Hey guys!!

I hope all is well with everyone! Been thinking about you guys since I pulled out the TTP banner from QC 2009. I'm about to hang it up in the garage. I've been playing a lot of COD: Warfare/Warzone lately as it's the only game I can really pick up and put down these days. The kids, wifely and work are keeping things super busy. I'm living out in Kingwood now so if anyone is out here hit me up!

I hope enough time has passed where I can be allowed back into the community again. I would love to BS with you guys like the good old days with zero grudges. I don't even really have time to play much of anything anymore, just wanted to pop in and say hi and I hope everyone is doing great.

Be well and stay safe during these crazy times y'all! Miss ya, love ya.

Hit me up on steam!: https://steamcommunity.com/id/cheefpoker/