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Thread: T's camping CT spawn on CS_Italy a complaint

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    T's camping CT spawn on CS_Italy a complaint

    This bugs me a little so here it goes.

    I am going to complain about the T's consistently leaving the Hostages on CS_Italy and camping in the CT spawn.

    Why am I complaining? Because of the fact that the CT's are instantly slayed if they do not rescue hostages by times end. It is easy for a T to run away or camp and wait in the spawn, knowing that time will run out, or if they don't, they get an easy view of the incoming CT's.

    It is especially bad on this map, because it is sooo easy to cover both incoming routes to the one rescue point.

    The T's never have this problem on a De_ map because they can plant the bom with 1 second left on the clock on, there are always 2 far removed bomb points and they get the additional time for the bomb to count down.

    The CS_ maps however make it a tendency to just try to kill all the T's because of the time limit. Even if they do get the hostages it usually ends up with a face off between T's camping the CT spawn and the CT's bringing the hostages in, thus who kills who.

    It seems on this map; it is too easy for the T's just to forget the hostages and go camp CT spawn. It kind of ruins the point, because it is really just a race, to beat the clock. At least on CS_Office, there are two different directions the T's have to worry about protecting when its time to bring the Hostages in, making it more of an incentive to actually watch the hostages.

    If spawn camping is such a complaint, it would seem that T's just spawn camping in the CT's spawn should be a complaint as well.

    Since I am complaining I will offer a solution.
    An etc 30sec on a CS map.
    Additional time added if Hostages are collected
    A ban on T's camping CT spawn

    The inherent problem is the map, imo; it is just too easy to watch the incoming routes to the one rescue point. No other CS_map is like that as far as I can think. The closest is CS_militia, where you see the same tendency for the T’s.

  2. Administrator ...bigdog...'s Avatar
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    T's camping CT spawn on CS_Italy a complaint T's camping CT spawn on CS_Italy a complaint T's camping CT spawn on CS_Italy a complaint
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    Steam ID: bigdogttp

    RE: T

    every hostage map is set up in the same fashion as italy.

    spawn on the far end of the map, and only two ways into it. Office, italy, militia, havana, assault. If the T's are able to break through the CT lines, get behind them, and prevent the CT's from bringing the hostages back to the hostage zone......

    how can you ask the server to punish them? The T's are winning. The CT's have neglected to protect their rescue point, or are incapable of noticing the T's have broken through their lines.

    As is clearly stated in the CS Rules:
    There is no such thing as camping for a defending team. They must guard the objective, and if the objective doesn’t move, there’s no reason to think that the defenders MUST move to protect it. HOWEVER, there is quite a disease in CS, in which the offending team (bomb-carrying terrorists or hostage-rescuing CT’s) does little to pursue their objective. The best examples would be on dust, or italy, where frequently, offending teams will simply wait out the clock near their spawns, hoping to draw out curious members of the defending team. This is camping. Pure and simple. If you wish to camp, do so on a DEFENDING team.
    The T's actual objective on a hostage mission is to prevent the CT's from rescuing the hostages. This is accomplished by either securing the hostages, or securing the hostage rescue zones, or both.

    The server will never punish teams for doing this. It would be like punishing CT's for camping the bombsites (something quite easy to do on big maps like aztec, train, nuke, prodigy, or other maps where the CT's will ALWAYS have the advantage of reaching the site first).
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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    T's camping CT spawn on CS_Italy a complaint T's camping CT spawn on CS_Italy a complaint T's camping CT spawn on CS_Italy a complaint
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    RE: T

    An etc 30sec on a CS map.
    Additional time added if Hostages are collected
    A ban on T's camping CT spawn
    I appreciate the suggestions.

    #1. An extra 30 seconds or more was pondered on militia, since it's so large. In fact, though, it was found that a coordinated CT team could reach the hostages from any direction (tunnels, front door, widespread rush) within 30 seconds. This gave them a full 2:30 to grab the hostages and return to their spawn. It can be even faster on italy, assuming half the team doesn't sit at the end of the long hall, or wait in the apartments all day. Me, and people like me, have absolutely no trouble in completing the objective within the alotted thus, the extra time was not approved. As well, CAL rules do not give any extra time for such instances.

    #2. It would be nice to have a time-bonus added for when the hostages are actually touched/in-tow. A mattie event script could do this, and I'll look into it. Maybe for each hostage touched, you get 15 seconds. Problem is, you could keep touching the hsotages over and over, and extend the round indefinitely. Not an easy script to manage. Probably not possible. And again, see response #1. You will RARELY see bigdog, or bigdog's followers be slayed on a hostage map. Nearly all maps require about 45-60secs, with the hostages in tow, to go from the hostage spawn to the CT spawn. That's 2 minutes to deal with the T's and reach the hostages. 2 minutes is an eternity.

    #3. The server will never ban teams for winning. Even camping teams on offense (such as T bombers camping). If the CT's are stupid enough to walk into the trap and lose over and over.....the T's are doing it right. It's the CT's fault for losing in that situation, not the T's fault for winning. The CT's chose to walk into that trap, knowing it posed no tactical value, and was a trap. This happens most specifically on dust, where the T's camp outside their tunnel and on the bridge ramp.

    You won't hear anyone say it more than me "Let them camp. Let the server deal with them. Don't walk into their ambush, let them walk into ours". And when my team fucks up and runs in their anyway....

    well, we all know what happens when bigdog's team does something stupid...

    But that's how the server sees it.

    Punish losers for choosing to lose. Not winners for choosing to win.

    Camping + offending team away from objectives = choosing to lose
    camping + defending team at objectives = choosing to win
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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    T's camping CT spawn on CS_Italy a complaint T's camping CT spawn on CS_Italy a complaint
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    T's camping CT spawn on CS_Italy a complaint

    The CT's have neglected to protect their rescue point
    Now just a point of clarification.

    And honestly, lol Im not trying to be a smart-ass here.

    If a CT team were to rush through... say the apartment and breach the Hostage House taking out 8/10 of the T's while the two remaining T's rushed market at a moderate pace and setup shop in CT spawn, the T's are doing their job. I know, I've done it pleanty...

    This begs the question, can a CT stay back to secure, or try to secure, the rescue zone or would that violate the spawn-camp rule? And I dont mean camping from round one get-go... im talking about maybe getting burned a couple rounds and wising up and taking measures to prevent it by covering the extraction point.

    Im guessing it violates the spawn camp rule, which is fine.. I just want to make sure.

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    Re: RE: T

    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
    every hostage map is set up in the same fashion as Italy. Spawn on the far end of the map, and only two ways into it.
    What I am saying is that Italy is the only one that has 1 rescue point. (Militia does but it is more difficult to watch both directions. CS Italy is easily covered from one location...

    The CT's have neglected to protect their rescue point
    Maybe I was mistaken in thinking that CT's are punished for camping spawn? The disadvantage is in the time constraint. You have to rush to get the hostages, but the T's can bypass and camp the one rescue point that is easy to defend.(other CS maps have more than one rescue point.) Rushing to get the Hostages and camping the spawn to protect the point don’t mesh. This is why I propose additional time. It is like the T's having to explode the bomb before time runs out, not just plant it.

    As is clearly stated in the CS Rules:
    There is no such thing as camping for a defending team. They must guard the objective, and if the objective doesn’t move, there’s no reason to think that the defenders MUST move to protect it. HOWEVER, there is quite a disease in CS, in which the offending team (bomb-carrying terrorists or hostage-rescuing CT’s) does little to pursue their objective. The best examples would be on dust, or Italy, where frequently, offending teams will simply wait out the clock near their spawns, hoping to draw out curious members of the defending team. This is camping. Pure and simple. If you wish to camp, do so on a DEFENDING team.
    I understand the rules; I feel that the CT's should get additional time once they get the hostages; if this were possible I would think that this would be the best solution. I just think it would be more balanced if it weren’t so easy for the T's just to delay to watch the CT's burn. I always play CT on this map is perhaps why the tactic annoys me somewhat.

    It would be like punishing CT's for camping the bombsites (something quite easy to do on big maps like aztec, train, nuke, prodigy, or other maps where the CT's will ALWAYS have the advantage of reaching the site first).
    The difference is that there are two remote bomb sites that the CT's have to cover. CS Italy is like having 1 bombsite that the CT's have to defend.

    I like CS Italy it is one of my favorite maps; I always play as a CT and it is just an inherent problem imo with this map.

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    T's camping CT spawn on CS_Italy a complaint

    Hey don’t get me wrong. I think I have burned once or twice. I am a little selfish and hate what it does to my score. In fact I would much rather get killed in combat than get slayed.

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    T's camping CT spawn on CS_Italy a complaint

    a slay = a suicide. Hurts.

    I agree that italy's rescue zone is more centralized, but it's also not as easy as it looks for the T's to enter it. Militia and office have some complicated paths that allow T's and CT's to go past eachother nearly unnoticed sometimes. Especially havana.

    but maps like assault and italy are pretty obvious. Assuming the CT's are communicating and have a good presence across the map, they would know when the T's break through the lines and get in the rear.

    hell, some of our own regulars, most notably spamdawg, yourself, and tony perkiss make it a HABIT as a CT to double back to their spawn after passing through the market, just so they can catch the tail end of a T rush, and cut them down before they can set up a spawn camp.

    I agree that hostage maps make things more difficult in some ways....but they also make it easier in others.

    The T's pretty much have to stay in one location, and wait for the ct's to come and get them, assuming CT's are organized, and systematically clearing and closing off areas of the map.

    My argument against saying the CT spawn is off limits for T's would be...

    It's not the admin's job to make the game easier for one side or the other. It's not the admins job to prevent one side from doing something they know will produce wins. And me, jumping off the bridge, rushing the cellar stairs side of the map, into the CT spawn, and holding it with 3 or 4 people ......i a near 90% guaranteed win.

    problem is, I can't guarantee that 90% of the time I will make it to the CT spawn alive, since guys like you know I'm coming for it, and are taking advantage of my aggressiveness.

    then the smoke nades and the flashes come.........then we simply learn that we can't take your spawn anymore, and we revert to protecting the hostage area (camping the house).

    And then, you're probably going to start a topic about how you hate that too.


    so then what am I supposed to do? I can't take your spawn. I can't camp the hostages. I can't do anything that I statistically should be doing if I want to win.

    See my point here, JP?
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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    T's camping CT spawn on CS_Italy a complaint

    I get your point. What annoys me a little is when the last straggeling T hides and runs for the spawn point hoping to catch the CTs in a time crunch when the rest of the Ts fought it out protecting hosties or trying to stop the CT's.

    I will never complain about T's guarding hosties. Its the run away tactic that annoys me. Like I said I would prefer the time bonus especially since there is the autoslay. Take away the autoslay and then it isnt as much an issue. It is just the T's etc little ace in the whole on such a map. For a T to get autoslayed on a De_map is ridiculous. On a CT map it is a tad more difficult especially with a stout defense by the T's and the distance to bring them back.

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    T's camping CT spawn on CS_Italy a complaint

    That T isn't running away from anything.

    If the CT's have the hostages, and there's only a few T's left, running for the CT spawn point, those are smart T's. They're going to make their last stand, in a desperate effort to put themselves between the CT's and a win.

    "Running away" would be T's knowing the CT's have the hostages, and scurrying off to the cellars, or other non-essential area of the map, serving no purpose other than to ensure that the passing CT's will not kill them.

    T's in the hostage rescue zone aren't running from anything. They are standing their ground, and doing it right.

    I'm a T in the rescue zone every time I make it there. On office, on italy, on any map I can break through. I'm the first one to say "allright guys, we lost the hostages, pull it back to the CT spawn, and let's get ready".

    "I'll be on the back stairs."
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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    T's camping CT spawn on CS_Italy a complaint

    i have a suggestion i think might be a solution...if it is possible....could you make it so that the auto-slay script does not automatically slay the team if they have the hosties?

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