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Thread: A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories.

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    A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories.

    Ladies and gentlemen! I invite you to sit down, relax grab a drink and read through this truely awesome story (while imagining that sexy Australian accent you have recently come to hear ).

    Where shall I begin...

    It was a bright and sunny morning on Chernarus; the waves were roaring, the birds were singing, and the bandits were rolling out of Berezino...

    Nouniquenicks and Cleric were riding in pickup number one, closely followed by ATEXANnHISGUN in pickup number 2. We were on a mission to recover Betty Blue from Krasnostav, the blue van that Texan said he had crashed the night before.

    We arrived with no problems, repaired the wheel and set off to find and kill some unknowning players. This had us in a 3 vehicle convoy; with Noun in pickup 1, Texan in pickup 2 and Cleric in Betty Blue. Unfortunately, while passing through Krasnostav, Texan hit a fence in pickup 2 and destroyed a wheel which we could not replace. That left us with a 2 vehicle convoy, Noun in pickup 1, with Cleric and Texan in Betty Blue.

    After following the northern most roads for some time we arrived at the North West Airfield. We looted the entire airfield, and found nothing of great value, so we moved on towards Lopantino... this is where the fun began.

    We were driving South East, along the road that is North West of Lopantino. Suddenly we came across a Land Rover parked in the middle of the road, the conversation that followed went something like this:

    Noun: Oh shit there's a rover just up there!
    Texan/Cleric: *General Chatter*

    We pull up behind it to investigate, I try to get in the Drivers seat to check the Status of the vehicle...

    Noun: What the fuck I can't get in? You guys check the gear from the back
    Noun: Oh I see why, you're in the drivers seat already
    Texan/Cleric: That's not us!
    Noun: Oh shit!

    Noun then opens fire through the drivers side window and kills the driver. We discover the driver was supercarl1.

    Noun: Quick loot what you can and lets get the hell out, probably has friends
    Texan/Cleric: *General agreement*

    We looted what we could then jumped back in our previous vehicles, with Texan driving the Land Rover. After hauling ass past Myshkino we pulled over to the side of the road and agree to go back and fully loot the dead driver.

    This is where my memory gets foggy, the names of the people involved from this point may not be correct.

    Noun, Cleric and Tractorpull(?) mounted the Land Rover and set off for Lopantino. The Rover was parked behind a small hill 700 meters South West of the road where we had previously found it. I grabbed my M40A3 rifle and set up ontop of the hill covering Cleric and Tractor, who moved up on the body. Moments later...

    Tractor: Oh yeah I see it, looting it now

    I then pull out my range finder and look directly at Tractor... 672 meters to target, I range the M40A3 to 700 meters and start looking around for potential threats.

    After seaching for a while I look back at Tractor who was still looting, keeping us updated on what he was grabbing. I noticed a tree behind him with an odd looking branch, but thought nothing of it, I kept scanning.

    Moments later, it hit me...

    Noun: Oh shit there's someone behind you!

    I take the shot, crosshair aimed right behind his eyes... Miss! The shot hit the tree banch inches to his left, this shot scares the aforementioned target and he then shoots Tractor, killing him. I keep shooting, but shot after shot after shot I miss...

    Cleric: You've got zombies running at you!
    Noun: Take them out I'm trying to kill him!

    A minute passes, the target is now running around in cirlces even with me shooting at him, I wonder what he is doing. I stop shooting and bring my scope down, I can barely see a Ural to the left of my screen...

    Noun: Ural trying to flank us! He is trying to bait me...
    Cleric: Where?
    Noun: North East! You get the Rover and lets get the hell out of here, I'll cover
    Cleric: Mmm-Hmm

    A minute or so passes, Cleric pulls up on the back side of the hill, I mount up and we escape back to Myshkino. Five minutes pass and we see a message sent over sidechat...

    =NoM=MaximusBoomus: We have you surrounded, drop your weapons and you can leave alive.
    Noun: Hahahah, we're long gone buddy!

    Over the next 15 minutes we then try to broker a deal, their Land Rover for Tractor's gear back. We were orginally planning to set them up and kill them all, like all true bandits should, but Cleric talked me out of it and wanted a peaceful transaction.

    The handover was to take place at the same place Tractor/supercal1 was killed. So I headed back to the little hill I was on before, the perfect place to find counter snipers, or so I thought. I watched Cleric strategically park the vehicle at the dead bodies blocking the 2 to 3 enemy snipers view of the transaction, who were loctated about 700 meters North East of the road, 1400 meters North East of me, way out of sight.

    Everything went smoothly, no shots were fired and Cleric returned with all of Tractors gear. I still wanted blood.

    The now enemy Land Rover was still sitting at the same place, waiting for his friends. His friends eventually arrived in the same Ural as before, parked barely a meter from the Land Rover. One of the ghillie snipers jumped out of the Ural because he had been hit by a zombie and was bleeding. The driver ran over to him to help.

    This put a Ural, a Land Rover and 2 enemy players dead in my sights, both crouched, not moving... and my M40A3 was still zeroed for 700 meters...

    Noun: I have them both here, one is bleeding, they're not moving, I can take them out!
    Cleric: Well it's up to you man... But I wouldn't
    Texan: If you do kill them now you will be at the top of their hit list for a very long time, it's up to you

    I decide not to kill them, just yet. I watch them drive off into the fog. We then head back to Myshkino and organise all our gear. This is where Texan rejoins us and Cleric leaves.

    Tractorpull lets us know he is at the North West Airfield, so Texan and I start running up from Myshkino to meet him there. We arrive at the South Barracks and start looting. After a few minutes, I was inside and Texan was outside when I saw some zombies aggro...

    Noun: I just saw zombies aggro, was that you Texan?
    Texan: Nope
    Noun: Have you walked down to South Barracks Tractor?
    Tractor: Nope
    Noun: Someone is here then!
    Texan: Good!

    I run outside the barracks and start following the zombies...

    Noun: I see him!
    Texan/Tractor: Where?!
    Noun: Running North, wait no North West, towards the wall, I'm behind him!

    I was in a dead sprint behind the player, he was clueless to my presence. As I was following him a bush quickly blocked my view and I lost sight of the player, I paused behind said bush and waited for movement.

    Noun: I can't see him, damnit he's gone!
    Tractor: Where was he running?
    Noun: Along the North West wall, running North.
    Tractor: I'm along that wall heading South, he should come across me.

    I start slowly advancing up the wall, eyes peeled, heart beating very hard. After about 5 minutes a single gunshot rings through the air.

    Noun: You guys hear that?
    Texan/Tractor: Nope

    Two more shots were fired in quick succession.

    Tractor: Yep I heard it that time! Sounds like a M107
    Texan: I still can't hear it

    I then break into a sprint, running towards where the shots were fired. After running 100 meters I see zombies slowly walking towards a tree, a dead give away of the players location. I then hear a Ural approaching from the West, I make that my top priority.

    Noun: I hear a Ural!
    Texan/Tractor: Where?
    Noun: Near the North West entrance of the airfield!

    I run out into the forest just South of the North West entrace, and I spot the Ural.

    Noun: Oh shit it's driving right at me! I'm hiding in a tree.
    Noun: ...Holy shit their Land Rover is parked here too!

    Texan and Tractor then tell me they are coming to back me up.

    Noun: Alright two guys have jumped out of the Ural, they're moving up
    Noun: I see a third
    Noun: Shit they've split up I can only see one now, I need your help!
    Noun: Oh god I see all three now, they're all standing next to a tree about 15 meters from me!

    This is when one of the enemies looks directly at the tree I'm hiding in...

    Noun: Ah shit he's seen me guys, I'm so dead, get up there and try to save my gear...

    The enemy continues to stare at me for roughly 10 seconds, then looks away.

    Noun: He didn't see me! Hahahah thank god for ghillies!

    Texan was now running across from North Barracks to help me out.

    Texan: Oh shit I see someone!

    He then accidentally hits the fire key while free look is selected, the player then turns around and kills him.

    Texan: I'm down, grab my gear
    Noun: I'm gonna try to take all of these guys out!

    I raise my M4A1 Holo, the selector is currently on Semi Automatic...
    I press F once more, Fully Automatic...

    This isn't good enough...

    I press F once more, M203 HE Grenade Launcher: 1 Round


    I aim, I pray, I fire.

    Boom! Direct hit! Two of the enemies die instantly, one is knocked unconscious. Around 10 to 15 zombies are attracted by the very loud explosion and start eating the poor unconscious enemy.

    Noun: Holy shit I just killed three of them with an M203 round!
    Texan: You what?!
    Noun: No shit I just killed three players with one round, hahahah!
    Texan: I could kiss you right now!
    Noun: Oh man this is awesome!

    Meanwhile, throughout all of that, Tractorpull was hunting the 4th member of the group, a player in camo. I was looting the bodies of the dead when I spotted something out of the corner of my eye, it was only a glimpse, a quarter of a second. Maybe this was the original sniper we heard?

    Noun: I see another guy! Running West of me in the tree line
    Tractor: I'm on him, been following him for a while

    Some time passes...

    Tractor: He's down
    Noun: You killed him?
    Tractor: Yep he's down.
    Noun: Good job, that should be all of them, come back to the trucks and we will grab Texans gear and get the hell out of here.

    Never have I been so wrong, ever.

    I run up to the Land Rover and quickly check the gear, it was loaded with everything you could desire. I then check the Ural, this was everything you could desire, plus some.

    This is when it all went horribly wrong.

    Two bursts, six shots of G36 go whizzing past my head with 2 hitting me.

    Noun: Fuck I'm hit there is more here! Get down here!
    Texan: Just grab my gear and get out of there!
    Tractor: I'm coming!

    I sprint behind a tree as more shots fly past me, barely missing. I bandage my self up then sprint past a few more trees, this time no shots being fired at me. After killing 3 players with one M203 round I was feeling pretty cocky, I stop running away and turn around, I can take on this guy, theres only one of them!

    Bad Idea, as I turn around he unloads a full magazine into the tree I was currently in. Thirty rounds versus one human with very low blood... I didn't come out on top.

    Noun: Fuck it I'm dead.
    Tractor: I'm gonna wait until he tries to leave and then kill him.

    Fifteen minutes pass when we finally hear from Tractor...

    Tractor: Oh I hear doors!
    Tractor: Engines on, they're moving!
    Noun: Fuck 'em up.
    Tractor: There's two of them in the truck, I'm firing!

    Tractor managed to kill one of them, unfortunately it was only the passenger and not the driver, so the Land Rover escape. Tractor then managed to get the Ural and escape back to Myshkino where we all met up and shared our epic war story. We still say we had the victory that day.

    This will be forever known as the M203 story

    Hope you guys enjoyed the read!
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  2. Registered TeamPlayer Warprosper's Avatar
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    A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories.
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    PSN ID: Warprosper Steam ID: Nukewarprosper Warprosper's Originid: Warprosper

    Re: A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories.

    Good story.

    You should have tractor tell the story about the chopper discovery east of Grishino

  3. Registered TeamPlayer supercarl1's Avatar
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    A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories.
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    Steam ID: supercarl1 supercarl1's Originid: supercarl1

    Re: A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories.

    Great story...killing me while I was eating a sandwich and reading a map was not cool and now I own your M107, M4A1 HOLO, NVG'S, GPS, etc. after steggy avenged me and the others by killing you.

    I was just out of range from the explosion or you would have killed me again.

    Awesome story and exactly as I saw it play out.

    Anyone not trying or playing this game is missing out.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer Kraker Jak's Avatar
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    A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories.
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    Steam ID: Buckweet007

    Re: A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories.

    So, all that, did you get any gear? Why does texan suck so much?

  5. Registered TeamPlayer Tractorpull's Avatar
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    A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories.
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    Steam ID: Tractorpull

    Re: A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories.

    Correction to this Noun, Cleric was at the airfield with you guys I believe. I had logged for a bit after I had died earlier and was still running up from the south when this went down.

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  6. Registered TeamPlayer ATEXANnHISGUN's Avatar
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    A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories.

    Re: A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories.

    @kraker I am not sure why i suck so much but I clearly do....but that's OK! My comp is fixed and i am getting better every day; that day i died, the next killed two players both friendly today who knows I may improve to killing tangos
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  7. Registered TeamPlayer SourceSkills's Avatar
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    A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories.
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    Gamertag: phoenix12341 Steam ID: phoenix12341 SourceSkills's Originid: SourceSkills

    Re: A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories.

    Quote Originally Posted by ATEXANnHISGUN View Post
    @kraker I am not sure why i suck so much but I clearly do....but that's OK! My comp is fixed and i am getting better every day; that day i died, the next killed two players both friendly today who knows I may improve to killing tangos
    I am regretting that decision still to this day.

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note II
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  8. Administrator Kanati's Avatar
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    A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories.

    Re: A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories.

    Well now see that story should be an ebook... So people can read it on their nooks and kindles and whatnot...

    Ok fine... I'll do it.

    Epub Format (Nook, Sony, etc): EPUB

    Mobi Format (Kindle): MOBI
    Last edited by Kanati; 02-21-13 at 03:06 PM.
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    Krakkens and shit. stop tempting them.
    -- Bigdog

  9. Registered TeamPlayer Cojiro's Avatar
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    A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories.
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    PSN ID: Cojiro918 Steam ID: dirtycojiro Cojiro's Originid: CojiroX918

    Re: A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories.

    HOLY SHIT! Your name is No Unique Nicks!


    its like i just discovered fire a few millenia too late

  10. Registered TeamPlayer Walkerxes's Avatar
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    A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories. A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories.
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    Steam ID: Walkerxes

    Re: A battle of epic proportions. A story to end all stories.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cojiro View Post
    HOLY SHIT! Your name is No Unique Nicks!


    its like i just discovered fire a few millenia too late
    Which always killed me when I'd see (or even better, hear) people calling him "Noun" for short..
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