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Thread: Question about gameplay in server?

  1. Registered TeamPlayer azalea's Avatar
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    Question about gameplay in server?
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    Re: Question about gameplay in server?

    Last night in Mirage, first two rounds one or two CTs (from a full complement) went B. Same thing usually happens every time the map starts...

  2. Registered TeamPlayer Raush's Avatar
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    Question about gameplay in server? Question about gameplay in server?

    Re: Question about gameplay in server?

    Quote Originally Posted by naerok View Post
    wait what? are we looking at the same screen shot? so if they had a better team than why are they getting curb stomped?

    who do you think has skill?

    did you notice only 3 people dead and the whole ct side is dead?

    If it was a lack of communication after 15+ rounds they ovb needed help.
    Maybe we are looking at different screenshots!

    I see Pretend, Lee, Rezzo, Jack, Remedy, Stinkipuddin, and Phantom on CT side. That seems like quite a few skilled players to me. Hell, if you look at rankings, CT side has 4 out of the top 10 players in the server on their team!

    I also happen to notice 4 people dead on T side (you claim there were three). You claim that only 2 CT's have positive ratios where I see 4 CT's with positive ratios (Pretend, Lee, Remedy, Stinkipuddin). I also see a lot of CT's with very close to even scores, and the same thing for many players on T side. In the event of a true "curb stomp" or "steam roll" I expect the scores of one team to be overwhelmingly positive and the scores of the opposing team to be overwhelmingly negative (where the average player is ~5-15).

    There were good players on both teams, you guys were obviously playing T side correctly, and they could not establish a defense on CT side in spite of the quality of players they had. This is not a matter of poorly balanced teams, it is a failure to unite the CT team into an effective unit.

    So yeah, probably were looking at different screenshots.

    ps. Looking at the logs, you switched yourself to CT side at 10:37 pm, were switched back to T side at 10:38 pm. At 10:40 pm, you said in chat "12-4 no move?". I am not an admin in CSGO, and I am unable to view admin chat logs, but is that the message to the admins you were referring to?
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    Re: Question about gameplay in server?

    Quote Originally Posted by Raush View Post
    Maybe we are looking at different screenshots!

    I see Pretend, Lee, Rezzo, Jack, Remedy, Stinkipuddin, and Phantom on CT side. That seems like quite a few skilled players to me. Hell, if you look at rankings, CT side has 4 out of the top 10 players in the server on their team!

    I also happen to notice 4 people dead on T side (you claim there were three). You claim that only 2 CT's have positive ratios where I see 4 CT's with positive ratios (Pretend, Lee, Remedy, Stinkipuddin). I also see a lot of CT's with very close to even scores, and the same thing for many players on T side. In the event of a true "curb stomp" or "steam roll" I expect the scores of one team to be overwhelmingly positive and the scores of the opposing team to be overwhelmingly negative (where the average player is ~5-15).

    There were good players on both teams, you guys were obviously playing T side correctly, and they could not establish a defense on CT side in spite of the quality of players they had. This is not a matter of poorly balanced teams, it is a failure to unite the CT team into an effective unit.

    So yeah, probably were looking at different screenshots.

    ps. Looking at the logs, you switched yourself to CT side at 10:37 pm, were switched back to T side at 10:38 pm. At 10:40 pm, you said in chat "12-4 no move?". I am not an admin in CSGO, and I am unable to view admin chat logs, but is that the message to the admins you were referring to?
    By the looks of it, there's only 3 T's dead, and naerok was swapped. I very well could be wrong.

    TPG Stat ranking holds little amount of value in terms of overall player skill. At least this is the way I feel about the stats! There are players who are much better/worse than what their stats show on TPG.

    The way the ranking system works in GO is fairly broken in fact. I use to lose hundred of points a day for simply dying to a player who has never played on the server. Take a look at my stats for a good example, on 12/21/2012 I lost 665 points. Played 6 hours on the server that day, 50% winning percentage, 2KDR.

    Having good players only tell parts of the story. I can see off the bat that at least one player on CT that could potentially put down the whole team by what he says vocally in game. This same person is also part of the top 30 in stats. A bad mixture of players and people can be very quiet as they're already not thrilled to be playing. :]

  4. Registered TeamPlayer Kaido's Avatar
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    Re: Question about gameplay in server?

    One way to look at it being a curb stomp is to not only look at the frags and players on both teams, but look at the deaths. 16 rounds were played, the majority of the CT's died almost that many rounds, with a few who managed to die a little less probably because they ended up alive on the "4" rounds won or intentionally/unintentionally saved a gun. Now look at the T's, it seems like the bottom 3 are the only ones who consistently died on rounds. CT's can have a few or more with just barely positive ratios, but if the whole CT team is basically dieing pretty much every round, they are clearly getting stomped =/.
    Last edited by Kaido; 05-01-13 at 07:06 PM.

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    Re: Question about gameplay in server?

    Scores don't mean much to me. I mean, they can, but at the same time you can have a really tough one sided game come close. For example, just a few days ago: Question about gameplay in server?-2013-04-30_00001-jpg

    This was a really hard game just 3-4 days ago. We struggled the entire time, but were able to put rounds on the board REGARDLESS of our scores. I'm sure a lot of my team was disappointed and disheartened at the match and thought it was unfair, but I left with a real sense of gratification. Against players on point with their game we were able to give the CT's a run for their money.

    This is what TPG is about. Shit, this is was CS is about to me. Yeah, we like the game to be as even as possible, but overcoming those odds and taking rounds -- however close they may be -- against a superior team is far more gratifying than winning a blow out. Not a single positive score on there, but as the caller I left that game really satisfied and I think I told you guys that. Yeah, disappointed we didn't win, but satisfied we won THAT many rounds.

    I think admins here do a good job of trying to keep things as even as possible, but too much action leads to over-balancing and counter-stacking. Putting the pressure on a team to perform beyond their usual skill set, with an determined caller, is far more important to the gameplay than relying on the admins to play a very delicate guessing game of balancing. Put those bootstraps on folks... if you're losing don't complain -- play harder.
    Last edited by Affinity; 05-02-13 at 05:28 PM.
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  6. Registered TeamPlayer Kaido's Avatar
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    Re: Question about gameplay in server?

    I wouldn't really say you gave them a run for their money by looking at that score, its a borderline beatdown IMHO and I'm not even taking the F/D ratios into account yet. There will always be players who can take a loss knowing they went down fighting and players who have a harder time dealing with losses. If I lose or am losing in a TPG game or a scrim I tend to ask myself why and what are we doing wrong. Now I wasn't there for your game Affinity, but just by looking at that scoreboard what instantly pops in my head is that the T's did not have people capable of getting a early pick or entry frag to open up the round for the team or they were just having an off day with their shots. Now when I actually compare the deaths on both sides vs rounds played and then the frags between the 2 teams, I personally would have liked to see mattdeamon or thermacrit moved over to the T side if I was in that game. Neither are the CT's best players nor would they make the game extremely one sided imo, nor would they guarantee a T comeback for the win, but I think a switch like that could have possibly secured the T's an extra 2 rounds or possibly 3 which would then actually make it a close game. Players can try their hardest in a game or scrim all they want, but without more practice and experience they won't instantly become a top player in that very game.
    Last edited by Kaido; 05-02-13 at 06:16 PM.

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    Re: Question about gameplay in server?

    Oh, definitely. A switch would have definitely helped even the score for sure and no, it wasn't a "close" game objectively, but it felt close. It felt like a good fight.

    I am not disputing the fact that teams were potentially uneven, just highlighting a different factor since the focus here has been on Kill-Death ratio in reference to game balance. If I were to look purely at the scores I would guess a maximum of five rounds for the T's (even that's a stretch IMO) those extra three taken were oh so sweet because it was so damn hard to get them.

    Ideally I'd like to see a 16-14 win/loss ratio every single map, but that's not going to happen no matter how expert our admins are at balancing. It's the nature of the game. This was just my most recent example of the BEST kind of game: when you go up against a superior force and persevere. Clearly that wasn't the case this time, but I think we've all been in one of those on TPG; where the other team is stacked to hell from the get go and you win strictly based on teamwork. They are few and far between, and to be honest it's much more likely to get steam rolled, but every once in awhile it happens.

    I was proud of that map and the team that played with me on it otherwise I wouldn't of screenshotted it. I guess it's not logical and I'll back down because I'm not arguing with you. Shit, I agree with you more than anybody. I'm just trying to convey that you can indeed get a feeling of satisfaction even when losing, and your attitude in-game has a lot to do with it. Not that you have a poor one, I enjoy playing with you more than most because of your practical nature, but I just think players like you have a lot more weight in how a team feels about teams and should stay as positive as possible because of that.

    Just my 2 cents, buddy. <3
    Last edited by Affinity; 05-02-13 at 06:51 PM.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer Kaido's Avatar
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    Re: Question about gameplay in server?

    I was mainly looking at the deaths on both sides which is why I typically pointed those out first, if I really wanted to be a K/D whore I would have pointed out the nice k/d ratios of the top 4-5 CT's :P. That is also why I didn't recommend switching the top fragger on CT side in my post lol.

    16-14 are indeed close games and are the type of games players really get into on TPG and play their hardest on, but I was talking about something more along the lines of 16-10 or 16-11, your game was 15-8 which on paper seems close to a 15-10 game but in CS those 2 extra rounds actually make it much more of a close game than most would think.

    No need to back down because like you said it's not meant to turn into an argument, it's just a normal forum convo for all users. Like yourself, I have no problem accepting a loss if I know my team and I did everything we could to win, but there will always be times where you are stuck with blatant baiters and the worst of them all, the low-key baiters who ease up on the rush and just try and LMS it. I'm not saying your game went that way, I'm just saying if I am playing and am losing rounds because I am the only 1 who rushes the site and then a few others finally come in after me 5 seconds later while the other half of the team is still lurking, I will be vocal about it on the mic because they need to learn to play as a team otherwise they don't belong on my team let alone TPG. Keep in mind I'm talking about regs or players with mics for that matter, obviously noobs/new players to the server are an exception and we have to try and show them the way.

    I guess what I have been trying to say this whole thread is that if 1 team has the majority of it's players dieing almost every round even if they won say 4-6 rounds while the winning team has at the very least half of their players (possibly more) staying alive on 50% of the total rounds played regardless of what players and regs are on both teams, switching a player from the winning team who is a reg with a mic and a decent player (does not have to be the top fragger on winning side) will give the losers more hope but not necessarily a map win, just make it even more of an interesting game. Sucks to see 1 bomb site constantly get steam rolled and then when I finally head that way at the start and have success at holding them off at said site, they hit the other 1, forcing me to float around between sites round after round if I don't have another player on my team that I feel I can trust to make early accurate calls at the opposite site, meaning getting the call out before they die.

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    Re: Question about gameplay in server?

    Admittedly did not read all of the posts, but I have a few thoughts.

    A close match is always going to be the best because everybody on both teams will be involved and enjoying the challenge. Sometimes a landslide is fun for the winning team, but it obviously sucks for the losing team. Sometimes players on that winning team don't like the landslide and would prefer the challenge. The curb stomping is relatively ok for one map. It gets tricky when the CT this map go T next map to mix up which side they are playing, and the other team that was T goes CT. Now you have those same teams with perhaps bad chemistry or lack of skill or whatever the reason playing against each other. And maybe that next map is CT sided and the previous was T sided. Uh oh. Two curb stomps in a row. That's when you start to see rage quitters.

    The easiest solution is to try and balance the teams when starting the next map. Just a thought.

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    I played in both games and I looked at the screenshots.

    First game (referenced by korean): Quite a few of us were all bitching about reg. and why we always play on east server + bitching about how stricken was always the last person to die. We could have ABSOLUTELY won a few more. There were PLENTY of regulars/good players, just no one could get their "usual" kills. IMO team was fine.
    second game: They (T) staged a very good comeback

    KDs and final scores don't always mean much. Most of the time the regulars do a fine job autobalancing before the match starts. Personally, my favorite rounds are comebacks. I was calling on temple a few nights ago and we were down like quite a bit and we buckled down and won (love those kind of matches).

    Lastly, Raush don't you dare reference me as a skilled player! :P

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