defenses at moderate cost (though strangely the Orion air force appears to be missing), most everything has become fair game. Orders to all planes are to smash as many military targets as they can find.

    In a few more hours, the invasion begins.

  4. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Operation Anvil -- Orion Invasion

    OOC: Kind of lonely in here.

  5. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Operation Anvil -- Orion Invasion

    OOC: Boo hoo.

  6. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Operation Anvil -- Orion Invasion

    OOC: Sorry, Nuke. I've wanted to write a good starting post to kick my invasion off but its been a rough week. I should have something written tomorrow.

    @Milton: How is the distraction in the Gulf of Honduras coming?

  7. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Operation Anvil -- Orion Invasion

    The Milton legs fleet starts firing on targets in the gulf. Among them, A military base is reduced to nothing, the first test of Milton leg's antimatter weaponry.

  8. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Operation Anvil -- Orion Invasion

    Quote Originally Posted by Evil
    OOC: Sorry, Nuke. I've wanted to write a good starting post to kick my invasion off but its been a rough week. I should have something written tomorrow.

    @Milton: How is the distraction in the Gulf of Honduras coming?
    I look forward to reading what you write. I hope your weekend isn't as rough.

  9. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Operation Anvil -- Orion Invasion

    Cenobite Forces
    Bay of Campeche

    The Cenobite forces that arrived in the Bay of Campeche initially situated themselves several miles east of their intended targets (Veracruz, Coatzacoalcos, and Villahermosa). Bombing runs were also started against several cities in the Yucatan Peninsula, most notably in Campeche and Merida. Coatzacoalas and Villahermosa were also heavily targeted. Veracruz was virtually ignored. These actions in combination with the distraction made by the Milton Legs fleet in the Gulf of Honduras seemed to have the desired effect. A significant number of Orion troops had shifted their positions east and north, away from the heavily defended areas between the Bay of Campeche and the Gulf of Tehuantepec. There could be little doubt in the minds of the Orion generals that an attempt would be made by Cenobite forces to cut the nation in half. But it was less clear whether Cenobite and Milton Legs troops were also planning to invade the Yucatan instead of more western and northern targets.

    When news reached the Cenobite Generals that the Milton Legs fleet had achieved several victories including the total destruction of an enemy military base, they decided to continue with the invasion schedule as planned. Cenobite ships shifted their positions and prepared for the taking of Veracruz, Coatzacoalcos, and Villahermosa. Naval and air bombards intensified against all three targets.


    Cenobite Forces
    Gulf of Tehuantepec

    No tricks were being deployed in the Gulf of Tehuantepec. Immediately, naval and air bombardments were started against the fortified positions and communication systems. The Cenobite Air Force, despite some initial loses to air defense systems, was quickly gaining unchallenged air superiority.

    The main city that needed to be secured was clear: Juchitán. After that city fell, the 120 mile gap between the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf Of Mexico could be closed by Cenobite forces. But a direct assault couldn't be effectively launched against Junchitan. Instead, Cenobite forces would capture key coastal cities to the east and west of Juchitán, including Santiago Astata and Salina Cruz, and then converge on Juchitán itself.


    Something already bothered the generals in both locations. Despite the shooting down of several mystery missiles, nothing truly startling had happened. An Orion navy appeared to be non-existent. The Orion air force, if one even existed, had not shown itself.

    Where were all the robots and advanced technology that had been predicated? Was there something going on that they couldn't see? Was this an elaborate trap?


    Under the protection of air and naval power, marine transports in the Bay of Campeche and the Gulf of Tehuantepec simultaneously approached their designated beach heads.

    As the first landing craft arrived on the beach outside Coatzacoalcos, a large amount of gunfire suddenly erupted. Something wasn't right. The Orion's fortified positions should have been reduced to rubble...

  10. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Operation Anvil -- Orion Invasion

    06:00 Hours
    Invasion Force Centre, Second Marine Amphibious Corps

    It was a warm morning. The first rays of sunlight began to appear over the horizon, revealing the silhouettes of more than 1500 warships and transports. M-Hour, the beginning of the Imperial ground offensive into Orion, was near.

    The escorting warships, steaming perpendicular to the shoreline, turned 90 degrees to port whilst turning their gun turrets towards the six beaches upon which Imperial Marines were to land at 06:45. Imperial troop transports began the lengthy process of loading troops and their equipment into assault craft, deploying them in a line abreast.

    At precisely 06:10, the heavy guns of the battleship Orion -- sister-ship of the infamous Thunderer and aptly named to deal with the enemy forces -- let loose a full salvo of 16" high explosive shells. Thus signaled the beginning of the pre-invasion shore bombardment. Hundreds of warships followed suit: battleships, cruisers, destroyers, frigates, and the like. The beaches were ripped to shreds as huge explosions rocked the shoreline. "How could anything survive that kind of onslaught?", the watching Marines thought.

    In the skies above, Imperial tactical bombers began carpet bombing the beaches. Imperial fighters dove in and staffed the area, trying both to inflict as much damage as possible, and trying not to swoop down too low and risk being struck by incoming shells.

    This continued for more than half an hour, until finally, the tide sank. Magic Hour -- M-Hour -- was near. The order was given for the first wave of assault craft to move towards shore. Thousands of landing craft revved their engines.

    At this point, enemy counter-fire would be expected. In every assault, the Marines had encountered some kind of enemy fire, some kind of enemy attempt to disrupt the landing craft and cause mass confusion and casualties.

    5000 meters out. Nothing. The landing craft closed to 3000 meters; still no enemy fire. 1000 meters, then 500, then 100 meters. Then finally, the noise of the engines on the assault craft died down, and the ramps dropped. Thousands of Marines ran forward into the expected enemy fire. But, there was none.

    Where was the enemy? Had the shore bombardment been that effective?

    The Marines of the first wave advanced towards the shingle -- the natural marker between high and low tide. The beach commanders radioed in and gave the all-clear for the second wave to come in. Soon, the Marine's heavy equipment was being off-loaded. Several transports moved close to shore and dropped their bow ramps, offloading hundreds of troops at a time.

    30 minutes passed, and still no contact with the enemy. The soldiers of the first wave were ordered forward, just past where the enemy positions were expected to be. By now, the beaches had become somewhat congested with soldiers and equipment. Moving inland was now a necessity. But the question remained: where in the hell was the enemy? There had been no resistance what-so-ever. Not a single shot had been fired, and strangely, the expected Orion air and naval attacks never materialized. In fact, nothing had been seen of them.

    The first wave advanced into the enemy beach defenses -- what was left of them. The Navy had done a fine job of obliterating the forward defenses, but there were no bodies. Had these positions ever been occupied?

    Suddenly, the screaming sound of incoming artillery shells could be heard over-head. Multiple explosions rocked the crowded beach, killing many. The sound of jets entered the ears of the confused Marines.

    Some shouted "Incoming!", but there was no need; all the Marines dove for cover. As they did, machine-gun fire erupted from the ridge that over-looked all six beaches.

    The commander of Gold Beach (landing site for 1st Marine Division and 1st Marine Force Recon) radioed in: "Command, it's a damned ambush!"

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    Invasion Forces South and North
    Third Army Group and 7th Armored Corps, respectively

    Meanwhile in the south and to the north, Imperial forces were faring no better. They had hit the beaches at the same time as the Marines of Second Amphibious Corps, and they had encountered a similar event; Orion forces waiting for the beaches to crowd, then began their own counter-attack.

    The missing Orion air force suddenly appeared, while multiple attack craft began to harass the Imperial ships. What was coming off as a cake walk had suddenly turned into a nightmare. The Marines were going to have to fight their way out of this one.

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