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Thread: GG admin

  1. Zombie Rat
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    Quote Originally Posted by scase View Post

  2. Been around a bit
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Pwnage View Post
    just making a random point here-

    I was on a PUBLIC match once (none of us knew each other) and no one used their mics ever. at all.(even though im pretty sure most 3/4's of us had a mic)

    but we STILL managed to completely destroy the other team - and even work together (i.e. hunters attacked together all the time)

    So my point here is - if youre pretty awesome at this game, playing with random people that know what theyre doing (though the chances may be slim that you get put in a game with good people) and can figure out the survivor's next move & youre attentive to who gets pinned/constricted, a mic is not necessary.
    thats right. I said it.
    Shun me. go ahead.

    (p.s. on the note of getting kicked for not talking -
    Im a girl - therefore I barely talk in order to avoid the whole
    "are you a 12 year old boy?" business- and get kicked anyway.
    OR the
    "O-M-G!!!!!!!! A G.I.R.L.!" - cause yes - that IS annoying.
    So ofc I would get mad if I was kicked. If youre doing fine in the game - even if you dont talk - its really stupid if you get kicked. that just opens up an opportunity for (probably) a shitty player to take the open spot. )

    good day.
    You made a lot of good points, but, most of the time, they don't happen.
    I find a lobby with no mics, I give it a try. Most of the time, though, I don't get help when I get smokered or huntered. The team that you found, you are by far lucky. I've only found like...One or two teams like that, and I go in and out of lobby's a lot.

    Not to be rude, so please, don't go bitching at me or anything. I'm also a girl and I don't have this problem unless I throw it around that I am. But, yea, it is incredibly annoying when they call you a 12 year old boy or try and flirt with you, which is pathetic to no end.

    And, as I've said so many times before...Yes, indeed, a mic is not needed if you can work the game without a mic. But, when I have my sound down and my teammates are running ahead without me, I'm going to need someone to tell me that they got this-that done to them. If you can play the game perfectly without a mic, fine. But, I PREFER to play with a mic, even though I can play without one.

    I'd rather have my teammates go, "OVER HERE!" rather than have me waste my time making sure they are ok twice as much.

    But, okay...

  3. A Banhammer With Rainbows
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    Yeah, that was just one random (lucky) incident I had - where a team with no talking actually didnt fail - contrary to popular belief.

    Not to be rude, so please, don't go bitching at me or anything. I'm also a girl and I don't have this problem unless I throw it around that I am. But, yea, it is incredibly annoying when they call you a 12 year old boy or try and flirt with you, which is pathetic to no end.
    ohh not rude at all its cool.
    ive just come across so many douchebags and tools on xbl. ive completely lost all hope in coming across a decent male who wont make a big deal out of me being a girl.

    I WILL talk if it is absolutely necessary.
    Otherwise I dont even bother.

    but dont get me wrong:
    if I do end up talking - I can not and will not shut up lol.

    jdog_pwnd_you: I worship you.

  4. Been around a bit
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Pwnage View Post
    Yeah, that was just one random (lucky) incident I had - where a team with no talking actually didnt fail - contrary to popular belief.

    ohh not rude at all its cool.
    ive just come across so many douchebags and tools on xbl. ive completely lost all hope in coming across a decent male who wont make a big deal out of me being a girl.

    I WILL talk if it is absolutely necessary.
    Otherwise I dont even bother.

    but dont get me wrong:
    if I do end up talking - I can not and will not shut up lol.
    Haha, yah, I completely understand. I mean, if you only talk here and there, that's fine. But, when someone doesn't or does have a mic and just doesn't use it, that's when I kinda get iffy on how well your performance is.

    Don't give up! I've come across some guys on l4d(xbox even) that are pretty awesome. Like, I've actually become really good friends with one. Though, I tend to get xbox rage (road rage xD) when a guy tries to get my number or something...I mean, seriously? Through a game?

  5. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Pwnage View Post
    ive just come across so many douchebags and tools on xbl. ive completely lost all hope in coming across a decent male who wont make a big deal out of me being a girl.
    To which I respond......O-M-G YOU'RE A GIRL?!
    <3 tattoos

  6. Zombie Rat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrela View Post
    I tend to get xbox rage (road rage xD) when a guy tries to get my number or something...I mean, seriously?
    What is your number by the way?

  7. Zombie Rat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Pwnage View Post
    ive just come across so many douchebags and tools on xbl. ive completely lost all hope in coming across a decent male who wont make a big deal out of me being a girl.
    You live pretty close to me, coffee sometime?

  8. Senior-Senior Member
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    I have a mic, and the only times I HAVE to use it in games is to sing out of tunes songs to cheer everyone up... otherwise we do just fine

  9. Zombie Rat
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    I rarely use my mic because I rarely need to. If you can't win without one, you're probably not going to win anyways lol.
    I'm coming to get you, Barbra!
    Click for instant pleasure!

  10. Been around a bit
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    Some people are shy. /thread

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